The Sixth
Declaration from the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism
To the peoples of the world:
From Chiapas, Mexico, we send out our word to all those women and men from below, in the countryside and the city, in Mexico and throughout the world, all those who sow resistance and rebellion against the neoliberal capitalism that destroys everything.
We met in the Ñahtó community San Francisco Xochicuautla, State of Mexico, on December 21, 22, and 23; in the Nahua community of Amilcingo, Morelos, on December 22 and 23; in the space of the Frente Popular Francisco Villa Independiente in Mexico City on December 24, 25, and 26; in Moncolva, Campeche, on December 28 and 29; in the Zapatista Caracol of Oventik, Chiapas, on December 31 and January 1; and in CIDECI in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, on January 2 and 3. We met to hold “sharings,” which means not only to share, but also to learn and build together. These were “sharings” that were grown from the deep pain and rage that belongs to all of us due to the disappearance and murder of the students from the Rural Teacher’s College Raul Isidro Burgos in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero. This was a criminal act that reflects the politics of death that the bad government and the capitalists have pushed into every corner of the country and the world. These missing students are our disappeared, and we, as the National and International Sixth, the National Indigenous Congress, and the Zapatista National Liberation Army will not cease to struggle until they are found.
The capitalists and their overseers in the bad governments have left destruction in each of our individual hearts and great destruction in the collective heart that we make up as peoples, mothers and fathers of the young people who were taken from us, and solidarity organizations, all determined to reconstruct life where the powerful have sown death and mourning.
In the indigenous communities that we comprise, we suffer attacks by the capitalist system through the blood and pain of our children, who are also the only possible future for this planet we call Earth. Amidst the distances and different colors that make up our being and our existence, we maintain the certainty that Earth is our mother and she is alive. And in order to keep her alive, justice must be a demand that is woven by the actions and convictions of those of us who comprise the world of below, those who do not aspire to govern that world but rather construct it along our path.
From the oceans, beaches, mountains, cities, and countryside, we build and rebuild alongside the assemblies, organizations, and collectives that in diverse autonomous forms weave spaces and forms of organization and solidarity that are capable of containing the capitalist destruction that does not distinguish between peoples and colors and in its chronic blindness only recognizes what feeds the same production dressed as permanent war, unjust markets, and colossal profits for a few. These are values alien to our peoples and against the ancient agreements made with our Mother Earth that give meaning and sense to life in the world, that give us freedom and dignity, dignified in living and defending life.
But the capitalists who say they are governing but really are only trying to dominate, administrate, and exploit, have a limit—a very large barrier—when they come up against the dignity of a person, a family, a collective, a society who they have profoundly damaged, from whom they have snatched and killed a part of their heart, thus detonating an explosion of rebellion that has illuminated the World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism which we call “Where those above destroy, we below rebuild.” Because we are below; from below we understand the world, from below we care for it, below we look at one another and from there, together, we rebuild the destiny that we believe is our own until the powerful snatch it from us and only then do we learn, do we know, that what is really ours is that which we can construct or reconstruct where capitalism has destroyed.
The pain that is converted into dignified rage in the families of the murdered and disappeared students of the Rural Teacher’s College Raul Isidro Burgos is the pain that has kidnapped and disappeared us also, and thus we will never stop struggling until they are found, along with all of the murdered, disappeared, tortured, exploited, disrespected, and dispossessed brothers and sisters, wherever they may be in this savage capitalist geography, on whatever border of the world, in whichever prison.
The walk of the peoples of the world in the countryside and the city, each with their path, are led by the footprints of their own ancestors, paths that divide, intersect, and cross with ours until they find one direction, marked by a rebellious dignity that speaks so many languages and has as many colors as nature itself, woven from small embroideries that together construct what we need to be.
So, brothers and sisters of this suffering world that is nonetheless happy because of the rebellion that nourishes us: we invite you to continue walking with a small but firm step, to continue to meet, share, construct, and learn along with us, to weave the organization from below and to the left of the Sixth that we comprise.
Only from our rebellion and our resistance will the death of capitalism be born and a new world brought to life, a world for all of us.
San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, January 3, 2015
Originally Published in Spanish by Enlace Zapatista
Pronunciamiento ante la deportación de Niñas y Niños Migrantes Mexicanos y Centroamericanos por EE.UU.
A los niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes mexicanos y centroamericanos detenidos en EE.UU.
A la sociedad civil en general, abajo y a la izquierda de México y el Mundo
La deportación de miles de niñas y niños migrantes Mexicanos y Centroamericanos de Estados Unidos, no significa otra cosa que la descomposición y la vileza de este sistema capitalista impuesto y que busca, por todos los medios, la obtención de los máximas ganancias. Pues si bien la migración de las personas entre estos países ha sido más bien histórica, el hecho de esta última oleada migratoria de menores de edad no acompañados habla, sin duda, de una etapa de resquebrajamiento de un sistema que a todas luces es lesivo para la humanidad.
La causa de que miles de niños, niñas y adolescentes emigren solos, o acompañados por sus precarias familias, obedece a que en sus países de origen simplemente ya no existen condiciones para subsistir de una manera digna. La pobreza, el desempleo, la precarización de derechos básicos como la salud y la educación, ha obligado a miles de familias a buscar mejores opciones de subsistencia. Pero ahora, lo que sobresale, es que también huyen de la violencia desencadenada por la delincuencia organizada (incluida la institucional) que subsiste del tráfico de estupefacientes consumidos, prácticamente en su totalidad, por el propio país del Norte.
De este principal negocio se han ramificado otros, como la trata de personas y el trasiego de armas, que son de igual forma, jugosos negocios de cuyas ganancias se beneficia no sólo la industria armamentista y de pornografía en los EE.UU. sino toda una red de criminales comunes y de cuello blanco, instalados en los gobiernos de los países a uno y otro lado de la frontera.
Pero, cuando los efectos de esta violencia “daña” o afecta a los Estados Unidos, con una gran ola de pequeños migrantes con mochila en mano (algo por cierto nunca visto en la historia de estos países), el gobierno de Estados Unidos recula, se pasma y obediente a su origen violento, responde con la deportación de aquello que él mismo ha provocado.
Para ello hace uso de sus lacayos en los gobiernos mexicanos y centroamericanos, quienes fieles a su amo, hacen el trabajo sucio de deportar niños, niñas y adolescentes, dejándolos en total indefensión ante la precariedad y la violencia establecida en sus países de origen.
La migración, la movilidad es un Derecho Humano. Los niños y niñas detenidos en estaciones migratorias de los EE.UU. huyen de la violencia en sus países, por tanto adquieren el carácter de Refugiados, definidos por la misma Cruz Roja Internacional como: personas que han cruzado una frontera internacional porque corren el riesgo de ser perseguidas o han sido perseguidas en sus países de origen. Bajo la Convención sobre Refugiados y de acuerdos contraídos internacionalmente, las naciones están obligadas a conceder asilo humanitario y no pueden ni deben devolver por la fuerza a un refugiado a su país de origen por el peligro que le significa.
Por tanto, el gobierno de Estados Unidos, está violando, una vez más, derechos fundamentales de grupos tan vulnerables como son los niños y las niñas de este mundo. Por fortuna, son los menos, los dueños del dinero, los condenados por la humanidad por cometer estas atrocidades, pues la mayoría estamos por proteger la vida, por proteger la esperanza que hoy representan los niños y las niñas para nuestra humanidad.
Cuando un país, un gobierno, es incapaz de proteger a su infancia, simplemente está condenado a desaparecer.
¡No a la deportación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes Mexicanos y Centroamericanos!
¡Asilo inmediato y reunificación de familias!
¡No al sistema capitalista depredador y asesino!
Sexta para Niñoas-DF.