
Festival de las Resistencias

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Radio Zapatista

First images of the Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism

Radio Zapatista

Esas piedras que provoquen esas chispas

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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

On the Eve of the Festival

Zapatista Army for National Liberation

December 19, 2014

To the National Indigenous Congress:
To the National and International Sixth:


Greetings to all of you. We are writing to let you know how participant registration is coming along for the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism: “Where those above destroy, we below rebuild.”

1. Originary Peoples of Mexico: Representatives from organizations, traditional authorities, and persons from the following native peoples have confirmed their registration:

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Preparations for the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

On Ayotzinapa, the Festival, and hysteria as a method of analysis and guide for action

Zapatista Army for National Liberation

December 2014

To the compas of the National and International Sixth:
To the National Indigenous Congress:
To the family members and compañeros of those killed and disappeared in Ayotzinapa:

Sisters and brothers:

Compañeros and compañeras:

There are many things we want to tell you. We won’t tell you all of them because we know right now there are more urgent and important issues for all of us.[i] Thus we ask for your patience and your attentive ear.

We Zapatistas are here. And it is from here that we see, hear, and read that the voice of the family members and compañeros of the murdered and disappeared of Ayotzinapa is beginning to be forgotten and that now, for some people out there, the more important things are:

-the words coming from other people that have taken stage;

-the discussions over whether the marches and protests belong to the well-behaved or the badly behaved;

-the discussion about whatever it is that appears most frequently and rapidly in social media;

-the discussion over what tactic and strategy will “move beyond” the movement.

And we think that the 43 from Ayotzinapa are still missing, as are the 49 from the ABC Daycare, the tens of thousands of murdered and disappeared citizens and migrants, the political prisoners and disappeared prisoners.

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Program of the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism

First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism

General Program

Inauguration: San Francisco Xochicuautla, Municipality of Lerma, Mexico State

Saturday December 20, 2014:

  • 4pm: Registration beings; arrival of delegates

Sunday December 21, 2014:

  • 8am: Breakfast, registration continues
  • 1-2pm: Lunch
  • 2-4pm: Inaugural Event for the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism
  • 4-9pm: Cultural Event.


  • 6pm: Delegates depart for Amilcingo
  • 9pm: Arrival to Amilcingo and delegate registration begins at this Sharing site.

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Medios Libres en La Realidad

Indigenous Peoples of Mexico Denounce Dispossession and Repression

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Medios Libres en La Realidad

[VIDEOS] Closure of the Exchange between the CNI and the EZLN

Videos by Free, Autonomous, Alternative Media or whatever they’re called, from the Caracol 1 of the EZLN. La Realidad, Chiapas. (Listen to the audios or read the declarations here.)

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Medios Libres en La Realidad

EZLN and CNI announce the First Great World Festival of Rebellions and Resistances

“Where those from above destroy, we from below rebuild”

The Indigenous National Congress and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, meeting together for 6 days in Caracol 1 of La Realidad, widely denounced the different dispossessions against the indigenous peoples throughout the national territory. “This dispossession has a name and that name is capitalism,” said Venustiano Vázquez Navarrete, delegate from the Wixarika people, who along with Miriam Vargas, read the first of the closing statements.

In this event Armando García Salazar, belonging to ñ’hañhú people, read a communiqué announcing the call to the First Great World Festival of Rebellions and Resistances, which will be held on the days from 21 December this year until 3 January 2015, in 6 states of the country.

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We from Below Rebuild! – The EZLN Invites to the World Festival of Resistances and Rebellions

EZLN invita al Festival Mundial de Las Resistencias y las Rebeldias contra el Capitalismo “Donde Los De Arriba destruyen Los de Abajo Reconstruimos”

EZLN invites to the World Festival of Resistances and Rebellions “Where those from Above Destroy, those from Below Rebuild”

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Invitation from the EZLN and CNI to the World Festival of Resistances and Rebellions

(Descarga aquí)  

To the brothers and sisters of the National and International Sixth:

In the gathering of our peoples in the Exchange between Zapatista Peoples and the National Indigenous Congress “David Ruíz Garcia,” we shared with each other our pain as well as our words and experiences of struggle, rebellion, and resistance.

Together we know that within our rebellions is our “NO” to the politics of destruction that capitalism carries out across the world. And we know that within our resistances are the seeds of the world that we want.

These rebellions and resistances are not just those of the indigenous peoples of Mexico. They are also found in the footsteps of the originary peoples across the continent and in all corners of the earth where individuals, groups, collectives, and organizations not only say “NO” to destruction, but go about constructing something new.
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