Report from Ya Basta! Italy: “5 Days of Worldwide Actions for the Bachajón 5”
[abajo en italiano]
Libertad para los 5 presos politicos de San Sebastian Bachajon!!
Desde Italia también respondemos al llamado del Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio de Nueva York (EE.UU.), adherente a la Otra Campaña. Un llamado a unir todos y todas, adentro de “5 Días de Acción Mundo por los 5 de Bachajón”, por qué sean inmediatamente puestos en libertad y que se haga justicia.
Y lo hicimos en diferentes ciudades en este día del 2 de abril, adentro de todas las manifestaciónes en contra de la guerra y en contra la cultura de la guerra, en todas sus formas, incluida la que sufren en México los y las adherentes a la Otra Campaña que luchan por sus derechos y su tierra, sufriendo continuos ataques por parte de todos los niveles del mal gobierno y de los grupos paramilitares.
Hasta que no haya seguridad que los gobiernos federal y estatal dejará de obedecer a las órdenes de las multinacionales, la comunidad de San Sebastián Bachajón defenderà la tierra y las fuentes de la energía, para protegerles de la destrucción y los desequilibrios ecológicos producidos por las multinacionales de todo el mundo .
“Estamos presos unicamente en cambio de nuestras tierras”, denuncian los compañeros detenidos ilegalmente. Denuncian que funcionarios del gobierno han presionado l@s presos, adentro de la prisón, para que acepten un diálogo que debería concluirse con la apropiación del territorio que lleva a las cascadas de Agua Azul por el gobierno. En el mentre la comunidad de Bachajón fue reprimida duramente durante las protestas.
Gracias a las protestas y manifestaciones de solidaridad y al trabajo constante de difusión de los medios nacionales e internacionales independiente, autónomo y libre , muchos de los presos políticos de S. Sebastián Bachajón han sido liberados, sólo cinco siguen presos.
Por esta razón seguimos con las movilizaciones junto con muchos y muchas en todo el mundo, con el fin de exigir al gobierno represivo de Chiapas, dirigido por Juan Sabines Guerrero, la liberación de los cinco de Bachajón y cualquier y todos y todas l@s pres@s políticos.
Justicia, Tierra y Libertad para los habitantes del ejido de San Sebastian Bachajón!
Ya Basta à la agresión en contra de los adherentes a la Otra Campaña!
Asociaciòn Ya Basta! Italia
link y fotos su
llamado por los 5 de Bachajon
2 april: fotos y acciònes por los 5 de Bachajon – Ya Basta! Italia
Juntos por la liberrtad! Caravana Ya Basta! desde Tunisia hasta la Libia
In italiano:
Libertà per i cinque prigionieri politici di San Sabestian Bachajon!!
Anche dall’Italia rispondiamo all’appello del Movimento per la Giustizia del Barrio di New York (USA), aderente alla Otra Campaña. Un appello ad unirci, tutte e tutti, in 5 giorni di azione a livello mondiale per i 5 di Bachajon, perché vengano immediatamente messi in libertà e perché sia fatta giustizia.
E lo abbiamo fatto in questa giornata del 2 aprile, all’interno delle manifestazioni CONTRO LA GUERRA E CONTRO LA CULTURA DELLA GUERRA, in tutte le sue forme, anche quella che stanno subendo in Messico gli aderenti alla Otra Campaña che si battono per i loro diritti e la loro terra, subendo attacchi continui da parte di tutti i livelli del mal governo e delle bande paramilitari.
Finchè non ci sarà la garanzia che i governi federali e statali smetteranno d’obbedire agli ordini delle multinazionali, la comunità di San Sebastian Bachajon difenderà la terra e le fonti d’energia, proteggendole dalla distruzione e dai disequilibri ecologici prodotti dalle multinazionali ovunque nel mondo.
“Ci tengono prigionieri unicamente in cambio delle nostre terre”, hanno denunciato i compagni illegalmente arrestati. Denunciano il fatto che rappresentanti governativi hanno fatto pressione in prigione per fargli accettare un “dialogo” che si sarebbe dovuto concludere con l’appropriazione del territorio che porta alle cascate di Agua Azul da parte del governo. Nel frattempo la comunità di Bachajon veniva duramente repressa durante le proteste.
Grazie alle mobilitazioni e alle dimostrazioni di solidarietà nazionali e internazionali e al lavoro sempre costante dei mezzi di diffusione indipendenti, autonomi e liberi, molti dei prigionieri politici di S. Sebastián Bachajón sono stati liberati, solo in 5 rimangono ancora prigionieri.
Per questo continuiamo le mobilitazioni insieme a tante e tanti ovunque nel mondo, al fine di esigere dal governo repressivo del Chiapas, guidato da Juan Sabines Guerrero la liberazione dei cinque di Bachajon e di tutte e tutti prigionieri politici.
Giustizia, Terra e Libertà per gli abitanti dell’ejido di di San Sabestian Bachajon!!
Stop alle aggressioni contro gli aderenti alla Otra Campaña!
Associazione Ya Basta! Italia
Signatures for the freedom of the political prisoners of Bachajón!
Sign the letter to demand the freedom of the 5 peasants detained in Bachajón, Chiapas, Mexico, for defending their natural resources. This letter will be sent to:
- President of Mexico: Lic. Felipe Calderón.
- Governor of the state of Chiapas: Lic. Juan Sabines.
- General Secretary of Governance of the state of Chiapas: Dr. Noé Castañón León.
- President of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice of the State of Chiapas: Dr. Juan Gabriel Coutiño Gómez.
The past February the 3rd, 117 indigenous tseltal peasants (ejidatarios) from San Sebastián Bachajón, municipality of Chilón, in Chiapas, Mexico, were detained in an arbitrary manner.
The detained people, which are adherent to ‘La Otra Campaña’ said that, among the several irregularities in their legal process, they were not provided with a defendant lawyer or qualified translation to their mother language. Also, they were threatened by the local police and harassed by the Public Ministry personnel.
The detention of the peasants occurred near to the entry to ‘Cascadas de Agua Azul’ while they were on a meeting discussing their response to the local government about the offering of a dialogue round-table between the involved parts. The local police performed massive detentions, and went after the people who looked for safe in the houses of the neighbourhood.
The next day, February the 4th, the interrogation and the discharge of evidence started, the sodium rodizonate test was performed to the detainees, they were forced to give samples of urine to perform toxicological tests, and the peasants referred that during all the process they were not assisted by a lawyer or a qualified translator according their own culture and language.
Their testimonials refer that during their declarations at the Ministry of Justice, they were threatened by the police and harassed by the employees of the State Ministry.
According to sources, in February the 5th at approximately 02:00 hours, the local Ministry of Justice of the State of Chiapas freed 107 peasants and, at 20:00 hours, ten people were consigned –among them one underage boy- to the Penal Court ‘Playas de Catazajá’, and then sent to the state prison Centro Estatal para la Reinserción Social de Sentenciados No. 17 (CERSS No. 17) in the municipality of Playas de Catazajá, Chiapas, being accused of qualified homicide, attempt of homicide, attacks to the peace and to the corporal integrity and attacks to the State patrimony, all included in the penal file No 39/2011.
A few days later, 5 prisoners were freed, but 5 other peasants from ejido de San Sebastián Bachajón remained imprisoned.
Being conscious of the violation of the Human Rights of the peasants of San Sebastián Bachajón -adherents to ‘La Otra Campaña’- in their struggle for the preservation of their rights to territory and the right to be informed and consulted, we demand to the authorities of this country as well as to the Ministry of Justice the following:
1. The immediate freedom of Jerónimo Guzmán Méndez, Domingo Pérez Álvaro, Domingo García Gómez, Juan Aguilar Guzmán y Mariano Demeza Silvano.
2. A serious, exhaustive, and based-on-truth investigation of all the events that occurred in February the 2nd, and a sanction to the personnel in charge of the administration of justice in the state of Chiapas, who incurred in violations of the Human Rights.
3. The respect to the right to territory of the indigenous peoples, right which the peasants of San Sebastián Bachajón are vigorously working for.
4. The cease of the harassment and the aggressions towards the indigenous communities, grass-root social workers, and human rights defenders.
5. The respect to the human rights of persons and peoples.