
comunidades zapatistas

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Radio Zapatista

In struggling feet we go on walking

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JBG de Garrucha

Junta de Buen Gobierno from La Garrucha, Our Path to Future, reports paramilitary assault

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Cideci / Universidad de la Tierra Chiapas

[EVENT] “Des-ordenando el género / ¿Des-centrando la nación?”

Cideci-Unitierra Chiapas invita a la presentación del libro:

Rosaluz Pérez
Mercedes Olivera
Sylvia Marcos
Xuno López
Márgara Millán

19 de marzo de 2015, 17:00 horas
Cideci-Unitierra Chiapas

Camino Viejo a San Juan Chamula s/n, Colonia Nueva Maravilla
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas

Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas

Mexican Army Harasses Zapatistas in La Realidad

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México
10 March 2015

Ejército en La Realidad

The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba), has documented, through the Civilian Observation Brigades (BriCO), systematic incursions by the Mexican Army, who are harassing the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) bases of support, in the territory of the Good Government Council of La Realidad, Jungle-Border zone, Caracol I “Toward Hope” (JBG).

The military actions in the territory of the JBG consist of incursions in convoys with trucks, hummers, jeeps, and motorized equipment; with members of the Mexican Army that range from 4 to 30 people. There are also low flights with light aircraft and helicopters photographing and filming members of the BriCO, zapatistas, and the JBG facilities. Since July 2014 these actions have been increasing, both in the size of the troops and the frequency with which they happen. (See the record of military activity at La Realidad).

Frayba is concerned with the increasing harassment by the Mexican Army in zapatista territory, since it constitutes actions to provoque and besiege that harm the rights to autonomy and free determination stipulated in the Mexican Constitution, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the San Andrés Accords.

Therefore, this Human Rights Center demands: Respect for the free determination and autonomy of zapatista peoples; and an end to the harassment by the federal government through the Mexican Army.

Finally, we recall that on May 2, 2014, members of the Central Independiente de Obreros Agrícolas y Campesinos Histórica (CIOAC-H), ambushed zapatista bases of support in the territory of the JBG of La Realidad; durng the attack, the armed group murdered José Luis Solís López, “Maestro Galeano,” and destroyed the Autonomous Clinic and School. The aforementioned organization is part of the municipal government of Las Margaritas and has the protection of the state government of Manuel Velasco Coello, which has allowed it to carry out aggressions, forced displacements, and murders in the region. (See Frayba Bulletin 16 on the aggression to zapatista bases of support at La Realidad on 5 May 2014.)

Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas

Noti Frayba: Threats, aggressions, and harassment to zapatistas bases of support

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(Subscribe to the NotiFrayba podcast here.)

El Grupo armado Pojcol amenaza, agrede y hostiga a comunidades zapatistas en el municipio Autónomo de San Manuel, en Chiapas, ante la omisión del gobierno de Manuel Velasco Coello.

El Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas informó que se vive una situación de tensión en la región de La Garrucha desde julio de 2014. Las amenazas se intensificaron desde enero de 2015 debido a que personas armadas provenientes de Pojcol, municipio de Chilón, Chiapas, incursionaron en la comunidad autónoma El Rosario e hicieron disparos durante algunas noches. El 12 de febrero de 2015 el grupo Pojcol destruyó el solar de un base de apoyo zapatistas y amenazó con tomar la comunidad autónoma Nuevo Paraíso.

El Frayba expresa que los actos de agresión y amenazas realizados por el “grupo de Pojcol” atentan contra el derecho a la autonomía y a la libre determinación, además de poner en riesgo la vida, seguridad e integridad personal de las bases zapatistas de las comunidades El Rosario y Nuevo Paraíso.

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Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas

Armed group harasses and threatens zapatistas from El Rosario

Since mid-February this year, an armed grou from of Pojol, municipality of Chilón (Chiapas), has been harassing the zapatista bases of support from the communities of El Rosario and Nuevo Paraíso, shooting at the air and destroying the home of a zapatista family at El Rosario. Now they threaten to violently take the community of Nuevo Paraíso if the zapatistas do not remove the guard that protects El Rosario. Belo, the denunciation from the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center.

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Sin Embargo

Chiapas, land of people displaced…by their own government

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Por Sandra Rodríguez Nieto febrero 4, 2015 – 00:00h 5 Comentarios

Los conflictos no son el único motivo por el que cientos de indígenas chiapanecos abandonan sus poblaciones. La obra pública emprendida por el gobierno de Manuel Velasco Coello, principalmente los megaproyectos carreteros, han expulsado a miles de habitantes de sus pueblos.

En no pocos casos, un día llegan elementos armados con palos, machetes y rifles a la vivienda de alguna persona y la obligan, junto con su familia, a dejar atrás sus tierras, su historia y su poco patrimonio. Detrás de estas acciones, según el Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, existe un motivo económico: el trazo de la autopista planeada entre las zonas turísticas de San Cristóbal de las Casas y Palenque, obra por la que miles de pobladores indígenas de al menos 10 municipios están siendo presionados para dejar o vender sus tierras.

En todos los casos de despojo existe el mismo patrón: operadores del gobierno estatal, apoyados por policías, en algunos casos, y siempre en la impunidad, atacan poblaciones de indígenas y simpatizantes zapatistas, forzándolos a dejar sus territorios.

Indígenas chiapanecos que se niegan a abandonar sus casas para dar paso a megaobras terminan muertos, segñun ONGS. Foro: CuartoscuroIndígenas chiapanecos que se niegan a abandonar sus casas para dar paso a megaobras terminan muertos, según ONGs. Foro: Cuartoscuro (Continuar leyendo…)
Koman Ilel

(Español) La Sexta Bachajón exige liberación de compañeros detenidos en Ocosingo

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Colectivos en México y el Mundo

International Support for Zapatistas against counterinsurgency in Chiapas

To National and International Civil Society,
To the National and International Sixth,
To the free, autonomous, independent media or whatever they are called,
To the Good Government Juntas,
To the EZLN,
To the support bases of the EZLN,

Companeras, Companeros,

From our corners of this planet in resistance and rebellion against capitalism, we come together to publicly denounce the recent aggression against our brothers and sisters, support bases of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, by the members of the organization ORCAO (Regional Organization of Coffee Growers of Ocosingo) against the BAEZLN communities of San Jacinto, El Egipto, Kexil and El Rosario, in the Autonomous Municipality of San Manuel.

The members of ORCAO arrived on the 25th of July, armed to take the reclaimed land, firing into the air, building roofs and threatening the 3 BAEZLN communities. On July 30, they came to poison the collective livestock of the autonomous municipality and wounded a young bull. Following the harassment, the armed group returned on the 1st of August, to attack the BAEZLN village of El Egipto. The women and children had to withdraw to another Zapatista settlement to avoid having to face the group. About 5 days later, they returned to cut down a tree, firing into the air close to two Zapatista communities.

Finally, on the 14th of August, in the very early morning, ORCAO paramilitaries surrounded the town of San Jacinto and fired into the houses, awakening the sleeping BAEZLN compas who had to take refuge in the other Zapatista village leaving behind all their belongings.

We vigorously denounce this intense violation of human rights, harassment, persecution and repression, and we denounce the direct strategy of the bad government against the Zapatistas, to counter the new Zapatista initiatives proposed during the exchange between the Indigenous National Congress and the EZLN. As the HRC Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas stated, this is a war of counterinsurgency being pursued by the bad state and federal government and their business allies against the Zapatistas.

We are well aware of this strategy which affects several regions of Chiapas, and we also do not forget the attack on our sisters and brothers from La Realidad, the murder of our companero Galeano, and the destruction of the clinic and school of the community on May 2nd, perpetrated by paramilitaries from CIOAC-H.

That is a direct attack against Zapatista autonomy, as the Zapatistas are becoming stronger, we realise more and more that the construction of Zapatista autonomy, which is this other world that they are building, is working and walking. Likewise we also become stronger and more organised, and the plans of the bad government will not be enough to stop the progress of the Zapatistas.



Denunciation from The Caracol Resistance towards a New Dawn of Attacks by ORCAO in Several Communities of BAZ in La Garrucha

Urgent Action against displacement


Consejo Autónomo Regional de la Zona Costa de Chiapas
Frente Civico Tonalteco
Centro de Derechos Humanos Digna Ochoa AC
Colectivo de Mujeres “Tejiendo Resistencias en La Sexta”
Comunidad Autónoma Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, Puebla.
Sector de Trabajadores Adherentes a la Sexta
Colectivo Azcapotzalco adherente a la Sexta
Kolectivo de BoCa En BoCa
Pozol Kolectivo
Colectivo Radio Zapatista, Chiapas, México
Colectivo Votán Zapata
La Sexta del totonacapan
Colectivo Autónomo de Colaboración Social, Toluca, México
Biblioteca Popular


Asociacion Espoir Chiapas/ Esperanza Chiapas (Francia)
Comitato Chiapas “Maribel” – Bergamo (Italia)
ASSI (Acción Social Sindical Internacionalista
20zln – Milano – Italia
Groupe CafeZ, Liège Belgique
Casa Nicaragua”, Liège, Belgique.
Associació Solidaria Cafè Rebeldía-Infoespai, Barcelona
Rl Centro de Documentación sobre Zapatismo -CEDOZ
Caracol Zaragoza
Gruppe B.A.S.T.A., Münster, Alemania
Alternative Libertaire (France)
UK Zapatista Solidarity Network:
Dorset Chiapas Solidarity Group
Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group
Kiptik (Bristol)
London Mexico Solidarity Group
Manchester Zapatista Collective
UK Zapatista Translation Service
UK Zapatista Learning and Teaching Collective
Zapatista Solidarity Group – Essex
La Adhesiva, Barcelona.
CGT Estado Español
Union syndicale Solidaires, France
Fédération SUD éducation, France
Fédération anarchiste (France)
Comité Tierra Y Libertad, Lille France
Réseau Latino de Lille, France,
Caracol Solidario, Besançon, Francia
Associazione Ya Basta NordEst
asociación Mut Viyz 13 de Marseille, Francia
Les Grains de sable, Francia


Colectivo de la Red de Solidaridad con México, Chicago, Illinois, EEUU
Mexico Solidarity Network collective, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas

Frayba: Counterinsurgency continues to operate in Chiapas

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San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México
18 de agosto de 2014

La contrainsurgencia sigue operando en Chiapas

Los gobiernos federal y estatal han demostrado de sexenio en sexenio su desprecio hacia los pueblos originarios en México. En esta fase del capitalismo neoliberal profundizan su política de despojo para implementar proyectos que conllevan la desaparición de formas de organización social, política y cultural de comunidades y pueblos, resistencias que son el hálito de la diversidad humana, un ejemplo de ello, son los pueblos organizados en el Congreso Nacional Indígena.(1)

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