
derechos humanos

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Human Right Defenders threatened

The government of Chiapas is unable to guarantee the integrity of human rights defenders in Chiapas, nor comply with precautionary meassures by the CIDH.(Descarga aquí)  


URGENT ACTION: New death threats to Margarita Martínes and members of Frayba

Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas show for November 7, 2010

DISPLACEMENT: complete show that attempts to develop an expansive understanding of the phenomenon of displacement. the main topics include gang injunctions in oakland; the invasion of san juan copala, oaxaca; and the case of the gonzález sisters, three tzeltal girls who were raped by mexican soldiers in 1994. (1hr 40 min, mp3)

The Frayba Report

The Frayba Report: Misión Civil de Observación de Derechos Humanos y Conflictividad Social

The civil organizations that make up the Network for Peace (Red por la Paz) visited the municipalities of Comitán, Trinitaria, Comalapa and Chicomuselo, in the border region of Chiapas with Guatemala, in order to document the situation of human rights in the region. This program presents their report.

Reporte Frayba

Reporte Frayba: Civil Mission for Observation of Human Rights and Social Conflicts

The civil organizations that make up the Network for Peace (Red por la Paz) visited the municipalities of Comitán, Trinitaria, Comalapa and Chicomuselo, in the border region of Chiapas with Guatemala, in order to document the situation of human rights in the region. This program presents their report.

Noticias de la Otra

Report on Frayba’s Annual Report and other news

  • Cucapa fishermen detained in Baja California
  • Mobilization by Movimiento de resistencia civil contra las altas tarifas de la energía eléctrica de Candelaria, Campeche
  • Armed attack against member of the Movimiento de resistencia civil contra las altas tarifas de la energía eléctrica de Candelaria
  • Agression against members of Frente Cívico Tonalteco and the Digna Ochoa Human Rights Center
  • Break-in and intimidations against journalist Laura Castellanos
  • Solidarity actions in Paris
  • Karakola Global convokes to cultural uprising

Annual Balance of the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center(Frayba)

Summary of the Annual Balance

Noticias de la Otra

Encounter by the Movement for Justice in el Barrio, New York, and news from Chiapas and the Other Campaign

Interview with Oscar from the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, in East Harlem, New York, about their struggle and the Third Encounter for Dignity and against Gentrification. In addition, important news:

  • Paramilitary aggressions by Opddic against zapatista bases of support at Bolom Ajaw
  • Paramilitary threats by Ejército de Dios to Other Campaign adherents at Mitzitón
  • National and international solidarity with zapatista communities
  • Murder of sex worker in Mexico City
  • March by the Frente Plural Ciudadano in repudiation of the massacre of 16 youths in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
  • Inform by adherents to the other campaign of Valle de Chalco about the floods and request for aid
  • Tlachinollan Human Rights Center in the mountains of Guerrero denounce violence against human rights activists
Relatos Zapatistas

Interview to Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center

Interviw with Jorge Armando about the work of the FrayBa, the recent history of repression in Chiapas, and the preparations of the Mexican state for 2010: the media campaign against human rights organizations and counterinsurgency actions in communities.

Noticias de la otra

Sex Workers and the Other Campaign

Sex Workers and the Other Campaign: The Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer Elisa Martínez, Which is part of the Red Mexicana del Trabajo Sexual, just published the book “La otra campaña y la lucha de clases de las trabajadoras sexuales en México”. During the presentation, Sergio Rodríguez, Gloria Muñoz, the compañera Krishna, Elvira Madrid and Jaime Montejo spoke about the struggle of sex workers and the Other Campaign