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Radio Zapatista

(Español) AUDIOS: “A 10 años del 2001: ¿Qué opinan ahora las organizaciones sociales que salieron a la luz en medio de la crisis?” (Argentina)

Radio Zapatista

Report from Bolivia: Repression against the Indigenous March in Defense of the TIPNIS

Radio Zapatista

Press Conferrence: Brigade of Observation and Solidarity with Zapatista Communities

Las agresiones a las comunidades zapatistas son cada vez sistemáticamente más violentas y continuas y los actos de provocación contra el EZLN parecen más que obvios. De ahí la necesidad de organizar una Brigada de Observación y Solidaridad para recabar datos, registrar el ambiente y mostrar que nuestros compañeros zapatistas no están solos. La Brigada, que contó con 57 brigadistas, visitó cuatro de los cinco caracoles zapatistas del 28 de agosto al 1 de septiembre (17 fueron al caracol de La Realidad, 12 a Oventik, 16 a La Garrucha y 12 a Morelia). El 2 de septiembre, en conferencia de prensa en en Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas, las y los brigadistas relataron la situación en las comunidades zapatistas.

Informe de La Realidad (Ve el video 1 / Vee el video 2 / Lee el texto)(Descarga aquí)  

Informe de Oventik (Ve el video / Lee el texto)(Descarga aquí)  

Informe de La Garrucha (Ve el video / Lee el texto)(Descarga aquí)  

Informe de Morelia (Ve el video / Lee el texto)(Descarga aquí)  

Informe General (Ve el video / Lee el texto)(Descarga aquí)  

Preguntas y respuestas (Ve el video)(Descarga aquí)  

Ve las fotos abajo: (Continuar leyendo…)

Radio Zapatista

Greeting by Radio Zapatista in solidarity with the Chilean people in resistance

Radio Zapatista

Protesta contra el ecocidio en San Cristóbal de Las Casas y Tuxtla

The population of Las Peras and the Hutitepec Alcanfores neighbourhood in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, and Cahuaré in Chiapa de Corzo, Tuxtla, have decided to unite their struggle against environmental degredation and pollution created by extractive industries. Children, old people, women – in other words the whole community- are suffering from respiratory illnesses and allergies. These are the result of industrial activities which affect the community´s health at the same time as making others rich (in this case, business-owners working hand in glove with the local authorities) on the back of the suffering of others. Nonetheless, the community has organised itself to struggle together for a dignified life and an environment that is healthy for everyone.(Descarga aquí)   (Continuar leyendo…)

Medios Libres Chiapas

Student demonstrations continue en Chile, repression increases

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Radio Zapatista

The student movement in chile: Report from the mega-march in Santiago on July 14, 2011

In this report, we joined the students and workers in Santiago de Chile in the massive march on July 14, 2011, to hear the voices of the protesters in their struggle against neoliberalism and for the democratization of public education. We also spoke with an activist in Santiago about the history of the privatization of education to better understand what is happening in the current struggle in Chile.

(Descarga aquí)  


Just a few days ago, on Thursday August 4, 2011, the student movement in Chile was brutally attacked by the neoliberal government of Sebastián Piñera. After nearly six weeks of protests, marches, and occupations of schools, the students once again took to the streets in a massive, unauthorized protest. In response to the escalating protests, President Piñera chose to apply a law put in place by former dictator Augusto Pinochet, which makes popular assembly illegal if it is not authorized by the government. Threatening the student activists, the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Hinzpeter stated that “the students will be held responsible for any deaths that result from the protests.”

The massive mobilizations throughout the country were met with violent repression by the thousands of police officers deployed to attack the protesters, and by the end of the day there were dozens wounded and 874 people had been arrested. Reports from Santiago announced that the city was under a state of siege, and the smell of tear gas had permeated the barrios. That night, neighbors took to the streets with the practice known as the “cacerolazo,” banging on pots and pans late into the night to show their support for the students and to denounce the violence. This practice became quite common during the nearly two decades of military dictatorship under Pinochet.

The following day, protests were held across Latin America and around the world, as rallies were held in front of Chilean embassies and Consulates in dozens of countries. And in Santiago, outside of the Memory Museum—a space dedicated to the collective memory of the state terrorism of Pinochet’s dictatorship—student installed the “Museum of Repression” with displays of items they had gathered during Thursday’s protests. Images circulated of a display of tear gas canisters, accompanied by a sign that reads: “Each canister costs approximately $250 dollars, and on this block alone we gathered more than 370 discarded canisters. You can draw your own conclusions.”

What follows is a segment produced by Radio Zapatista a few weeks ago, reporting from the July 14 march in Santiago de Chile. While it is now somewhat outdated, we want to air it because it gives a sense of the events that led to Thursday’s historic march and repression, and allows us to hear some of the voices of those who have been, and continue to, organize in defense of public education.

Radio Zapatista

The student movement in Chile: Report from the mega-march in Santiago on July 14, 2011

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

En este reportaje, salimos a la mega-marcha de estudiantes y trabajadores en Santiago de Chile el 14 de julio 2011, para escuchar las voces de los manifestantes en su lucha contra el neoliberalismo y por la democracia y la educación pública. También hablamos con un activista de Santiago sobre la historia de la privatización de la educación para entender mejor el cómo y porqué de la lucha actual en Chile.

(Descarga aquí)  
Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas in July: Interviews on Austerity and the “Drug War”

On this month’s show we bring you three in-depth interviews: 1) Oakland librarian “Agnes” on public libraries in a time of austerity, when 14 of 18 libraries were threatened with closure; 2) reporter and author John Gibler on his new book, To Die in Mexico, which analyzes the so-called “drug war” in Mexico; and 3) two compañerxs from UA in the Bay announce the Anarchist General Assembly that will take place on July 16, along with an update on the continuing occupation of Glen Cove. (2 hrs, mp3)

Four audio files are available here: 1) the full show; 2) interview on libraries and austerity (28 min); 3) interview with John Gibler (42 min); 4) interview on Anarchist General Assembly (14 min).

Relatos Zapatistas

Autonomía y Austeridad / Relatos Zapatistas en junio

This month’s program, broadcast on June 5, tries to think through the relationship between two concepts: autonomy and austerity. Here we’ve uploaded two interviews as separate segments/files that can be easily downloaded and listened to. The first (both in Spanish and translated into English) deals with the so-called “Spanish Revolution,” the massive popular mobilizations against the electoral system that have been taking place in Spain since May. The second focuses on a series of actions organized against austerity politics and their local manifestations. The two interviews also reflect on the question of how best to articulate an anti-austerity politics that’s at the same time anti-state.

The audios are also available on the Indybay website: 15-M Español, 15-M English, and austerity.