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Radio Pozol

Response by immigration authoritis to the case of human rights activist in hunger strike

El compañero Cristobal Sánchez, en huelga de hambre desde el pasado 17 de julio, que no había tenido respuesta alguna desde iniciada su protesta, tuvo un encuentro la noche de hoy martes con la encargada del jurídico de la estación, quien salió a dialogar con Cristobal y mencionó desconocer totalmente de las agresiones realizadas por agentes migratorios en contra del activista de derechos humanos. Al ver la precaria situación del huelguista, en ves de atender su petición de justicia, sus argumentos fueron los de ofrecerle zapatos, pantalones y agua.
(Descarga aquí)  
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Red contra la Represión y por la Solidaridad

Pronunciamiento de la RvsR en Chiapas por agresiones contra BAZ.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Red contra la Represión y por la Solidaridad (Chiapas)
18 de julio 2011

Nos pronunciams en contra de los hechos ocurridos en el poblado Nuevo Paraíso Municipio Autónomo Francisco Villa donde Miembros de la organización regional de cafeticultores de Ocosingo (ORCAO) ocuparon violentamente las tierras de los compañeros bases de apoyo zapatistas.

Como denuncia la Junta de Buen Gobierno El Camino del Futuro, el accionar del ORCAO viene vinculado a los lazos que dicha organización mantiene con los tres niveles de gobierno.

No son hechos aislados. Recientemente denunció la Junta de Buen Gobierno de Oventik que los bases de apoyo zapatistas de San Marcos Avilés viven una situación muy fuerte de tensiones y miedo por las agresiones y amenazas de los partidistas y por la presencia de patrullajes policíacas. También la Junta de Buen Gobierno de Morelia ha denunciado como integrantes del ORCAO secuestraron y torturaron compañeros bases de apoyo zapatistas del municipio autónomo Lucio Cabañas

Esta forma de camuflar el despojo del territorio por parte del gobierno, utilizando para la intervención de grupos de corte paramilitar o de choque, es una estrategia de contrainsurgencia elaborada desde instancias gubernamentales. Queda claro que el despojo de la tierra es la actual arma que da acceso a sus planes económicos, pero no solamente esto, también es la forma mediante la cual intentan desgarrar un pueblo en resistencia, aniquilar su cultura y destruir la autonomia.

Pero como la Junta de Buen Gobierno de Oventik escribe en la denuncia del 1º de julio; “Que no piensen que van a detener con provocaciones, amenazas, agresiones y persecuciones la lucha de los pueblos zapatistas por la construcción de nuestra autonomía y por la liberación nacional, cueste lo que nos cueste, pase lo que pase pero vamos a seguiremos adelante, porque es nuestro derecho”.

Recordamos que estas tierras fueron recuperadas en 1994 en el contexto del levantamiento del EZLN, y tierras reapropiadas para el uso de las familias originarias. Ni los corruptos políticos y sus grupos armados, ni los intereses financieros y sus ejércitos industriales tienen ningún derecho sobre ellas. La libertad en territorio zapatista no es la del libre comercio, si no la que construyen comunitariamente desde su propia autonomía.

Por todo esto exigimos el cese inmediato al hostigamiento y despojo en contra de las bases de apoyo zapatistas por parte de los tres niveles de gobierno, Estatal, Federal y Municipal, y la organización de cafiticultores de Ocosingo (ORCAO).

¡Basta de agresiones!
¡Basta de hostigamiento hacia las comunidades zapatistas!

¡Si nos tocan a uno a una nos tocan a todos!

Red contra la Represión y por la Solidaridad Chiapas

Radio Zapatista

Interview to the migrant rights activist Cristóbal Sánchez, in hunger strike in Tapachula, Chiapas

Entrevistamos a Cristóbal Sánchez Sánchez, estudiante, defensor de derechos humanos y coordinador de la caravana “Paso a paso hacia la Paz”, quien se encuentra en huelga de hambre en Tapachula, Chiapas, para exigir la destitución y castigo de los policías estatales y de migración que lo agredieron, golpearon y detuvieron arbitrariamente mientras documentaba un operativo de la policía migratoria.

Cristóbal habla sobre su detención y los abusos que sufrió, sobre la situación de los migrantes en México y sobre la caravana Paso a paso hacia la Paz.

(Más información sobre la caravana aquí.)
(Descarga aquí)  

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Radio Zapatista

Limeddh: Report on the situation of the victims of the overflowing of the Grijalva river in 2007 and testimonies

Conferencia de prensa de la Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos A.C. (Limeddh), la red de alerta temprana y organizaciones solidarias. En este informe se aborda graves violaciones a los derechos económicos sociales y culturales (e irregularidades en posteriores programas de apoyo a damnificados) que se dan a partir de dicho desastre fruto del seguimiento e investigación de lo sucedido desde las inundaciones del 2007 a la fecha (2011).

Presentación – Alma (Limeddh):(Descarga aquí)  

Aurelio Morales (Limeddh – difusión):(Descarga aquí)  

Abigail Escalante (Limeddh – abogada) – Irregularidades en el proceso de los presos de Tecpatán y Frontera Comalapa:(Descarga aquí)  

Aurelio Morales – comentarios sobre el caso de los detenidos:(Descarga aquí)  

Aurelio Morales – Ciudades Rurales “Sustentables”:(Descarga aquí)  

Miguel Angel García (Maderas del Pueblo) – Ciudades Rurales:(Descarga aquí)  

Victorino González (testimonio de la comunidad de Rómulo Calzada, conocida como Herradura):(Descarga aquí)  

Testimonios de familiares de los detenidos):
(Descarga aquí)  
(Descarga aquí)  
(Descarga aquí)  
(Descarga aquí)  

Comentarios de la abogada Abigail Escalante:
(Descarga aquí)  

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Indymedia Chiapas

After being detained and tortured by Mexican immigration authorities, activist begins hunger strike in Tapachula, Chiapas

Radio Zapatista

Denunciation by Concepción Avendaño: Harrassment by the Chiapas government

This July 2, 2011, day of the march against violence against women in San Cristóbal de Las Casas,the activist Concepción Avendaño Villafuerte received a citation to appear at the General Attorney’s office (PGR) this next July 5. The compañera fears for her freedom and asks that we remain attentive and calls for solidarity.(Descarga aquí)  

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Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas

URGENT ACTION: Death threats, harrassment and risk of forced displacement in San Marcos Avilés

San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

June 27, 2011


Death threats, harrassment and risk of forced displacement in San Marcos Avilés

According to information documented by the Center for Human Rights (Frayba), in the ejido of San Marcos Aviles, Chilon municipality, there are death threats, harrassment, looting and the risk of forced displacement of support bases of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (BAEZLN) at the hands of some residents of the same ejido, members of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) and Green Party of Mexico (PVEM).

In response, Frayba is making known its concern at the imminent risk to life, personal integrity and security faced by BAEZLN, inhabitants of the ejido of San Marcos Avilés, as these death threats and harrassment have increased during recent days, further, the plundering of land is preventing work in the fields and the harvest of their crops, which results in those affected suffering from a lack of food, causing serious damage to the health of children, women, men, and the elderly.

Given these facts, BAEZLN families fear being displaced again, for which reason the Centre of Human Rights states:

The responsibility of the state by default, as to date government authorities have not acted to ensure the integrity and security of BAEZLN and access to land despite the many interventions submitted by the Center for Human Rights;

and demands:

  • An end to death threats, harassment and theft against BAEZLN by members of political parties in the ejido San Marcos Avilés;
  • To protect and safeguard the life, integrity and personal security of the members of BAEZLN, respecting their autonomy process that they have been building for years under the right to self-determination of peoples, established in the Convention (No. 169) concerning Indigenous and tribal people in independent countries, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


On September 9, 2010, the Center for Human Rights received a complaint from the Good Government Junta Central Heart of the Zapatistas before the World, of Caracol 2 Resistance and Rebellion 2 for Humanity community based in Oventic, San Andres Sakamch’en of Los Pobres, Chiapas, in relation to threats, harrassment and forced displacement that were suffered by 170 men, women and children of ejido San Marcos BAEZLN Township Chilón Avilés, Chiapas, following the construction in August 2010 of the first autonomous school in the ejido to begin  the planned activities of the Zapatista Rebel Autonomous Education System.

That day, 30 people of the ejido San Marcos Avilés affiliated with the PRI, PRD and PVEM parties, led by Lorenzo Ruiz Gómez and Vicente Ruiz López, violently entered the homes of members BAEZLN armed with sticks, machetes and guns, and tried to rape two women, who managed to escape. In order not to respond to aggression, the people of BAEZLN left their homes and sought refuge in the bush. After 33 days of forced displacement without any food or protection, on October 12, 2010 27 families (50 women, 47 men and 77 children, in total 170 people) returned to their community.

As documented by the Center for Human Rights, they found that in the properties of the displaced: the houses had been looted of all their belongings, corn and beans, their coffee plantations and fruit trees had all been destroyed, as well as the animals each family had in their corral.

Since Frayba learned of the problem in the ejido San Marcos Aviles, they have on several occasions informed the government authorities of the situation, to request compliance with their obligation to ensure the integrity and personal security of the inhabitants and to seek a solution to the conflict. Despite this, there was no response.

However, even when the displaced returned to their home community, we received and documented persistent daily threats in the community, so there is a risk of forced displacement. On April 6, 2011, a Civil Camp for Peace was installed in the ejido, composed of civilian observers to deter any violent actions, however they are also being subjected to threats and harassment.


Send appeals to:

Lic. Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa
Presidente de la República
Residencia Oficial de los Pinos
Casa Miguel Alemán
Col. San Miguel Chapultepec,
C.P. 11850, México DF
Tel: (52.55) 2789.1100 Fax: (52.55) 5277.2376 Correo:
Lic. José Francisco Blake Mora
Secretario de Gobernación
Bucareli 99, 1er. Piso, Col. Juárez,
Del. Cuauhtémoc,
C.P. 06600 México D.F.
Fax: (52.55) 50933414; Correo:,
Lic. Juan José Sabines Guerrero
Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Chiapas
Palacio de Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas, 1er Piso
Av. Central y Primera Oriente, Colonia Centro, C.P. 29009
Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México
Fax: +52 961 61 88088 – + 52 961 6188056
Extensión 21120. 21122; Correo:
Dr. Noé Castañón León
Secretario General de Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas
Palacio de Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas, 2do Piso
Av. Central y Primera Oriente, Colonia Centro, C.P. 29009
Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México
Conmutador:                         + 52 (961) 61 2-90-47            , 61 8-74-60
Extensión: 20003; Correo:
Lic. Raciel López Salazar
Procuraduría General de Justicia de Chiapas
Libramiento Norte Y Rosa Del Oriente, No. 2010, Col. El Bosque
C.P. 29049 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas
Conmutador:             01 (961) 6-17-23-00      . Teléfono:                         + 52 (961) 61 6-53-74            , 61 6-53-76, 61 6-57-24,
61 6-34-50
Dr. Santiago Canton
Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
1889 F Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20006
Fax 1-202-458-3992
Send copies to:
Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas, A.C.
Calle Brasil 14, Barrio Méxicanos,
29240 San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México
Tel:             967 6787395      ,             967 6787396      , Fax: 967 6783548
Relatos Zapatistas

Autonomía y Austeridad / Relatos Zapatistas en junio

This month’s program, broadcast on June 5, tries to think through the relationship between two concepts: autonomy and austerity. Here we’ve uploaded two interviews as separate segments/files that can be easily downloaded and listened to. The first (both in Spanish and translated into English) deals with the so-called “Spanish Revolution,” the massive popular mobilizations against the electoral system that have been taking place in Spain since May. The second focuses on a series of actions organized against austerity politics and their local manifestations. The two interviews also reflect on the question of how best to articulate an anti-austerity politics that’s at the same time anti-state.

The audios are also available on the Indybay website: 15-M Español, 15-M English, and austerity.

Europa Zapatista

GREECE – URGENT! Two demonstrators very seriously injuered, one of them in a coma

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Más información: Europa Zapatista

– 11 de Mayo: La represión policíaca ha llenado con sangre las calles de Atenas.
– En proceso manifestaciones contra la represión.

La primera reacción viendo las fotos que siguen este pequeño escrito es: “esto no puede pasar en Europa”. Sin embargo son fotos de una capital europea. Igual podrían ser de Londres, Roma, Barcelona, París… Son de Atenas. Donde la represión policíaca bajo los órdenes del gobierno griego contra manifestantes que protestaban ayer en el marco de la huelga general, del 11 de mayo, por las políticas que exterminan la sociedad, ha mandado a los hospitales a 97 manifestantes. Dos de ellos muy gravemente heridos por golpes policiacos incotrolados.

El compañero G.K., de treinta años, miembro de la “Asamblea de Resistencia y Solidaridad de Barrio Kypseli” está en el hospital de Nikea y los médicos batallan por su vida. Las heridas mortales se provocaron por golpeos en la cabeza. Cuando le trasladaron al hospital estaba en “estado de muerte”, según el comunicado de los médicos. La operación para quitar los hematomas cerebrales que se provocaron por los golpes policiacos duró 4 horas. Los médicos todavía no pueden decir si va a vivir o no y cómo.

Otro manifestante, el M.P. de 29 años está hospitalizado en Evaggelismos, donde los médicos avanzaron su operación y le quitaron el bazo para salvarle la vida.

En Atenas los últimos años hemos vivido y sufrido la represión brutal de las fuerzas de represión. Sin embargo el ataque maníaco de ayer, un ataque sin razón y motivo contra los manifestantes, sin el pretexto habitual de los ïncidentes, no puede describirse en palabras. HAN DECLARADO LA GUERRA CONTRA LA SOCIEDAD.

ULTIMA HORA. Amaneciendo hoy, unos fascistas acuchillaron y asesinaron a un inmigrante. En este momento está en proceso otro programa gubernamental contra los inmigrantes y alrededor de 1000 fascistas marchan por el centro de Atenas…

No cabe duda, como en tantos otros lugares del mundo, hoy en Grecia y buena parte de Europa camina la barbarie del capitalismo, con sus políticas neoliberales y sus ejércitos de esbirros. Y todo es posible, incluso el retorno del fascismo más puro y crudo, si es que alguna vez se fue…


2011 in Chiapas: Federal and State Governments Plan to Clear Community Resistance to Mega-projects

by Miguel Pickard

The development of large infrastructure projects by Mexico’s federal government and the Chiapas state government continues to advance — rapidly where no organized opposition exists and stealthily where it does. These projects are part of the Meso-America Project (formerly known as the PPP or Plan Puebla Panama).[1] Currently the two most important mega-projects in Chiapas are (1) the Sustainable Rural Cities Project[2] (SRC) and (2) the large infrastructure projects designed to turn Chiapas into a “second Cancún” for tourism and, at the same time, an important participant in the lucrative carbon-credit trading market.

The second Sustainable Rural City in Chiapas will soon be launched in Santiago el Pinar[3] before a gala audience including President Calderón, Governor Sabines, and their respective entourages. The multi-million-dollar Sustainable Rural Cities Program could be described as a genocidal “cold war” led by Governor Sabines against the thousand-year-old rural and indigenous cultures, given its intent to clear the countryside of rural peoples, many of them indigenous, and destroy their way of life and means of production rooted in the land that many have held for centuries.

Claiming to have found “the reason behind poverty” in the “dispersion” of rural peoples in small and relatively isolated villages, the Chiapas state government has pressured rural and indigenous people to sell or turn over their land in order to relocate and concentrate them in newly built Rural Cities,. This social-engineering project was conceived mainly to benefit large corporations, which will profit from the “freed up” land. Rural families will find themselves living on tiny plots on street after street of identical houses, in a scene reminiscent of suburban sprawl in the United States. In this setting, they will be uprooted from their traditional lifestyles based on forms of production that are ecologically sound, and thrust into a capitalist economy, where they will have to meet all of their needs, including the acquisition of basic foods, through purchase in the market. They will be hostage to the meager salaries that some — a few — will receive in exchange for their labor in agricultural projects or in maquiladoras that are being built on land near the Rural Cities. The indigenous peoples’ loss of autonomy will have begun and, over time, it will be total. (Listen to the Special Report by Radio Zapatista.)

Another key project in Chiapas is the construction of a new 173 km [109 mile] toll road that will link the tourist sites of San Cristóbal de Las Casas and Palenque, current magnets for domestic and international visitors. The toll road is the backbone of a comprehensive tourism project (disguised as ecological tourism) that, in the words of Governor Sabines, will make Chiapas “the second Cancún.”

Upon signing the National Tourism Agreement on February 28, 2011with entrepreneurs from the tourism industry, Calderón committed Mexico to becoming the world’s fifth largest tourism destination by 2018. According to Calderón, the agreement will “increase [Mexico’s] connectivity” by land, sea and air to facilitate tourists’ “arrival, travel and departure” along the main sightseeing routes. This implies “speeding up…construction of…ports and highways.” Fittingly, 2011 was declared the “Year of Tourism.”[4]

In 2009, the construction of the toll road between San Cristóbal and Palenque was stopped by mobilized groups of indigenous peoples resisting the plunder and destruction of their lands that would inevitably result from the project. Resistance by the traditional landholders and members of the Zapatista-inspired “The Other Campaign” has been centered in the communities of Mitzitón, some 15 km [10 miles] from San Cristóbal, and in San Sebastián Bachajón, municipality of Chilón, some 70 km [43.5 miles] from Palenque.

Sites of special importance to the construction of the toll road are Mitzitón, which has been designated “Kilometer Zero,” or the starting point for the toll road, and San Sebastián Bachajón, which abuts the tourism sites of Agua Azul and Bolom Ajaw.[5] In 2009, the federal government disseminated plans showing that the route of the toll road would run through traditional landholdings in Bachajón and Zapatista landholdings in Bolom Ajaw.

Given the mobilizations by organized opposition groups to the toll road, the federal and state governments, starting in 2009, decided to push forward on other fronts. Federal authorities have moved rapidly to improve the access highway to the toll road – that is, the 15 km stretch of land between San Cristóbal and Mitzitón – by adding and widening lanes and building bridges designed to handle continually increasing volumes of traffic. This work is also particularly valuable to important neighbors of the road, since the wide stretch of asphalt and sturdy overpasses will improve mobility for troops and tanks from the nearby Rancho Nuevo military base.

While the federal government levels the roadway, the state government has taken on the task of “leveling” the organized groups opposing the incursion of the road. The harassment of opposition groups in Mitzitón and Bachajón has been constant for the last several years, but conflicts have intensified in the last few weeks. In Mitzitón, this was the result of the presence of armed young evangelicals, the so-called Army of God (Ejército de Dios), the shock troops of the Eagle’s Wings (Alas de Aguila) evangelical church, which reputedly has close ties to the state government. These paramilitaries have frequently attacked the majority Catholic group in Mitzitón, mostly members of The Other Campaign, who have opposed the construction of toll road on their lands, with the consequent destruction of forests, aquifers and farm land.

In Bachajón, the state government has reverted to the old tactic of wearing down the community through the arbitrary mass arrests of residents, forcing it to divert time, energy and resources into mobilizing for their release. On February 3, 2011, 117 Bachajón landholders, participants in The Other Campaign, were arrested and arraigned on charges of killing a PRI party member in a skirmish the previous day, even though only the PRI forces carried firearms. Most of the 117 were released shortly thereafter, but 10 people remain in Playas de Catazajá prison.[6] The confrontation occurred after a PRI group violently took possession of a toll booth at the entrance to the Agua Azul recreation area that was in the hands of members of The Other Campaign, because the latter had committed an intolerable act: they had begun building an ecotourism center to be run not by the government but by the local inhabitants. In the skirmish, PRI partisans destroyed the toll booth and stole building materials, including wheelbarrows, several tons of cement and assorted tools.

As one Bachajón landholder said (hear the complete interview):

What the government is doing now is jailing those who lead the movement. As an organization we are the government’s worst enemy […] because it doesn’t want us to defend what is rightfully ours […] we know the government wants [to use] violent means to seize our ecotourism center.

People in other parts of Chiapas who have demonstrated their solidarity with the groups in Bachajón and Mitzitón have suffered similar fates of repression and detention. This was the case on February 17, when people were arrested for taking part in an act of civil disobedience by intermittently blocking the Pacific Coast highway near the town of Pijijiapan. After the blockade was lifted, the state police detained 19 people of the Coast Regional Autonomous Council (also part of The Other Campaign). Sixteen were freed after a few hours, but lawyers from the Digna Ochoa Human Rights Center were arraigned on charges of “rioting” and inciting violence. The lawyers say that they came to the blockade merely as observers to record possible human rights violations by authorities.

In trying to discern the “logic” of state violence, analysts have noted that acts of civil disobedience seem to be a tipping point for repression. For the government, protest actions by common citizens who break laws in order to defend collective, civil and human rights are intolerable. While this remains the case, it is now evident that the state government will also resort to repression against organized groups when their protests slow down the advance of public or public/private infrastructure projects. Whether it uses a carrot or a stick, the objective is the same: to wear down and defeat opposition groups. When dialogue or negotiations fail, the government can always use the militarized police or paramilitary groups such as “God’s Army” to repress opposition through incarcerations, harassment, or intimidation.

This is the “logic” or strategy behind the marked increase in recent weeks in repression against members of The Other Campaign in Chiapas. This repression is calculated to wear out groups resisting the Meso-American Project’s mega-infrastructure works, not only because they oppose the neoliberal privatization and commodification of everything, but also because they propose alternative, non-capitalist forms of government, education, health, and employment. This is especially the case in the Zapatista and other communities, such as Mitzitón or Bachajón, linked to The Other Campaign, which are actually working to make these alternatives reality.

Calderón and Sabines have less than two years left in their terms to achieve significant advances in the mega-projects slated for Chiapas. The increase in repression signals the start of a campaign, in this “Year of Tourism,” to clear away any opposition to making Chiapas a “green Cancún” – that is, a paradise for investors and the site of a massive resettlement experiment designed to disposses rural peoples of their land. Behind plans such as the Meso-America Project lie billions of dollars, powerful interests, and major agreements, such as the one signed recently between Chiapas and California to establish extensive “green zones” in Chiapas for the carbon credits market.[7] The people of Chiapas know little or nothing about these plans.

Translation from Spanish by the author, who gratefully thanks Carol Pryor for her editorial assistance.


[1] For more information on the Meso-America Project, see

[2] For more informaton on the Rural Citites Program, see

[3] The SRC of Santiago el Pinar was launched in late March 2011 after this article was originally drafted in Spanish. The first SRC is Nuevo Juan de Grijalva [translator’s note].



[6] [Five people remain in prison as of this translation into English in late May 2011. (Translator’s note)]

[7] For more information on the carbon credits market in Chiapas, see

REDD: Nombres para el despojo (La Jornada, 21 May 2011)