(Español) Individuos, Colectivos y Organizaciones de Chiapas, México, y del mundo denuncian la incursión militar en el ejido Tila
Tila, Chiapas, México. Foto: RZ
Comunicado de los ejidatari@s de Tila
Comunicado de apoyo del Congreso Nacional Indigena
Compañeras, Compañeros,
Hermanas, Hermanos,
Desde nuestras geografías hemos aprendido lo sucedido en el ejido Tila con la llegada del ejercito en sus tierras a unos tres días de su aniversario de ejido. 82 años!
El día martes 2 de agosto entraron tres vehículos militares de la marina del ejercito federal mexicano en el ejido tila, por la tarde, para fotografiar lo que queda de la presidencia municipal que tomaron ya hace unos 8 meses, lo que provoco intimidación y temor de los compañeros y compañeras del digno pueblo chol del ejido de Tila.
La organización autónoma de su ejido y las guardias que han puesto en los varios barrios y puntos estratégicos de Tila permitieron alertar con tiempo al pueblo, y así el pueblo se organizo y se junto lo que hizo huir a esos militares confirmando la ilegalidad de su presencia en su territorio.
Bien sabemos los esfuerzos de organización que ustedes hicieron desde que tomaron la presidencia municipal el día 16 de diciembre para echar a las y los de arriba que rechazan reconocer a sus derechos. La presidencia municipal fue construida sin acuerdo de la asamblea ejidatarial y solo provoco injusticias, discriminación y hostigamiento, buscando destruir su colectividad, su organización. Desde la fecha, se organizaron para trabajar la autonomía ejidal, el autogobierno, el pueblo se junto para hacer las tareas que no hacia el mal gobierno, mas preocupado por robar el dinero del ayuntamiento que servir al pueblo.
Open letter on the aggressions against the people’s movement in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas
July 21, 2016
To the current governor and the other overseers of the southeastern Mexican state of Chiapas:
Ladies (ha) and Gentlemen (double ha):
We do not send greetings.
Before it occurs to you to try (as the PGR[i] is already attempting in Nochixtlán) to blame the cowardly aggression against the people’s resistance encampment in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas on ISIS, we would like to provide you, at no charge, the information we have collected on the subject.
The following is the testimony of an indigenous partidista[ii] (PRI) brother from San Juan Chamula, Chiapas, Mexico:
“At 9am (on July 20, 2016) the Verde party followers were called to the governor’s palace. They went and were told to do again what they had done the other day.”
(NOTE: he is referring to the incident in which a group of indigenous people affiliated with the Partido Verde Ecologista (Green Ecology Party) put on ski masks and went to create chaos at the [teachers’] blockade between San Cristóbal and Tuxtla Gutiérrez, the capital of Chiapas. When they were detained by the CNTE’s [teachers’ union] security, they first said they were Zapatistas (they weren’t, aren’t, and never will be), and later admitted they were partidistas.
But this time they were supposed to dialogue so that the people at the blockade would let the trucks from Chamula that do business in Tuxtla go through. The municipal president (who belongs to the Verde Ecologista Party) sent police patrols and local ambulances. The municipal president of San Cristóbal sent some more police. The governing officials in Tuxtla sent a bunch more. See, they [the people from Chamula] had made a deal with the police—they already had a plan. So they went in there like they were going to dialogue but one group went into the blockade’s encampment and started destroying things, stealing or burning everything they found. Then they started shooting—the Verdes are indeed armed—but shooting like a bunch of drunks and druggies. The police were acting like their security detail, their backup. We don’t agree with what the Verdes did. Now the tourists are scared to come to the municipal center (of San Juan Chamula) and this screws everybody over because it really hurts our businesses. It’s not the blockade but rather the fucking Verdes that are fucking us over. Now we’re going to go protest in Tuxtla and demand they remove that asshole of a president. And if they won’t listen to us, well then we’ll see what we have to do.”
With regard to that clumsy attempt to dress paramilitaries in ski masks and say they were Zapatistas, it was a total failure (in addition to being a tired old trick that has been tried before by Croquetas Albores).[iii] Questioned on whether they thought it had been Zapatistas who destroyed the blockade and committed these outrageous acts, here are the comments of two townspeople, without any known political affiliation: