
Pueblos Indígenas

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Radio Ñomndaa / La Otra Europa

Radio Ñomndaa (Guerrero, México)

After years of a process full of irregularities and impunity, despite extensive evidence, the voice of the community radio comunitaria Ñomndaa continues being stepped on; a radio station that for years has been giving voice to the voiceless, the Nnanncue indigenous peoples.

Program by Radio Ñomndaa on the case of Don Silverio Matías Domínguez, who for 10 years has demanded justice for the agression that made him lose an eye, and the impunity that declared innocent the aggressor, the current municipal secretary of Xochislahuaca and brother of the cacique Aceadeth Rocha Ramírez, José Luis Rocha Ramírez. Part 1:(Descarga aquí)  

Part 2:(Descarga aquí)  

Radio segment in solidarity with the compañer@s from Guerrero from the Other Europe (Nodo Solidale / Colectivo Zapatista de Lugano / Nomads de Xm24).(Descarga aquí)  

More information on the case.

Indymedia Chiapas

XXVIII Meeting of the National Indigenous Congress, Center-Pacific Region

On Feb 5 and 6 more than 110 delegates and 44 communities and organizations participated in Mezcala, Jalisco, of the 13th meeting of the CNI, Center-Pacific Region, where autonomy was debated. In the three workgroups these questions were debated: what is autonomy; what have been the problems for exercising autonomy; autonomous proyects under way, and how is dispossession experienced in the communities. The Final Declaration gathers the results of the work and a list of denunciations that reflect what is happening to adherents to the Other Campaign throughout the country.

Declaration: (Descarga aquí)  

Closure (Cerilo Rodad Lopez from the Coca peoples of Mezcala, Jalisco): (Descarga aquí)  

Representatives from 44 indigenous communities share experiences in autonomy in their communities.


Presentation of the collective audio-book Sjalel Kibeltik – Tejiendo Nuestras Raíces

At Cideci, Universidad de la Tierra, en San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, the mutlilingual audio-book Sjalel Kibeltik – Tejiendo Nuestras Raíces was presented. The authors are members of communities, organizations, and collectives, who through their roots and by telling their own collective-individual storeis, open a window to look at the knowledge/doing of the originary Mayan-Chiapan peoples and the work of those who, Mayanized, have walked/learned with them since times past.

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relatos zapatistas

Special report from bolivia: mandar obedeciendo & the gasolinazo

In this segment, DJ Alita reports from La Paz, Bolivia on the festivities of the fifth anniversary of the government of Evo Morales, and the first of the Plurinational State. It focuses in particular on the contradictions revealed by the gasolinazo, as well as debates about the uses of the Zapatista concept of “mandar obedeciendo.”

(Descarga aquí)  
Radio Zapatista

Despedida a Jtatic Samuel

With sorrow and an immense recognition we bade farewell to our dear Jtatic Samuel Ruiz García, who passed away on January 24, 2011. These are some of the moments of his farewell during the 38 hours in which his body remained in the cathedral of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, before being buried in the cathedral. To Don Samuel, our deepest feelings of gratitude for his work at the side of the original peoples, the poor and exploited. You remain with us, dear Tatic.

Communique by the CCRI-CG of the EZLN on the death of Don Samuel.

Radio Zapatista

Programa en inglés

Report on two communities affected by the Mexican government’s undeclared war against Zapatista territory, in conjunction with paramilitary forces and pro-government peasant organizations (Bolon Ajaw and 24 de Diciembre). Interview with Prof. Marlon Sherman (Ogala Lakota) from Humboldt State University, who talks about the Lakota Indian declaration of autonomy.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish

Lakota Indians declare autonomy; Remembering the massacre of Acteal; Commemorating women’s resistance and Comandanta Ramona; Repression and paramilitarization in Chiapas.

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con Morning Star del Intertribal Friendship House

Interview with Morning Star from the Intertribal Friendship House and with indigenous rights activist Cesar, about the protests at UC Berkeley, where 13,000 bodies of indigenous ancestor are being held at the Hearst Museum, without consultation or dialog with indigenous communities.

Español:(Descarga aquí)  

English:(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

Program in English

Report on the Continental Indigenous Encounter in Vicam, Sonora; Interview with Morning Star of the Intertribal Friendship House and indigenous movement supporter Cesar, on the protests against at UC Berkeley, which is holding 13,000 indigenous ancestor bodies at the Hearst Museum; Interview with members of CopWatch L.A., who talk about the purpose and workings of the organization.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish – May 2007

(Descarga aquí)  

One year since Atenco; Harrassment against the Sixth Commision of the EZLN; Continental Encounter of Indigenous Peoples of America, The Other Campaign, Situation in Chiapas (Interview by Radio Bemba wth Comandante David, Subcomandante Marcos, Juan Chávez); May 1 marches, immigration.