
Pueblos Indígenas

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Medios Libres en La Realidad

Declarations from the Exchange between the CNI and the EZLN (9 Aug 2014 – La Realidad)

Medios Libres en La Realidad

EZLN and CNI announce the First Great World Festival of Rebellions and Resistances

“Where those from above destroy, we from below rebuild”

The Indigenous National Congress and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, meeting together for 6 days in Caracol 1 of La Realidad, widely denounced the different dispossessions against the indigenous peoples throughout the national territory. “This dispossession has a name and that name is capitalism,” said Venustiano Vázquez Navarrete, delegate from the Wixarika people, who along with Miriam Vargas, read the first of the closing statements.

In this event Armando García Salazar, belonging to ñ’hañhú people, read a communiqué announcing the call to the First Great World Festival of Rebellions and Resistances, which will be held on the days from 21 December this year until 3 January 2015, in 6 states of the country.

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We from Below Rebuild! – The EZLN Invites to the World Festival of Resistances and Rebellions

EZLN invita al Festival Mundial de Las Resistencias y las Rebeldias contra el Capitalismo “Donde Los De Arriba destruyen Los de Abajo Reconstruimos”

EZLN invites to the World Festival of Resistances and Rebellions “Where those from Above Destroy, those from Below Rebuild”

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Invitation from the EZLN and CNI to the World Festival of Resistances and Rebellions

(Descarga aquí)  

To the brothers and sisters of the National and International Sixth:

In the gathering of our peoples in the Exchange between Zapatista Peoples and the National Indigenous Congress “David Ruíz Garcia,” we shared with each other our pain as well as our words and experiences of struggle, rebellion, and resistance.

Together we know that within our rebellions is our “NO” to the politics of destruction that capitalism carries out across the world. And we know that within our resistances are the seeds of the world that we want.

These rebellions and resistances are not just those of the indigenous peoples of Mexico. They are also found in the footsteps of the originary peoples across the continent and in all corners of the earth where individuals, groups, collectives, and organizations not only say “NO” to destruction, but go about constructing something new.
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Medios Libres en La Realidad

YES to Resistance – Words of Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés at the Closure of the Exchange between the CNI and the EZLN

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Medios Libres en La Realidad

The Mirrors in Resistance – Declaration of the Exchange between Indigenous Peoples and the EZLN at La Realidad (9 Aug)

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Por Medios Libres en La Realidad

Caracol de La Realidad, Chiapas. 9 de agosto de 2014.- Ante las y los compañeros de la Sexta Internacional e Internacional, el Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) y los 28 colectivos, grupos, tribus del Congreso Nacional Indígena (CNI) se dio a conocer la “Declaración Sobre El Despojo de Nuestros Pueblos” la segunda compartición de acuerdos entre el CNI y el EZLN.
(Descarga aquí)  

La tierra que nos vio nacer que nos da la vida y que finalmente descansamos en ella eternamente por eso somos todos los colores que somos todas las lenguas que hablan nuestros corazones por eso somos pueblos, somos tribus, somos nación, somos las guardianas y los guardianes de estas tierras, de este país que es México, de este continente y del mundo. EZLN, Agosto del 2014.

A voz de un compañero de San Francisco Xochicuautla, se compartió en la explanada del caracol donde nos encontrábamos compañeros de la Sexta, las Bases de Apoyo Zapatistas (BAZ) y demás invitados a la clausura de la Primera Compartición De Pueblos Originarios de México con Pueblos Zapatistas: “Compañero David Ruiz García”.

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Manuela Picq

Self-Determination as Anti-Extractivism: How Indigenous Resistance Challenges World Politics

Self-Determination as Anti-Extractivism: How Indigenous Resistance Challenges World Politics Print
Written by Manuela Picq
Monday, 02 June 2014 19:46
This article was originally published in E-International Relations’ free-to-download Edited Collection, Restoring Indigenous Self Determination: Theoretical and Practical Approaches. Republished under a Creative Commons License.

Indigeneity is an unusual way to think about International Relations (IR). Most studies of world politics ignore Indigenous perspectives, which are rarely treated as relevant to thinking about the international (Shaw 2008; Beier 2009). Yet Indigenous peoples are engaging in world politics with a dynamism and creativity that defies the silences of our discipline (Morgan 2011). In Latin America, Indigenous politics has gained international legitimacy, influencing policy for over two decades (Cott 2008; Madrid 2012). Now, Indigenous political movements are focused on resisting extractive projects on autonomous territory from the Arctic to the Amazon (Banerjee 2012; Sawyer and Gómez 2012). Resistance has led to large mobilized protests, invoked international law, and enabled alternative mechanisms of authority. In response, governments have been busy criminalizing Indigenous claims to consultation that challenge extractive models of development. Indigenous opposition to extractivism ultimately promotes self-determination rights, questioning the states’ authority over land by placing its sovereignty into historical context. In that sense, Indigeneity is a valuable approach to understanding world politics as much as it is a critical concept to move beyond state-centrism in the study of IR.

The Consolidation of Indigenous Resistance against Extractivism

Indigenous peoples are contesting extractive projects in various, complementary ways. Collective marches have multiplied as an immediate means of resistance throughout the Americas. In 2012, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador led thousands of people on a 15-day, 400-mile March for Life, Water, and the Dignity of Peoples, demanding a new water law, the end of open-pit mining, and a stop to the expansion of oil concessions. Within days, a similar mobilization took over Guatemala City. The Indigenous, Peasant, and Popular March in Defense of Mother Earth covered 212 kilometers to enter the capital with nearly 15,000 people protesting mining concessions, hydroelectric plants, and evictions. In Bolivia, various marches demanded consultation as the government prepared to build a highway within the Indigenous Territory and National Park Isidoro Sécure (TIPNIS). From Canada’s Idle No More movement to the protests against damming the Xingú River Basin in Brazil, Indigenous movements are rising and demanding they be allowed to participate in decisions affecting their territories.

Protests are at the core of global Indigenous agendas. In 2013, the Fifth Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples of the Abya Yala encouraged communities to step-up resistance in light of the threat posed by state-sponsored extractivism. This is what Indigenous women were doing when they walked from Amazon territories to Quito, Ecuador, denouncing government plans to drill without consultation in the Yasuní reserve. Local protests are not trivial or irrelevant in world politics. Rather, they are part of a larger effort to transform local concerns into international politics.

Indigenous peoples have remarkable expertise in international law and are savvily leveraging their rights to consultation and self-determination guaranteed in the ILO Convention 169 (1989) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) (UN General Assembly 2008). They have won emblematic legal battles at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), at times obliging states to recognize Indigenous territorial authority. In the decade-long case of Sarayaku v. Ecuador, the IACHR upheld the right of free, prior, and informed consent with a binding sentence against the Ecuadoran State for allowing a foreign oil company to encroach on ancestral lands without consultation during the 1990s. A 2011 petition by communities of the Xingú River basin led the IACHR to order Brazil’s government to halt the construction of the Belo Monte Dam. The Mayan Q’eqchi’ expanded jurisdiction by taking Hudbay Minerals to Court in Canada for crimes committed at an open-pit nickel mine in Guatemala. In Canada, two Manitoba First Nations used their own legal systems in 2013 to serve eviction notices to mining companies operating illegally on their land.1

International pressure is significant, yet states frequently eschew what they perceive to be uncomfortable mechanisms of accountability. Courts may validate Indigenous resistance, and UN reports warn against the catastrophic impact of extractive industries, but Brazil continued to build the Belo Monte Dam and Peru’s government did not consider suspending the Camisea gas project of drilling 18 wells on protected territories that have been home to Amazonian peoples in voluntary isolation (Feather 2014). Nevertheless, states that evade prior consultation obligations only foster Indigenous inventiveness. In the absence of official mechanisms of consultation, people establish autonomous ones. Local communities of the Kimsacocha area took matters in their own hands after years of being ignored, demanding Ecuador’s government consult them on a mining project in the highlands. In 2011, they organized a community-based consultation without the authorization of the state that was nevertheless legitimized by the presence of international observers (Guartambel 2012). The community voted 93% in favour of defending water rights and against mining in the area. Autonomous forms of prior consultation are increasingly common in Latin America. In Guatemala alone, there have been over sixty community-based consultations since 2005 (MacLeod and Pérez 2013).

Contesting States of Extraction

Indigenous resistance has been the target of severe government repression, ranging from judicial intimidation to assassinations of activists. Mobilizations against the Congo mine in Cajamarca, Peru, led President Ollanta Humala to declare a state of emergency and unleash military repression. An estimated 200 activists were killed in Peru between 2006 and 2011 for resisting extractivism (Zibechi 2013). Colombia’s government, in turn, declared protests against the mining industry illegal. In Ecuador, about 200 people have been criminalized for contesting the corporatization of natural resources. Many have been charged with terrorism. Violent repression against TIPNIS protesters in Bolivia revealed that even Evo Morales, Latin America’s first elected Indigenous president, is willing to use force to silence demands for consultation. Various activists opposing the multinational mining giant AngloGlod Ashanti have been assassinated. Argentina’s Plurinational Indigenous Council, which calls for an end to extractivism, has recorded eleven assassinations since 2010. The Observatory of Mining Conflicts in Latin America (OCMAL) estimates there are currently 195 active conflicts due to large-scale mining. Peru and Chile lead the list with 34 and 33 conflicts respectively, followed by Mexico with 28, Argentina with 26, Brazil with 20, and Colombia with 12. Mega-mining alone affects nearly 300 communities, many of which are located on Indigenous territories.

This wave of intense criminalization indicates the expansion of the extractive frontier. In Peru, where anti-extractivist unrest toppled two cabinets under the Humala government and led to the militarization of several provinces, mineral exploration expenditures increased tenfold in a decade. In 2002, 7.5 million hectares of land had been granted to mining companies; by 2012 the figure jumped to almost 26 million hectares, or 20% of the country’s land. Nearly 60% of the province of Apurímac has been granted to mining companies. In Colombia, about 40% of land is licensed to, or being solicited by, multinational companies for mineral and crude mining projects (Peace Brigades International 2011). According to OCMAL, 25% of the Chile’s territory was under exploration or operation as of 2010. In 2013, Mexico’s government opened the state-controlled energy sector to foreign investment, changing legislation to allow private multinationals to prospect for the country’s oil and natural gas resources for the first time since 1938.

The problem is that governments are largely licensing Indigenous land. In 2010, the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues reported that Colombian mining concessions had been awarded in 80% of the country’s legally recognized Indigenous territories. Colombia’s government has 8.8 million hectares of Indigenous reserves designated as oil areas and granted 168 mining licenses on Indigenous reserves in 2011. Extractive industries lead to evictions, toxic waste, and resource scarcity, creating conflicts over water, soil, and subsoil. Open-pit mining uses unsustainable amounts of water. The controversial Marlin mine, partly funded by the World Bank in 2004, and today fully owned by Goldcorp, uses in one hour the water that a local family uses over 22 years (Van de Sandt 2009).2 In Chile, mining consumes 37% of the electricity produced in the country – which will reach 50% in a few years – compared to 28% for industry and 16% for the residential sector. This requires the Chilean State to continually expand energy sources, thereby accelerating displacement and the transfer of agricultural land to hydroelectric projects.

Conflicts against extractivism should not be dismissed as only concerning Indigenous peoples. They encompass larger debates about the role of extractivism in politics and contest a development model based on the corporatization of natural resources. In particular, they reveal the continuous role of resource exploitation as a strategy to finance states. Governments are prioritizing extractive industries as key engines of growth, although there is ample evidence that extractive industries create relatively few jobs. President Juan Manuel Santos promised to turn Colombia into a mining powerhouse because it attracts quick investment. Opening Ecuador to mega-mining financed much of President Correa’s third re-election. In fact, his unexpected policy shift to approve drilling within the Yasuní Reserve is explained largely by his government’s urgent need for cash. China, which holds over 35% of Ecuador’s foreign debt and financed 12% of its budget in 2013, buys about 60% of the country’s oil and is expected to pre-buy Yasuní oil (Guevara 2013).

Indigenous claims against extractive projects contest a world system based on predation and usurpation. In Guatemala, mining is managed by long-standing political elites and inscribed in the colonial genealogy of power. In many instances, the entrepreneurs promoting mining today are the scions of the same oligarchical families that have controlled Indigenous land and peoples for centuries (Casaús 2007). The political economy of extractivism encompasses global inequalities of exploitation, within and among states. About 75% of the world’s mining companies are registered in Canada, and most operate in the so-called Global South (Deneault et al. 2012). Extractive industries in the North rely on alliances with national elites to exploit natural resources of peoples and places historically marginalized from power politics.

Indigeneity as a Way to Rethink International Relations

Claims against extractivism are ultimately claims to the right of self-determination. The unilateral expropriation of land for mining today is a continuation of the Doctrine of Discovery. It conceptualized the New World as terra nullis, authorizing colonial powers to conquer and exploit land in the Americas. It also paved the way for a paradigm of domination that outlasted colonial times to evolve into a broader – and more resilient – self-arrogated right of intervention embodied by the modern state (Wallerstein 2006). Today, the idea of “empty” lands survives in extractivist practices. Large-scale mining by multinational corporations perpetuates the human abuse and resource appropriation initiated by Spanish colonizers centuries ago in the Bolivian mines of Potosi. International rights to self-determination may have replaced Papal Bulls, yet the political economy of looting natural resources on Indigenous lands continues, now in the name of development.

In this context, Indigeneity is a privileged site for the study of international relations. First and foremost, the extent and sophistication of Indigenous political praxis is relevant to any explanation of world politics. The rise of anti-extractivism as a politics of contestation against state exploitation calls for alternative sites of governance, such as the Inuit Circumpolar Council (Shadian 2013). Indigenous claims are shaping political practice, framing international legislation, and destabilizing assumptions about stateness. They seek the redistribution of rights as much as the uprooting of the concentration of power in the state. In that sense, Indigenous claims to consultation challenge the authority of states over natural resources as much as Westphalian forms of sovereignty.

Second, Indigeneity disrupts state sovereignty (Ryser 2012). The UNDRIP became the longest and most hotly debated human rights instrument in UN history because the expansion of Indigenous rights is intrinsically related to issues of state authority over territory. Rights to self-determination entail the recognition of plural forms of territorial authority in competition with states. Indigeneity is attributed to peoples who have historically been excluded from projects of state-making. Yet it contributes much more than making visible historically excluded groups. It refers to a politics that both precedes the state and lies outside of it. It is the constitutive “other” of the modern state, marked by a co-constitutive history that explains why Indigenous politics vary depending on different processes of state-formation. Consequently, Indigeneity is vital to a discipline dedicated to studying relations among states precisely because it is intrinsically related to state-formation. Standing outside of, and prior to, the state makes Indigenous standpoints valuable in terms of thinking critically about world politics and imagining what post-national political assemblages may look like (Sassen 2008).

Finally, Indigeneity is a strategic perspective in expanding scholarly debates on what constitutes IR. Indigenous experiences complement and broaden official national histories with forgotten or repressed narratives (O’Brien 2010), thus expanding methodological assumptions on how to do IR (Jackson 2010). Its precedence over the modern state encompasses alternative worldviews to think about the international beyond stateness. Indigeneity thus defies core epistemological foundations about power. In particular, it historicizes the state and sovereignty, moving away from Eurocentric conceptions of the world (Hobson 2012) and breaking with the discipline’s unreflective tendencies (Tickner 2013). The vibrancy of Indigenous struggles not only confirms the inadequacy of the state, echoing calls to provincialize Europe’s political legacies (Chakrabarty 2000), but it also provides concrete experiences of what the international can actually look like within and beyond the state (Tickner and Blaney 2013). Indigeneity is therefore doubly valuable for world politics. In addition to contributing alternative praxis of the international, it instigates critical theory to expand disciplinary borders.


Indigeneity is a valuable category of analysis for world politics. Indigenous experiences offer a fuller understanding of the world we live in. Integrating indigenous perspectives in the study of IR speaks to the ability to extend our political practice beyond the ivory tower. It is not a category of analysis that concerns merely Indigenous peoples, just as racism is not a matter for people of African descent only, or post-colonial studies the domain of previously colonized societies. The entire thrust of Indigeneity is that the non-state is the business of the state, and that there are alternative pathways available to decolonize the discipline.

Stripping IR of its state-centrism invites us to reflect upon the entrenched colonialism of international relations. Indigenous perspectives will hopefully inspire scholars to adventure beyond the conventional borders of the discipline. After all, opening an alternative locus of authority is nothing short of revolutionary.

Article originally published in E-IR’s free-to-download Edited Collection, Restoring Indigenous Self Determination: Theoretical and Practical Approaches. Republished under a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license

Banerjee, S. (2012) Arctic Voices: Resistance at the Tipping Point. New York: Seven Stories Press.
Beier, J.M. (2009) International Relations in Uncommon Places: Indigeneity, Cosmology, and the Limits of International Theory. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Casaús, M. E. (2007) Guatemala: Linaje y racismo. Guatemala: F&G Editores.
Chakrabarty, D. (2008) Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Cott, D.L.V. (2008) Radical democracy in the Andes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Deneault, A., Denis, M. and Sacher, W. (2012) Paradis sous terre: comment le Canada est devenu la plaque tournante de l’industrie minie`re mondiale. Montre´al: E´cosocie´te´.
Feather, C. (2014) Violating rights and threatening lives: The Camisea gas project and indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation. Moreton-in-Marsh, United Kingdom: Forest Peoples Programme.
Guartambel, C.P. (2012) Agua u oro: Kimsacocha, la resistencia por el água. Cuenca, Ecuador: Universidad Estatal de Cuenca.
Guevara, F. E. (2013, December 10) “La explotación del Yasuní: reprimarizacioón de la economía del Ecuador.” Opción- Ecuador.
Hobson, J.M. (2012) The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics: Western International Theory 1760-2010. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jackson, P.T. (2010) The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations: Philosophy of Science and Its Implications for the Study of World Politics. New York: Routledge.
MacLeod, M. and Pérez, C. (2013) Tu’n Tklet Qnan Tx’otx’, Q’ixkojalel, b’ix Tb’anil Qanq’ib’il, En defensa de la Madre Tierra, sentir lo que siente el otro, y el buen vivir. La lucha de Doña Crisanta contra Goldcorp. México: CeActl.
Madrid, R.L. (2012) The Rise of Ethnic Politics in Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Morgan, R. (2011) Transforming Law and Institution: Indigenous Peoples, the United Nations and Human Rights. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate.
O’Brien, J.M. (2010) Firsting and Lasting: Writing Indians Out of Existence in New England. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
Peace Brigades International. (2011) “Mining in Colombia: At What Cost?” Colombia Newsletter, 18: 1–47.
Self-Determination as Anti-Extractivism
Ryser, R.C. (2012) Indigenous Nations and Modern States: The Political Emergence of Nations Challenging State Power. New York: Routledge.
Sassen, S. (2008) Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Sawyer, S. and Gomez, E.T. (2012) The Politics of Resource Extraction: Indigenous Peoples, Multinational Corporations and the State. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Shadian, J.M. (2013) The Politics of Arctic Sovereignty: Oil, Ice and Inuit Governance. New York: Routledge.
Shaw, K. (2008) Indigeneity and Political Theory: Sovereignty and the limits of the political. New York: Routledge.
Tickner, A.B. (2013) “Core, periphery and (neo)imperialist International Relations.” European Journal of International Relations, 19(3): 627–46.
Tickner, A.B. and Blaney, D.L. (2013) Claiming the International. New York: Routledge.
UN General Assembly. (2008) United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples resolution / adopted by the General Assembly. 2 October 2007, UN. Doc. A/RES/61/295.
Van de Sandt, J. (2009) Mining Conflicts and Indigenous Peoples in Guatemala. The Hague: Cordaid.
Wallerstein, I.M. (2006) European Universalism: The Rhetoric of Power. New York: The New Press.
Zibechi, R. (2013, October 27) “Latin America Rejects the Extractive Model in the Streets.” Americas Program. Available at: (Accessed 29 January 2014).Endnotes
1 A delegation from the Red Sucker Lake First Nation descended on the work camp of Mega Precious Metals, Inc., a mineral exploration company, to stop them from working and demand that they vacate the land immediately. The Mathias Colomb First Nation issued a similar order to Hudbay Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd. and the Province of Manitoba.
2 According to the company’s own social and environmental impact report, the Marlin mine consumes about 250 thousand liters of water every hour (MacLeod and Pérez 2013).

M4-Movimiento Mesoamericano contra el Modelo Extractivo Minero

M4 Denounces: Gold Corp is unworthy of awards, we demand justice

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Estimad@s compañer@s

Hemos recibido este llamamiento.

Por favor: personas y organizaciones leer, firmar la denuncia ( a través del enlace al final del mensaje) y difundir. Es un pedido de solidaridad de parte del Movimiento Mesoamericano contra el Modelo Extractivo Minero M4

Muchas Gracias,
Guadalupe, Salva la Selva

Exigimos a la empresa canadiense GoldCorp Inc. una Rendición de Cuentas Corporativas por los daños a la salud y el ambiente que sus minas provocan en nuestros territorios así como a las respectivas autoridades gubernamentales y no gubernamentales la anulación de los “premios” que han otorgado a la compañía.
¡La Sociedad está Harta de Tanta Simulación!

A los accionistas de la Goldcorp.
A los gobiernos de Canadá, Estados Unidos, Honduras, Guatemala y México.
A la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (PROFEPA)/México.
Al Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (CEMEFI).
A la Alianza para la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (ALIARSE).
A la Cámara Minera de México (CAMIMEX).
A la Opinión Pública nacional e internacional.
Este 1ro de Mayo de 2014 los accionistas de la Goldcorp llevarían a cabo su reunión anual en la cual, una vez más, adularán la simulación y engordarán sus mentiras en torno a los diferentes proyectos de extracción que tienen en las Américas, mientras las comunidades y pueblos indígenas y campesinos sufren las graves consecuencias que este modelo extractivo minero que ha ocasionado en sus vidas, salud, cultura y naturaleza.
Cientos de testimonios, evidencias científicas, denuncias ante tribunales, reportajes y pruebas de laboratorios demuestran cómo esta empresa violenta y viola recurrentemente derechos humanos de pueblos y comunidades: (Continuar leyendo…)


The EZLN Announces Activities to be held with Native Peoples, an homage to Don Luis Villoro, and a Seminar on “Ethics in the Face of Dispossession,” as well as a New Initiative for the National and International Sixth

Zapatista Army of National Liberation

March 2014.

To: The Sixth in Mexico and in the World

From: Subcomandante Insurgent Moisés.

Compañeras, Compañeros and compañeroas of the Sixth:

We send greetings from all of the Zapatista men and women of the EZLN.

We want to let you know about our next steps:

1. Native Peoples: During the week of May 26 to 30, 2014, in one of our caracoles, we will have an initial exchange with brothers and sisters from different native peoples and indigenous organizations. During this exchange, we will all share our ways of thinking and histories of struggle and resistance as indigenous peoples. For this initial exchange we are inviting particular organizations and native peoples from Mexico, including: the Kumiai, Rarámuri, Náyeri, Wixárika, Odam, Nahua, Zoque, Coca, Purépecha, Hñahñu, Mazahua, Amuzgo, Ñuu Savi, Me’phaa, Ñuhu, Totonaco, Popoluca, Binnizá, Chinanteco, Mazateco, Ikoot, Chatino, Afromestizo, Triqui, Maya Peninsular, Tzotzil. Tzeltal, Chol, Zoque, and migrants.

In the future, we will invite other native peoples from Mexico and the world. This exchange is a closed event and is ONLY for the native peoples and organizations that are explicitly invited. Those people who have not been invited will not be allowed to enter.

2. On Saturday, May 31, 2014, in the Caracol of Oventik, we, along with some of our indigenous brothers and sisters, will present the conclusions from our initial exchange and a circulate a declaration about how we will proceed in our struggle against the dispossession we suffer and for our indigenous rights and culture. This event is open, all are invited, and whoever wants and is able to may attend. This will begin at approximately 1400 hours.

3. On Sunday, June 1, 2014, also in the Caracol of Oventik, we will have a modest homage to our deceased compañero: Don Luis Villoro Toranzo. This event is open, all are invited, and whoever wants and is able to may attend. It will be at approximately 1400 hrs, and will include the participation of the comandantas and comandantes of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee- General Command of the EZLN, writer Juan Villoro, and Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

4. From Monday June 2, 2014 through Sunday, June 8, 2014, in the Caracol of Oventik and at the CIDECI facilities in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, there will be a seminar—that is, some talks—on the theme of “ETHICS IN THE FACE OF DISPOSSESSION.” This event is also in honor of our compañero Don Luis Villoro Toranzo. The seminar is open, all are invited, and those who want and are able to may attend.

The seminar will begin with a session in the Caracol of Oventik on June 2, 2014, at a time yet to be confirmed, with the participation of the EZLN. The seminar will continue on June 3 in CIDECI-UNITIERRA-Chiapas, in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

This seminar is organized by the EZLN, CIDECI-UNITIERRA-Chiapas, and collectives of students from the Zapatista Little School in Mexico and the World. The following artists and intellectuals will participate, among others:

Carlos González, John Berger, Dr. Pablo González Casanova, Dr. Adolfo Gilly, Dr. Immanuel Wallerstein, Neus Espresante, María de Jesús de la Fuente de O’Higgins, Gustavo Esteva Figueroa, Juan Villoro, Dr. Raymundo Sánchez Barraza, Dr. Paulina Fernández Christlieb, Hugo Blanco Galdós, Raúl Zibechi, Dr. Marcos Roitman, Dr. Sylvia Marcos, Dr. Gilberto López y Rivas, Greg Ruggiero, Karla Quiñonez, Dr. Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas, Corinne Kumar, Dr. John Holloway, Magdalena Gómez, Dr. Luisa Paré, Dr. Alicia Castellanos Guerrero, Maestra Ana Lydia Flores Marín, Dr. María Eugenia Sánchez Díaz, Dr. Eduardo Almeida Acosta, Julieta Egurrola, Dr. Arturo Anguiano Orozco, Dr. Fernanda Navarro, Beatriz Aurora, Efraín Herrera, Antonio Ramírez Chávez, Gloria Domingo Manuel “Domi,” Dr. Márgara Millán, Servando Gajá, Lic. Bárbara Zamora López, Malú Huacuja del Toro, Dr. Sergio Tischler Visquerra, Dr. Jérôme Baschet, Dr. Ángeles Eraña, Maestra Mariana Favela, Profesor Enrique Ávila, Claudia Aguirre, Alejandro Varas Orozco, Rosario Hernández, Manuel Rozental, Vilma Almendra, John Gibler, Dr. Eckart Boege Schmidt, Pablo Reyna Esteves, Roco, Guillermo Velázquez, Moyenei Valdés, Hebe Rosell, Amparo Sánchez “Amparanoia,” Modesto López, Marta de Cea, Nicolás Falcoff, Óscar Chávez, Sergio Rodríguez Lascano, and a few more who have not yet been confirmed.

5. During this seminar, the EZLN will announce a proposal for a new initiative for the National and International Sixth.

6. Over the next few days we will be announcing more details about these events.

Also, I wanted to let you know that, if his health permits, Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos will be present and may participate in some of the public events.

That is all.

From the Mountains of Southeastern Mexico, Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

Mexico, March 2014, the 20th year of the war against oblivion. (Continuar leyendo…)


Pronouncement by the National Indigenous Congress CNI-Istmo

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Comunidad binnizá de Álvaro Obregón
Istmo de Tehuantepec
29 de marzo 2014

Los pueblos binnizá (zapoteca), ikoot (huave), ayuuk (mixe), chol, nuntaj+yi (popoluca), nahua, zoque y mestizos de los Estados de Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas y el Df, así como visitantes de países como Italia, Francia y Estados Unidos, y observadores internacionales del grupo de Brigadas de Paz Internacional (PBI), que participamos en la primera sesión del Congreso Nacional Indígena – región Istmo, nos reunimos en esta comunidad zapoteca de Álvaro Obregón, que se encuentra en lucha por la defensa de su territorio contra las empresas eólicas trasnacionales y por la construcción de su autónomia. Fuimos recibidos por los compañeros del cabildo comunitario, el consejo de ancianos y resguardados por la policía comunitaria “Gral. Charis” de esta comunidad, que continúan más firmes que nunca a pesar del constante hostigamiento que han sufrido en los últimos meses por parte de los gobiernos municipal y estatal y los lideres de la COCEI-PRD-PT y del PRI de Juchitán, Oaxaca.

Iniciamos nuestra sesión del CNI con una ceremonia ikoots, debajo de un árbol de guanacastle en la plaza principal de la comunidad. Posteriormente, los 200 delegados y delegadas participantes recordamos nuestros pasos como Congreso Nacional Indígena, desde nuestra fundación en Octubre de 1996 hasta la Cátedra Tata Juan Chavez Alonso, celebrada en Agosto 2013 en la cual acordamos fortalecernos desde las diversas regiones indígenas del país y aceptar la invitación de la representación del EZLN en la Cátedra, de enviar representantes de nuestras comunidades a visitar próximamente las comunidades autónomas zapatistas.

También recordamos los cinco pilares fundamentales de la comunalidad que nos caracteriza: el poder de la asamblea comunitaria, el disfrute y la fiesta, el territorio, la milpa y el trabajo comunitario. Abrimos un espacio de diálogo, comunicación y reflexión entre los pueblos que convivimos en el Istmo sobre los diferentes aspectos de nuestra vida comunitaria: gobierno autónomo; defensa territorial; justicia y seguridad comunitaria; producción, alimentación y salud; comunicación y educación.

Reconocemos que enfrentamos el despojo de las empresas trasnacionales y el hostigamiento de los malos gobiernos a través de sus partidos políticos, entrega de programas y dinero que corrompen a muchos líderes y nos dividen en nuestras comunidades. Vienen nuevas reformas constitucionales en materia agraria y otras leyes que pretenden prohibir las manifestaciones y movilizaciones sociales. Nos amenazan, nos encarcelan, nos reprimen.

Frente a esto, coincidimos en organizarnos a nivel regional para resistir contra proyectos eólicos, mineros y otros megaproyectos extranjeros que pretenden despojarnos de nuestros territorios. Nos comprometemos en luchar por el fortalecimiento de nuestras autonomías como comunidades indígenas, campesinas y mestizas. Sabemos que es un proceso complejo de lucha que implica amenazas y riesgos pero también grandes aprendizajes.

Soñamos en defender nuestros territorios comunales y reconstruir nuestras formas organizativas desde las asambleas comunitarias, con participación de hombres y mujeres, jóvenes, ancianos y ancianas así como nuestros propios modos de vida y justicia comunitaria. Reivindicamos la valiosísima participación de las mujeres en nuestras luchas comunitarias.

Reconocemos la importancia de fortalecer procesos de difusión de información de nuestras experiencias de lucha y de nuestros derechos como pueblos indígenas, de fortalecer los esfuerzos de universidades indígenas autónomas para formar jóvenes que apoyen nuestros procesos de reconstrucción de autonomía y reforzar de manera participativa la propuesta de la Pluriversidad Indígena Internacionalista del Istmo de Tehuantepec. También nos parece fundamental conjuntar esfuerzos para fortalecer nuestras economías comunitarias, mediante la recuperación de la producción comunitaria, ayuda mutua, el tequio, el comercio regional, el trueque, el consumo de nuestros productos regionales como el maíz, frijol, calabaza, pescado, el uso de nuestras lenguas y salud tradicional, así como el impulso de empresas comunitarias como formas de resistencia a las empresas trasnacionales.

Nos comprometemos en apoyar la lucha del compañero Ta Pedro Martínez Guerra de Juchitán por recuperar sus tierras se encuentra invadidas por la empresa Gas Natural Fenosa, y continuar denunciando y exigiendo que cesen la dinámica de hostigamiento, amenazas y represión que están sufriendo él y su familia.

No permitiremos la invasión y extracción de minerales para la construcción en el cerro de Santa Cruz Igu sitio sagrado, histórico y comunal, integrados a los bienes comunales de Juchitán y nos pronunciamos en contra de la construcción del proyecto minero en Ixtepec, que tendrá fuerte efectos en la salud, el ambiente y la forma de vida de todas nuestras comunidades.

Apoyaremos la lucha de los Chimalapas por el respeto y reconocimiento de sus derechos territoriales, reconocidos en títulos primordiales y planos definitivos de las resoluciones presidenciales que amparan los bienes comunales de San Miguel y Santa Maria Chimalapa más allá de las diferencias por los límites entre los Estados de Chiapas y Oaxaca.

No permitiremos la entrada de empresas mineras, eólicas, turísticas y otras en la Sierra Nuntaj+yi y Nahua de Santa Marta en el Sur de Veracruz y denunciamos la injerencia de la organización de Antorcha Campesina y de los partidos políticos en nuestras comunidades.

Ratificamos nuestra enérgica oposición contra el despojo oficial y el hostigamiento permanente por parte de las empresas extranjeras eólicas que siguen operando en la región, sin respetar diferentes recursos jurídicos interpuestos y ganados por nuestros pueblos. Nos preparamos para enfrentar las empresas mineras que pretenden entrar en la ciudad de Ixtepec y territorios ikoots.

Exigimos el respeto a nuestros procesos autonómicos y rechazamos tajantemente la intromisión de los partidos políticos en todas nuestras comunidades y de la imposición de “administradores” en las comunidades en San Mateo del Mar y San Dioniso del Mar.

Agradecemos a la comunidad binnizá de Álvaro Obregón por su recibimiento y damos nuestro pleno respaldo a su lucha en la defensa territorial y por el respeto a la decisión del pueblo de recuperar sus sistema de vida comunitario: su asamblea general, cabildo, su consejo de ancianos y su policía comunitaria. Asimismo exigimos al gobierno de Saul Vicente Vasquez respete la decisión del pueblo binni’zaa nombrar al compañero Odelio Lopez Vicente como agente comunitario , electo en la asamblea general realizada el 8 de diciembre de 2013.

Confirmamos que acudiremos a la invitación del Ejercito Zapatista de Liberación Nacional de visitar a las comunidades autónomas zapatistas para aprender y fortalecernos mutuamente.



Congreso Nacional Indígena-región Istmo

Declaration of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI), Isthmus region

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