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La Onda Bajita

La Onda Bajita: December Program

  • Death threats to human rights activist Margarita Guadalupe Martínez Martinez and members and director of Frayba Human Rights Center.
  • Report from the Other Europe.
  • Monthly Frayba Report: paramilitarization 13 years after the Acteal massacre..
The Frayba Report

The Frayba Report: Almost 13 years after the Acteal Massacre

Report on the massacre of Acteal and the recent liberation of 15 more paramilitaries, material authors of the massacre, with words by Don Raúl Vera, Pedro Faro (Frayba) and members of Las Abejas de Acteal. (Subscribe to the podcast of the Frayba Report).

Relatos Zapatistas

Programa de Relatos Zapatistas del 31 de octubre, 2010

EDUCATION / KNOWLEDGE: complete show including dia de los muertos, frayba report, anti-porro march in DF and remembering the massacre of 1968, an update from anti-authoritarian compas in chile with a discussion of autonomous libraries, and an interview with oakland high school students who visited chiapas as part of a delegation.

Full introduction at Indybay.


Acteal: Las Abejas press conference

After the release from prison of 15 new paramilitary members physically responsible for the Massacre of Acteal, the Las Abejas civil organization gave a press conference this last October 22, where they denounce these actions by the Mexican government.

La Onda Bajita

La Onda Bajita – October program

  • News
  • Destruction of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca
  • The Frayba Report: “Sustainable Rural Cities” in Chiapas
  • Repression against social movements in Chile
Noticias de la Otra

Reportaje sobre la comunidad de Mitzitón

Report on the community of Mitzitón, the roadblock to demand relocation of the paramilitary group Army of God and the background of the conflict.

Noticias de la Otra

Liberación de los presos políticos de Atenco y Bloqueo carretero en Mitzitón

Noticias de la Otra: Political prisoners from Atenco are freed, and Mitzitón (Chiapas) blocks the federal highway to demand that paramilitaries be relocated outside of their community.

Radio Zapatista

Bloqueo carretero en Mitzitón

Adherents to the Other Campaign from the community of Mitzitón (Chiapas) began a road block to demand that the paramlitary groups be relocated out of their community.

For more info, see: Indymedia Chiapas

Noticias de la Otra

Bolom Ajaw: Interview with the Good Government Council of Morelia

The JBG of Morelia speaks to us about the events on February 6 at Bolom Ajaw, the current situation and the government’s strategy to undermine zapatismo while preparing the ground for tourism projects in the region. For more information on the precedents to the current situation, listen to our 1 Feb 2008 documentary with testimonies by compañer@s from Bolon Ajaw, Nuevo Progreso Agua Azul and 24 de Diciembre.

Noticias de la Otra

Paramilitary attack to Mitzitón

In the community of Mitzitón, we spoke to residents members of the Other Campaign on the kidnapping, torture and armed attack suffered at the hands of paramilitary members of the Army of God.