
Comunicados EZLN

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(Español) Programa del Concierto Musiquero del domingo 15 de abril

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Domingo 15 abril, a partir de la hora que se pueda, ¿a las 1600 está bien?, sale y vale, a las 1600 horas, en el CIDECI-UniTierra:

¡Gran Concierto Musical!

(oh, bueno pues, ¡Mediano Concierto Musical!
¿Tampoco?  Bueno, “¡Concierto Musical a Secas!”, ¿ah verdad?)

Batalla Campal Musiquera

(batidillo musiquero –ni idea de qué resulte-, o sea que será algo así como los tacos campechanos con harrrrrrrta salsa.  Ojo: el antiácido va por su cuenta).

“Falta lo que Falta”
(o sea la paga, ésa siempre falta)

/porque viera que hay, oiga usted, joven, caballero, damita, ´onde quiera se consiguen, ya no digamos en blanco y negro, hasta fotocopias a color; impresiones en 3D de credenciales del INE –no, el photoshop se cobra aparte-; firmas con el DNA incluido; encuestas al gusto del que pague; un padrón electoral a modo; dos figuritas de acción, ¡edición limitada!, de Lorenzo Córdova y Ciro Murayama, para la casa, la oficina, oiga usted, para la dama, el caballero, la señorita, el niño, la niña, para regalo, presente u obsequio, llévelas –opcional: dos máscaras de los susodichos y una calcomanía con la leyenda “Yo en el INE sí confío” y otra que dice “Nah, ni madres”, para el carnaval de abril a julio-; boletas electorales ya con la elección de su preferencia (ah, ¿ésas ya las tienen? Mta, ¿no les digo?, si falta como quien dice “prospectiva” empresarial); más de un millón de followers para la red social más cercana a su esmarfon; hay para todos los presupuestos… bueno, no para todos, ni modos…/

(Continuar leyendo…)


EZLN invites to the dialogue (or seedbed) “To Watch, to Listen, to Speak: No Thinking Allowed?” 15-25 Apr 2018

The Sixth Commission of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation convokes a ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION (or seedbed, depending on who you ask): “To Watch, to Listen, to Speak: No Thinking Allowed?”

Sixth commission of the EZLN.

March, 2018.

To the persons, groups, collectives and organizations throughout the world who understood and took on as their own the initiative of the Indigenous Governing Council and its spokeswoman:

To the national and international Sixth:

To everyone who contributed their signature in support of the Indigenous Governing Council’s spokeswoman:


First and only:

The Happy Family.

A town, or a city, or whatever it’s called. A place in the world. A wall. Hung on the rough surface of the huge wall is a flyer, a poster, or whatever you call it. In the image, a man and woman smile in front of a table brimming with a wide variety of food. To the couple’s right, a smiling girl; to their left, a boy grinning to display gleaming teeth. Above them in large and intimidating letters reads “THE HAPPY FAMILY”. The poster is old by now, time’s march forward having muted the colors that, we assume, were once bright and, yes, happy. Anonymous hands have added small paper signs to the wall: “The happy family is happy only with God’s blessing”; “No to gay parenting! Death to faggots and dykes!”; “Motherhood is what defines a happy woman”; “We unclog pipes: no-obligation estimates”; “Happy home available for rent to a happy family. Unhappy families need not apply”.

 Along the sidewalk that runs in front of the wall, people hurry from one place to another without paying any attention to the opaque image. Occasionally, someone is crushed to death under a huge chunk that falls off the decrepit wall. In fact, these partial rockslides are becoming more and more frequent. Loose pieces of the wall break off and crush sometimes one person, sometimes a small group, sometimes whole communities. The crowd is thrown into commotion only for an instant before resuming its trajectory under the pale gaze of the happy family.

Catastrophes big or small, these should not distract us from what is most important now: every so often, the supreme maker of “happy families” announces the free and democratic election of who will preside over the poster.[i] And precisely at this moment, you are just now noticing, a happy calendar that can be seen behind the happy family indicates that it’s election season. Around this time, a feverish activity runs through the crowd that, without stopping, discusses, offers opinions and argues about the different options presenting themselves as potential stewards of the enormous poster.

There are those who point out the danger posed to the image on the already battered poster—the symbolic identity of the city or town or whatever—by their opponents’ obvious inexperience. One person offers to renovate the poster and return to it the brightness and color it once had (in reality, nobody remembers that time, so we can’t be sure that it actually existed—if, of course, we can in fact attribute existence to time). Someone else says that previous administrations have neglected the image, and that this is what has caused its visible deterioration.

The different proposals ignite arguments among passers-by: accusations, insults, fallacies, arguments of a purely ephemeral base, condemnations and apocalyptic predictions fly back and forth. People reflect on the importance and transcendence of this moment, on the necessity of conscious participation. It wasn’t for nothing that they struggled for so many years to be able to choose who presides over the happy image of the happy family.

Factions are formed: on one side are those who insist on a sensible renovation; on the other are those who insist on the scientific postulate, “better the devil you know than the devil you don’t”; another faction consists of those calling for proper behavior, good taste and modernity. A few here and there shout, “Don’t think! Vote!”. A giant placard obstructs the flow of people; it reads “Any call to think rationally about voting is a call to abstention. This is not a time to think, it is time to take sides”.

The discussions are not always level-headed. The selection of the steward of the image is so important that many times the competing groups resort to violence.

Some talk of the boundless happiness that accrues to whomever ends up the victor, but, far from mundane worldly interests, the severe faces of the contenders belie the seriousness of the matter: it’s an historic task; the future is in the trembling hands of those who must choose; this most serious responsibility weighs heavily on the shoulders of the people. Happily, though, this weight will be lifted once the winner is known and sets him or herself to the task of procuring happiness for the happy image of the happy family.

The frenzy is such that everyone forgets entirely about the image portrayed. But on the lonely wall, the happy family still displays its perennial and useless smile.

t the foot of the long, high wall, a little girl raises her hand, asking to speak. The factions barely take notice, but someone finally says, “Poor little thing, she wants to talk, we should let her.” “No,” says another faction, “it’s a trick from the opposition group, an attempt to divide the vote, a distraction designed to stop us from reflecting on the gravity of the moment, a clear call to abstention.” Another faction objects: “What capacity could a little girl have to even opine about the poster? She needs to study, grow, and mature.” And from another wing: “We’re not going to waste time listening to a little girl. We should concentrate on what’s important: deciding who is best suited to take care of the poster.

The “Commission on Transparency and Legitimacy for the Election of the Person in Charge of Stewarding the Image of the Happy Family” (abbreviated CTLEPCSIHF) released a brief and serious memo, in accordance with the gravity of the times: “The rules are clear: NO LITTLE GIRLS ALLOWED.

Specialized analysts publish new reflections: “The only thing the little girl achieved was the legitimization of the CTLEPCSIHF. In asking for the floor, the girl entered the game and lost; the rest is consolation.”; “The failure of the girl is symptomatic of the failure of the renovation process, the institutions should let the girl talk”; “It was very moving, the little girl with her little hand raised, asking for attention, poor little thing”; “It was an adverse outcome, the product of an erroneous analysis of the conjuncture, the context and the correlation of forces. This signals the absence of a revolutionary vanguard to direct the masses”; “Etcetera”.

 But the discussions lasted only a few minutes before the coming and going of footsteps and injustices continued its course. No one listened to the girl speak as she pointed, not to the image, but to the wall upon which the happy family shone its by now deteriorated tranquility.

Standing on a pile of rubble, surrounded by the cadavers of little girls and broken stones, she stated, flatly, the obvious:

“It’s going to fall.”

But no one listened…

Just a minute…no one?

(To be continued?)


Based on the above statement, the Sixth Commission of the EZLN convokes:

A ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION (or seedbed, depending on who you ask):

“To Watch, to Listen, to Speak: No Thinking Allowed?”

 In which various participants from the National Indigenous Congress, the Indigenous Governing Council, the arts, the sciences, political activism, journalism and culture will share with us what they are seeing and hearing.

The roundtable will take place from April 15-25, 2018, at the CIDECI-Unitierra in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

The following, among others, have confirmed their participation:

Marichuy (spokeswoman for the Indigenous Governing Council).
Lupita Vázquez Luna (councilwoman of the Indigenous Governing Council).
Luis de Tavira Noriega (theater director).
Mardonio Carballo (writer).
Juan Carlos Rulfo (filmmaker).
Paul Leduc (filmmaker).
Cristina Rivera-Garza (writer).
Abraham Cruzvillegas (visual artist).
Néstor García Canclini (anthropologist).
Emilio Lezama (writer and political analyst).
Irene Tello Arista (columnist and activist).
Erika Bárcena Arévalo (lawyer and anthropologist).
Ximena Antillón Najlis (psychologist specializing in victims of violence).
Jacobo Dayán (academic and human rights activist).
Marcela Turati (investigative journalist).
Daniela Rea Gómez (journalist).
Carlos Mendoza Álvarez (philosopher).
John Gibler (journalist).
Javier Risco (journalist).
Alejandro Grimson (anthropologist).
Enrique Serna (novelist).
Paul Theroux (writer).
Juan Villoro (writer).
Pablo González Casanova (sociologist and Zapatista, not necessarily in that order).
Gilberto López y Rivas (anthropologist).
Alicia Castellanos Guerrero (anthropologist).
Magdalena Gómez Rivera (lawyer).
Bárbara Zamora (lawyer).
Margara Millán Moncayo (feminist sociologist).
Sylvia Marcos (psychologist and feminist sociologist).
Jorge Alonso Sánchez (anthropologist).
Fernanda Navarro y Solares (philosopher).
Néstor Quiñones (graphic artist).
Raúl Romero (sociologist).
Rafael Castañeda (political militant).
Luis Hernández Navarro (journalist).
Carlos Aguirre Rojas (sociologist and economist).
Sergio Rodríguez Lascano (political militant).
Carlos González (lawyer and activist for the struggles of originary peoples).
Adolfo Gilly (political militant, historian and analyst).
Carolina Coppel (video artist).
Mercedes Olivera Bustamante (feminist anthropologist).
María Eugenia Sánchez Díaz de Rivera (sociologist).
“Lengua Alerta” (musician).
“Panteón Rococó” (musicians).
“El Mastuerzo” (guacarocker[ii]).
“Batallones femeninos” (feminist musicians).
“Los Originales de San Andrés” (Zapatista musicians).
“La Dignidad y la Resistencia” (Zapatista musicians).

As the rest of those invited confirm their attendance (and whose names are not listed here so as to protect the innocent) the complete list will be made public, as well as the dates and times of each participant’s contribution.

The email address to register as a listener-observer, or member of the free or paid press, is:

Please include your name, city, state or country, and whether you are attending as an individual or member of a collective.

That said, don’t miss it… or do miss it, the point is that you watch, listen, and think.

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

For the Sixth Commission of the EZLN (Department of “Invitations and Stating the Obvious”).


Mexico, March, 2018.


[i] The original Spanish used here is “cartel,” which can mean a poster or sign, but also literally means cartel, as in, for example, a drug cartel.

[ii]Guacarock” was coined by Mexican rock band “Botellita de Jerez” (of which “El Mastuerzo” was a member) to describe their unique style of fusing Mexican popular rhythms with the sounds of rock’n’roll. The term combines the Mexican word for avocado (aguacate) with rock.


Convocation for the Next Step in our Struggle

Convocation for the Next Step in our Struggle

Sisters and brothers, compañeras and compañeros of the countryside and the city, in Mexico and around the world:

The National Indigenous Congress (CNI), the Indigenous Governing Council (CIG), the Civil Association “The Time for the Flourishing of Our Peoples Has Come,” and the Zapatista Army for National Liberation here address those individuals, groups, collectives, organizations, peoples, barrios, tribes, and nations that, in Mexico and in other countries, took on as their own the initiative to register the CIG spokeswoman, María de Jesús Patricio Martínez, as candidate for the Mexican presidency.

The information that we have been able to verify is the following:

  • Signatures received by the National Electoral Institute (INE): 281,955. Of these, 10,624 were registered on paper, rather than via the digital application. Of those paper registrations, the vast majority came from community assemblies.
  • According to the INE’s own criteria, 94.5% of the signatures collected were found to be valid.
  • Auxiliaries: 14,117 people registered as auxiliaries, with 5,704 actively registering signatures. With respect to the difference between registered and active auxiliaries (8,413), of 5,322 emails that were sent to those who registered as auxiliaries but did not document any signatures, there were 2,137 replies. Of those replies, 1,618 explained that they did not have an adequate mobile device with which to gather signatures, either because of the requirements of the INE application or because of the quality of the camera on their device.
  • Average number of signatures per active auxiliary: 49.43 (information from the webpage of our brothers and sisters at Cryptopozol, who processed this information from November 3, 2017, through February 24-26, 2018. See:
  • The following is an approximate (but not precise) count of auxiliaries by state:

Location not listed        4930

Aguascalientes             89

Baja California              251

Baja California Sur        69

Campeche                    42

Chiapas                        864

Chihuahua                    188

Mexico City                 3398

Coahuila                       92

Colima                          30

Durango                       42

Mexico State                1070

Outside Mexico            105

Guanajuato                  345

Guerrero                       99

Hidalgo                         179

Jalisco                          1040

Michoacán                    264

Morelos                        274

Nayarit                          63

Nuevo León                  257

Oaxaca                         242

Puebla                          407

Querétaro                     301

Quintana Roo               189

San Luis Potosí             197

Sinaloa                          98

Sonora                          149

Tabasco                        48

Tamaulipas                   69

Tlaxcala                        94

Veracruz                       367

Yucatán                       151

Zacatecas                    89

(Note: the final count does not match the registered auxiliaries because, we are told, some auxiliaries registered more than once out of desperation because the INE did not respond in a timely manner).


Compañeras and compañeros, sisters and brothers:

As is evident, we did not reach the necessary number of signatures to register Marichuy as a presidential candidate.

We think explanations for and evaluations of this fact should stem from a serious and rigorous analysis.

Had we reached the number of signatures necessary we would have been able to take advantage of this space to continue to reveal the suffering and struggle of the originary peoples and to point to the criminal character of the system, as well as to echo the pain and rage that seethes across the entire national territory and to continue to promote self-organization, resistance, and rebellion.

We did not reach that goal, but we must continue on our path, seeking out other ways, methods and forms with ingenuity, creativity, and boldness to achieve what it is that we want.

Our purpose was never to take Power, but was and will be for self-organization, autonomy, rebellion and resistance, for solidarity and mutual aid and for the construction of a world built on democracy, freedom, and justice for all.

The National Indigenous Congress’ initiative to form the Indigenous Governing Council and run its spokeswoman, Marichuy, as candidate for the Mexican presidency has completed another stage. The first stage was marked by the decision made during the Fifth National Indigenous Congress on our twentieth anniversary in October of 2016 to hold a referendum on this initiative among all of our peoples and communities. The second stage consisted of the CNI’s internal referendum from October through December of 2016 on whether to form the CIG and name its spokeswoman. The third stage culminated in the Constitutive Assembly of the CIG and the naming of María de Jesús Patricio Martínez, by consensus of that Assembly, in May of 2017. The fourth stage consisted of the collection of signatures for Marichuy’s presidential bid, a process that we have just concluded.

Our path continues. The fundamental difference between the current moment and the previous stages is that there are now many more originary peoples walking together with us, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, that there are many more people, groups, collectives, and organizations focused on finding our own solutions, solutions that we know will never come from above.

This last stage was marked by the involvement of many more people and sectors, beyond the originary peoples and the CNI, in a civil, peaceful, and inclusive struggle for a just cause using legal, legitimate, and honest methods toward a horizon of the radical transformation of the reality we all suffer today. This is something that no member of the institutional political class can say.

Faced with the undeniable fact that we did not reach the number of signatures required by law to continue this stage, we call for an analysis and evaluation that, like the entire process so far, is collective, participative, inclusive, honest, and true.

For these reasons, and for others for which we have no words:

First: We thank with all our hearts the people who, in Mexico and in other countries, gave their signatures. For us, each of them is an embrace and encouragement to continue on without fail. We salute each and every one of them and, in response, reaffirm our commitment to not falter on this path.

Second: We offer special thanks to those who, with or without the label of “auxiliaries,” understood the reach of our initiative and made it their own, offering their time, resources and labor in the process of creating, growing, and consolidating collective and communitarian organization in order to be able to confront in better conditions the storm that we are all living through.

Third: The Civil Association “The Time for the Flourishing of Our Peoples Has Come,” the National Indigenous Congress and all who constitute it, the Indigenous Governing Council, and the Zapatista Army for National Liberation have begun a serious internal analysis and evaluation of the stage which has just concluded.

Fourth: We think this analysis is not just up to us. We believe that, given the collective effort put into this initiative which far surpassed the horizon of the originary peoples, we want to consolidate and maintain this broader desire to build another way of doing politics.

Thus, we convoke:

All those individuals, groups, collectives, organizations, nations, tribes, peoples, and communities of the countryside and the city, indigenous and non-indigenous, in Mexico and in other countries, who committed themselves to this process and took it on with work, dedication, and honesty: we invite you carry out an analysis and evaluation of this effort using the objectives announced by the CNI and the CIG and above all, the objectives you yourselves established, and to send it to us at the following email:

We would also like to announce that, parallel to these analyses and evaluations, the Civil Association “The Time for the Flourishing of Our Peoples Has Come,” the National Indigenous Congress, the CIG, and our Zapatista brothers and sisters will convoke a series of public activities open to all those who participated in the process in order to follow through with this struggle that, as we know, has only just begun. These activities will be announced by the convoking bodies.

We also invite you to hold your own activities for analysis and evaluation of what is happening in Mexico and around the world according to your own ways, times, and criteria. As the CIG and its spokeswoman Marichuy have said time and again, the horizon of our struggle is not marked by July 1, 2018, nor does it apply only to Mexico.

Resistance, rebellion, and the endeavor to build a world where many worlds fit is an international one and is not limited by the calendars or geographies of those above who exploit, disrespect, rob, and destroy us.

Mexico, March 2018.







Las mujeres zapatistas

Words of the Zapatista women at the closing ceremony of the First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle

Source: Enlace Zapatista

Listen here (in Spanish): (Descarga aquí)  

Words of the Zapatista women at the closing ceremony of the First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle in the Zapatista Caracol of the Tzotz Choj Zone

March 10, 2018

Good evening, good morning, good afternoon, compañeras and sisters in struggle, wherever you may be.

Sisters and compañeras who have accompanied us in this First International Gathering of Women in Struggle:

We are going to say a few words on behalf of all of us, the Zapatista women of the five caracoles.

We would like to thank the compañeras from the city who worked as part of the support teams: we know very well how fucking hard they worked to handle the emails, registration, organization of transportation, and the scheduling of times and locations for all the activities.

We would also like to send our regards to our Zapatista compañeras who could not come to this gathering, and who stayed behind attending to other tasks so that we could be here.

Similarly, we would like to thank our compañeros who had to stay behind to take care of our families, animals, homes, barracks, and fields, and who were on alert in case the bad governments committed any malicious acts against this gathering.

But our final words are especially for you, sisters and compañeras, women in struggle.

(Continuar leyendo…)

Las Mujeres Zapatistas

Zapatista Women’s Opening Address at the First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle

Source: Enlace Zapatista

Zapatista Women’s Opening Address at the First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle.

Listen here (in Spanish): (Descarga aquí)  

March 8, 2018. Caracol in the Tzots Choj zone.

Good morning, sisters of Mexico and the world:

Good morning, compañeras from the national and international Sixth:

Good morning, compañeras from the National Indigenous Congress:

Good morning, compañeras who are comandantas, bases of support, autonomous authorities, project coordinators, milicianas, and insurgentas:

First, we want to send a big hug to the family of the compañera Eloísa Vega Castro, from the Indigenous Governing Council support network in Baja California Sur, who died while accompanying the CIG delegation this past February 14.

We waited until today to honor the memory of Eloisa so that our embrace could be even bigger and reach even farther, all the way to the other end of Mexico.

This hug and this greeting are huge because they’re from all the Zapatista women and all the Zapatista men on this day, March 8, for that woman who struggled and whom we miss today: Eloisa Vega Castro. May our condolences reach her family.

Sisters and compañeras who are visiting us:

Thank you to all of you who are here at this First International Gathering of Women in Struggle.

Thank you for making the effort to come from your many worlds to this little corner of the world where we are.

We know well that it was not easy for you to get here and that perhaps many women who struggle were not able to come to this gathering.

My name is Insurgenta Erika—that’s how we refer to ourselves when we’re speaking about the collective rather than the individual. I am an insurgenta captain of infantry, accompanied here by other insurgentas and milicianas of various ranks.

(Continuar leyendo…)

Equipo de apoyo al Primer Encuentro Internacional, Político, Artístico, Deportivo y Cultural de Mujeres que Luchan


Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

(OJO: límite de registro de actividades el 9 de febrero 2018.  Límite de registro de asistencia el 8 de marzo 2018)

Compañeras, queremos compartirles cómo va caminando el registro para el Encuentro a celebrarse los días 8, 9 y 10 de marzo en el Caracol de Morelia, zona Tzotz Choj, Chiapas, México.

En lo que hemos avanzado del correo hay 651 personas registradas, con edades que van de los 5 meses a los 75 años. 38 compañeras vienen con sus crí@s.

Los lugares del mundo de los que provienen son Alemania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dinamarca, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estado Español, Estados Unidos, Francia, Grecia, Guatemala, Honduras, Inglaterra, Italia, Nación Mapuche, Nación Cree y Ojibwa, Nación Navajo, Suecia, Nicaragua, País Vasco, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Suiza, Uruguay, Venezuela, y 27 estados de México.

En las participaciones políticas, artísticas y deportivas hay 202 propuestas que abarcan las disciplinas de música, danza, teatro, circo, clown, poesía, cuenta cuentos, presentaciones de libros,  dibujo, fotografía, cine, futbol y volibol. También hay talleres y pláticas con las siguientes temáticas:

Talleres- Violencia de género, yoga para niñ@s, esténcil, arcilla genésica, manifiestos feministas, juegos cooperativos, valoración y uso de la sangre menstrual, género, teatro, danza y pintura como medio de sanación, sensibilización, agroecología, violaciones correctivas, toallas de tela, producción de artículos de higiene personal, descolonizando las caderas, taller sobre el cuerpo y resistencias creativas, taller de muralismo, feminismo de mujeres de color, deconstruyendo géneros, ciberfeminismo, trabajo corporal, taller de automasaje, reiki, arte abstracto-figurativo, escritura libre, grabado, pintura, creación de libros a partir de experiencias propias, aborto, bioconstrucción, danzaterapia, cocina macrobiótica, grabado, humor y género, aroma touch, reflexología .

Pláticas- Linaje femenino, cuerpo de la mujer, formas de resistencia, defensa de derechos humanos y promoción de la cultura, educación antimachista, experiencia de sobreviviente a la violencia, lucha de mujeres en Francia e Italia, aborto, menstruación y deconstrucción del uso de roles, feminicidios, experiencia de lucha del pueblo Mapuche, machismo en los medios de comunicación, la existencia lesbiana en tiempos del patriarcado, feminismo en Cuba, el amor romántico y la erotización de la violencia de género, la violencia sexual en el conflicto armado colombiano, la violencia hacia la mujer, racismo, lucha antiminera, ecofeminismo, feminismos indígenas y negros, economía feminista y sustentabilidad, seguridad humana feminista.

Aún restan muchos mensajes de correo que procesar, les agradecemos su paciencia, ya les iremos contestando.

Por otro lado, queremos informales que la fecha límite para registro como participantas es el domingo 9 de febrero inclusive. Esto para poder organizar la programación de sus participaciones.

El límite para registrarse como asistentas será el 8 de marzo inclusive. Desde el 7 de marzo habrá registro en el Caracol de Morelia.

El correo para el registro es:


Equipo de apoyo al Primer Encuentro Internacional, Político, Artístico, Deportivo y Cultural de Mujeres que Luchan.

25 de enero de 2018

Fuente: Enlace Zapatista
Foto: RZ

Radio Zapatista

(Español) Reunión informativa previa al encuentro convocado por el CIG con Adherentes a la Sexta , redes de Apoyo y organizaciones sociales.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

En conferencia de prensa, Adherentes a la Sexta declaración de la Selva Lacandona en la CDMX ofrecieron una rueda de prensa para hablar sobre el ataque ocurrido a la Caravana del Concejo Indígena de Gobierno,  el pasado 21 de enero.

En dicha conferencia también se  realizó la   invitación para asistir  al encuentro que tendrán el Concejo Indígena de Gobierno y la Vocera Marichuy  con redes de apoyo,  Adherentes a la Sexta y Organizaciones Sociales,  éste próximo 24 de enero a partir de las  2 de la tarde  en el Hemiciclo  a Juárez  de   la CDMX .

Escuchar audios:

CDMX 22/1/18

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Words from the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee-General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation, 1 Jan 2018

Words from the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee-General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation, January 1, 2018.

24th Anniversary of the beginning of the war against oblivion.














Today, January 1, 2018, we are here to celebrate the 24th anniversary of our armed uprising against the bad government and the neoliberal capitalist system which are the causes of all manner of death and destruction.

Just as other originary peoples, for more than 520 years we have been subjugated through exploitation, marginalization, humiliation, neglect, oblivion, and the dispossession of our lands and natural resources throughout the Mexican territory.

That’s why on January 1, 1994, we said ¡YA BASTA!, ENOUGH!—enough of living with so much injustice and death. We let the people of Mexico and the world know our demands for Democracy, Freedom, and Justice for all. We demanded land, work, dignified housing, food, health, education, independence, democracy, freedom, justice, and peace.

Now violence is everywhere, and it kills women and children, elders and youth, and even mother nature falls victim to it.

That’s why we say that our struggle is a struggle for life, for a dignified life.

And capitalism is a system of violent death, of destruction, of exploitation, of theft, of contempt.

That is what we originary peoples and the great majority of the inhabitants of this country Mexico and all over the world are lacking.

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Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

The EZLN’s Sixth Commission at the close of “Consciences for Humanity”: “From the Diaries of the Cat-Dog.” SupGaleano

From the Diaries of the Cat-Dog

Which narrates the story of how two great detectives met, a fragment of what Elías Contreras and SupGaleano talked about during the now not-so-mysterious case of the missing honeybuns, how Defensa Zapatista tore the science of language to shreds, and some idle reflections from the Sup on the above subjects.

December 30, 2017

Once again, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night.

First of all, we want to embrace to the Mapuche people who are still being attacked by the bad governments of the countries called Chile and Argentina. They have used legal ruses to again bring charges against Machi Francisca Linconao, along with other Mapuche men and women, proving once again that in this system, those who destroy nature are the good guys and those who resist, defending life, are persecuted, murdered, and imprisoned like criminals. Despite this, or precisely because of it, one word is sufficient to describe the struggle of the Mapuche people and all of the originary peoples of this continent: Marichiweu—we will win, ten, a thousand times over and always.


Yesterday, one of the women scientists who spoke here told us about a contest to write the message that will be taken by spaceship to another planet, and that the reward for the winning message is a million dollars.

The message that we propose, and which will most surely win, is: “Don’t let us come to your world. If we haven’t resolved the problems that we caused ourselves, we will make the same errors again. And in that case, we won’t come alone; we will bring a criminal system with us. We will be for your world an alien apocalypse, the much-feared eighth passenger that grows and reproduces itself through death and destruction. The motive for learning about other worlds should be the desire for knowledge, the necessity to learn, and respect for what is different, not the search for new markets for war nor for refuge from a murderous system.

Please deposit the million dollars in the bank account of the organization named “The Time has Come for the Flourishing of the People” that supports the Indigenous Governing Council.


What I am going to read was going to be our contribution to the panel yesterday, but, like Pedrito, I was on the receiving end of a “gender equality” effort (knock on the head included) and “the women that we are” won the space. So here it goes:

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(Español) EZLN invita al “Primer Encuentro internacional, político, artístico, deportivo y cultural de mujeres que luchan”

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29 de diciembre del 2017.

A las mujeres de México y el Mundo:
A las mujeres originarias de México y el Mundo:
A las mujeres de Concejo Indígena de Gobierno:
A las mujeres del Congreso Nacional Indígena:
A las mujeres de la Sexta nacional e internacional:

Compañeras, hermanas:

Les saludamos con respeto y cariño como mujeres que somos, mujeres que luchan, resisten y se rebelan en contra del sistema capitalista machista y patriarcal.

Bien que lo sabemos que el mal sistema no sólo nos explota, nos reprime, nos roba y nos desprecia como seres humanos, también nos vuelve a explotar, reprimir, robar y despreciar como mujeres que somos.

Y ahora lo sabemos porque está más peor, porque ahora, en todo el mundo, nos asesinan. Y a los asesinos, que siempre son el sistema con cara de macho, no les importa si nos matan, porque los policías, los jueces, los medios de comunicación, los malos gobiernos, todos los que allá arriba son lo que son a costa de nuestros dolores, los cubren, los solapan y hasta los premian.

Pero como quiera no tenemos miedo, o sí tenemos pero lo controlamos, y no nos rendimos, y no nos vendemos y no claudicamos.

Entonces, si eres una mujer que lucha, que no está de acuerdo con lo que nos hacen como mujeres que somos, si no tienes miedo, si tienes miedo pero lo controlas, pues entonces te invitamos a encontrarnos, a hablarnos y a escucharnos como mujeres que somos.

Por eso invitamos a todas las mujeres rebeldes del mundo al:


A celebrarse en el Caracol de Morelia, zona de Tzotz Choj, Chiapas, México, los días 8, 9 y 10 del mes de marzo del 2018. La llegada el 7 de marzo y la salida el 11 de marzo.

Si eres hombre, de balde estás escuchando o leyendo esto porque no estás invitado.

A los varones zapatistas los vamos a poner a hacer lo necesario para que podamos jugar, platicar, cantar, bailar, decir poesías, y cualquier forma de arte y cultura que tengamos para compartir sin pena. Ellos se encargarán de la cocina y de limpiar y de lo que se necesite.

Se puede participar individualmente o en colectivo. Para registrarse, está la dirección de correo electrónica:

Y pones tu nombre, de dónde eres, si eres individual o colectiva, y cómo vas a participar o si sólo vas a venir a echar fiesta con nosotras. No importa tu edad, tu color, tu tamaño, tu credo religioso, tu raza, tu modo, sólo importa que eres mujer y que luchas como sea en contra del capitalismo patriarcal y machista.

Si es que quieres venir con tus hijos que son varones porque todavía están pichitos, bueno, puedes traer, sirve que se empiezan a entender en su cabeza que, como mujeres que somos, no estamos dispuestas a seguir soportando violencia, humillaciones, burlas y chingaderas de parte de los hombres, ni del sistema.

Si te quiere acompañar un varón mayor de 16 años, ahí lo veas, pero de la cocina no pasa. Aunque tal vez ahí algo alcanza a ver y a escuchar, y algo aprende.

O sea que no se admiten hombres que no vengan acompañados por una mujer.

Es todo, acá te esperamos compañera, hermana.

Desde las montañas del sureste mexicano.

Por el Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena-Comandancia General del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional y a nombre de las niñas, jóvenas, adultas, ancianas, vivas y muertas, concejas, juntas, promotoras, milicianas, insurgentas y bases de apoyo zapatistas.

Comandantas Jessica, Esmeralda, Lucía, Zenaida y la niña Defensa Zapatista.

México, 29 de diciembre del 2017.