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European Brigade in solidarity with the zapatistas

(For more information, visit Chiapas Indymedia.)

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista a un compañero del periódico alternativo español Diagonal.

Radio Zapatista

Migration in Spain

In May 2009, Radio Zapatista interviewed compañer@s from organizations and collectives which are struggling for the rights of migrants in Spain. This documentary looks at the work of some of these groups and, through their commentaries, reflects upon migration in Spain from the perspective of California.
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Radio Zapatista

Program in English

  • Community response in Greece against the the murder of a youth.
  • Shooting of Oscar Grant in Oakland, California, and the emerging movement.
  • Update on attacks and displacement of the people of Lomas de Poleo, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.
Radio Sherwood

Interview about Turkish migrants in Greece

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Interview about the alarming situation of Turkish immigrants in Greece and about immigration in Europe in general (by Radio Sherwood, Italy).

Radio Sherwood

Anti-globalization movements against G8 encounter

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Interview with Andre (by Radio Sherwood (Italy)), of Net Dissent, who speaks about how European anti-global social movements are organizing to protest against the G8 Summit. Also, the situation of immigrants in Europe and the demonstrations planned to protest discriminations against immigrants in Europe.

Radio Sherwood

Movements against G8 encounter (interview)

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Interview with Vittorio Sergi (by Radio Sherwood, Italy), one of the coordinators of the network of European movements that is preparing to protest the G8 Summit near Rostock, Germany, the first week in June.