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Radio Zapatista

Tenth aniversary of Critical Resistance

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CR10: Tenth aniversary of Critical Resistance, movement in resistance against the prison industrial complex. For more info:

Radio Zapatista

Programa en español – Oct 2008

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  • Remembering the Tlatelolco massacre.
  • Political prisoners of Atenco.
  • Report on CR-10, the 10th anniversary of Critical Resistance, movement against the prison industrial complex.
  • Anti-immigrant raids in Humboldt county.
Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con Trinidad Ramírez Velázquez

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Interview with Trinidad Ramírez Velázquez, wife of Ignacio del Valle recorded at San Salvador Atenco. Doña Trinidad speaks of the new sentences against the 13 political prisoners from Atenco, the struggle for their liberation, the conditions at the maximum security prison, and Ignacio del Valle’s reaction.

Radio Zapatista

Political prisoners and homage to the struggle of San Salvador Atenco

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Program in Spanglish: Political prisoners and homage to the struggle of San Salvador Atenco.

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con doña Francisca y don Paco Hernández

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Interview with doña Francisca and don Paco Hernández, parents of Oscar Hernández Pacheco, prisoner at Molino de Flores, sentenced to over 30 years in prison this past August 21. The parents of the young political prisoner speak of their son, the way in which he was detained, the ordeal the family has gone through, the cruel sentence, and their struggle to free their son.

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con Italia Méndez

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Interview with Italia Méndez, former prisoner and torture victim, recorded during the political-cultural event organized by the Other Campaign at the encampment in front of the Molino de Flores prison, in solidarity with political prisoners.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish – June 2008

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

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Oaxaca: Lucha contra las multinacionales mineras y eólicas; foro público en Oaxaca sobre la privatización de PEMEX. Chiapas: Presos políticos; incursiones militares en territorio zapatista; más reciente incursión militar en La Garrucha; Caravana europea a Chiapas. Plan México (Iniciativa Mérida) y su relación con los tratados de libre comercio, privatización y demás políticas neoliberales. Entrevista a compañera del CISPES sobre la militarización y el neoliberalismo en El Salvador. Proposiciones 98, 99, F y G en el área de San Francisco, California. Noticias más recientes sobre las redadas. Se unen las trabajadoras domésticas en EU.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish

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May 1 marches and demonstrations; Interview with Flor Crisóstomo in Chicago. Interview with Javier López, coordinator of the Day Laborers Center in San Francisco. Raids at El Balazo in San Francisco and the East Bay. Chiapas: political prisoners; Agressions against the zapatista community Cruzton; Victory at the community 24 de Diciembre. Report on the murder of two Triqui radio hosts from the autonomous municipality of Copala, Oaxaca; Interview with Bart, compañero that work with the radio collective in Copala. Report on Granjas Lomas del Poleo in Ciudad Juárez. Interview and music by the activist-rapper Mayazteca.

Radio Zapatista

Program in English – April 2008

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Political prisoners in Chiapas; Update on the campaign EZLN, The Fire and the Word; Discussion on the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, East Harlem, NY; Repression against the black community in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish – April 2008

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Political prisoners in Chiapas. Interview with rappers/activists Boca Floja and Mextape. Interview on the campaign The Fire and the Word with Gloria Muñoz.