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Noticias de la Otra

Repression and arbitrariness at the “first sustainable rural city of the world” Nuevo Juan de Grijalva

Nuevo Juan de Grijalva is the dearest project of the Chiapas Government and promoted as the first sustainable rural city of the world and the solution to poverty. However, since it was inaugurated its residents have denounced that there are no jobs, the “sustainable” projects don’t work, electricity rates are exorbitant, the clinic doesn’t work, and, in general, they live a desperate situation. The city was built after a supposedly natural accident that destroyed homes and lands when the Grijalva river burst its bank. The Chiapas government committed to compensate the people for the damages to their lands and homes, but it never did. Now a large work is underway by the Federal Electric Commission, which will affect large extensions of land. Once again, the government committed to idemnify the residents for the destruction of their lands, but it never did. Without other alternatives, the residents of Nuevo Juan de Grijalva organized a demonstration. Instead of complying with its promises, the government’s answer was the illegal detention of of the demonstrators, with an outburst of arbitrariness and injustice typical of the authoritarian and arrogant ways of the governor Juan Sabines Guerrero. After a long struggle and the intervention of human rights organizations and even the United Nations, the prisoners were freed. In a visit with the Free Media Network of Chiapas, we spoke with some of them, who shared with us their experience.

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Relatos Zapatistas

Water Politics in California with the Water Underground

Members of the Water Underground created the Aqualab…a series of activities, experiments, and artistic experiences in the Tenderloin National Forest in San Francisco. In this segment, “water agents”share how the Aqualab is a space to engage water beyond the faucet. Engaging with water by questioning and mapping where it comes from and where it is going (and in what condition) is part of making water in California a commons rather than just another resource to be consumed.

Radio Zapatista

Report on the community of Cruztón

El 23 de mayo la comunidad de Cruztón, adherente a la otra campaña, en el municipio de Venustiano Carranza, Chiapas, denunció que se está formando un grupo para volver despojarlos de sus tierras, en probable complicidad con la Procuraduría Agraria del estado. Entrevistamos a uno de los miembros de la comunidad, quien nos cuenta la historia de Cruztón, la lucha por la tierra, las nuevas amenazas y los intereses de la minería en la región.

Escucha/lee la denuncia completa.


Integración para el despojo: El Proyecto Mesoamérica, o la nueva escalada de apropiación del territorio

Report by Ciepac
Parte 1 / Parte 2 / Parte 3

Interviews to the author by Frecuencia Libre 99.1:

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish – June 2008

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

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Oaxaca: Lucha contra las multinacionales mineras y eólicas; foro público en Oaxaca sobre la privatización de PEMEX. Chiapas: Presos políticos; incursiones militares en territorio zapatista; más reciente incursión militar en La Garrucha; Caravana europea a Chiapas. Plan México (Iniciativa Mérida) y su relación con los tratados de libre comercio, privatización y demás políticas neoliberales. Entrevista a compañera del CISPES sobre la militarización y el neoliberalismo en El Salvador. Proposiciones 98, 99, F y G en el área de San Francisco, California. Noticias más recientes sobre las redadas. Se unen las trabajadoras domésticas en EU.