
The Sixth

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Grupo de Trabajo “No Estamos Todxs”

(Español) 17 de abril: A la calle, contra la prisión política!

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En el marco de las movilizaciones internacionales para la “Jornada Mundial de las Presas y Presos Políticos”, lanzada en Palestina y retomada en las luchas de liberación de Kurdistán y País Vasco, invitamos a no olvidar a nuestros compañeros y compañeras encarcelad@s por luchar, por pensar diferente y/o por organizarse y luchar adentro de las cárceles mismas.

En San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, invitamos a los corazones libres y honestos, colectivos, grupos, organizaciones independientes, centros de derechos humanos y medios libres a participar activamente en un:

EVENTO POLITICO CULTURAL, DOMINGO 17 DE ABRIL, desde las 4pm, en la plaza de la Resistencia (en frente a la Catedral) por la libertad de l@s pres@s polític@s en México y en el Mundo, con mesa informativa, música y otras actividades culturales a las que les invitamos a sumarse.

La familia de Alejandro Díaz Santis, preso en lucha adherente a la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandonadel EZLN y hoy en día recluido en la cárcel de máxima seguridad de Villa Comaltitlán (Tapachula), convoca a acompañar su demanda por la libertad de su hijo y hermano en un:

PLANTÓN de protesta a partir de la tarde del domingo 17 de abril hasta la mañana del lunes 18 de abril y a una RUEDA DE PRENSA el LUNES 18 de ABRIL a las 11am sobre el caso y la situación de Alejandro Díaz Santiz; ambas actividades se realizarán en la misma plaza de la Resistencia (en frente a la Catedral).

Ante el cierre de los espacios publicos en San Cristóbal de Las Casas y el uso descarado de grupos de choques, hacemos un especial llamado a no dejar de usar nuestas plazas y calles para juntarnos, convivir, luchar y protestar.

Qué no nos encierren en nuestras mismas casas!
Qué no nos tapen la boca!
Libertad a l@s pres@s polític@s! Libertad para tod@s!

Solidarios de la Voz del Amate
Grupo de Trabajo “No Estamos Todxs”
Familiares de Alejandro Díaz Santiz

Noticias de abajo ML

(Español) Noticiero de Medios Libres, sesión del 28-Mar-16

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NOTICIERO DE MEDIOS LIBRES, sesión del 28-Marzo-2016



—A 18 meses de exigir justicia y verdad para Ayotzinapa. La verdad no viene de la autoridad.

—BELGICA:  Atentados de Bruselas: ¡no, señor primer ministro! deMichel Collon Investig Action en
—Grecia. Protesta pacífica de refugiados en idomeni para pedir apertura de fronteras en Macedonia en Kaos en la Red
—España. Madre del preso anarquista Nahuel, ya pasaron 5 meses y sigue preso sin juicio, en Kaos en la Red.
—Panamá. Asamblea de AEVE en acción y solidaridad con los pueblos. En Radio Temblor

***Desde el ombligo del monstruo***
—México: Nestora Salgado convoca a la “Campaña Internacional “Ponle rostro y nombre a las y los presos políticos de México”
—Oaxaca: Represión y movilización por las Radios Comunitarias contra campaña criminalizadora de IFT
—Veracruz: Tres jóvenes desaparecen en Veracruz. En Somos el Medio
—México. La desaparición del «Tío» fue como un despertar violento. De Subversiones
—Chiapas: 129 menores de edad, de origen Mam, bajo amenaza de desalojo y de desplazamiento forzado.

***Columna caminera***
Argentina. A cuarenta años de la dictadura
Info de y Antena Negra.

The Independent

Organizing from Below in NYC, US & Globally Challenging Displacement from Above


Published originally in English at The Indypendent.

On January 31, a global gathering took place in New York City that brought together representatives from over 90 organizations to share their community struggles against displacement and their dreams for another world. Movement for Justice in El Barrio, a women of color-led community organization in East Harlem, convened the NYC Encuentro for Humanity and Against Displacement. This, the fifth Encuentro the group has organized, was the first broad citywide gathering to shine a spotlight on Mayor De Blasio’s rezoning plan, calling it a “luxury housing plan” and highlighting the massive amounts of luxury housing that will be built in what are now low-income communities of color.

(Continuar leyendo…)


About CompArte: A few questions, a few answers. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano


Zapatista Army for National Liberation.


March 14, 2016

Compas and non-compas:

We write to tell you a little about how plans are going for the activities in July, October, and December of 2016. We have received a few questions, so here are a few answers, but only regarding the festival “CompArte for Humanity.”

“How is the registration for the art festival looking?”

As of March 12, 2016, we had registered:

21 attendees from Mexico and 5 from other countries.

99 participants from Mexico and 30 from other countries (Chile, Argentina, Greece, Canada, United States, Spanish State, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago, Guatemala, Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Peru, Cross-border or Without Borders, Uruguay, France, and the Sufi Community with Islamic music).

“What kind of activities or artistic works are registered so far?

According to those who have registered so far, there is: rap, poetry, visual arts, contemporary dance, painting, engraving, literature and stories, theater, puppets, embroidery, iron work, silk-screening, photography, documentaries, cinema, sculpture, ceramics, short films, illustration, reggae, rock, graffiti, gastronomy, aerial dance, murals, music, music, and more music.

“What is this about “alternate sites” for the CompArte Festival?”

We are hoping that the compas of the Sixth in Mexico and in the world understand what you might call the subliminal message of the convocation and organize activities—in their own geographies and in accordance with their own calendars—either before, during, or after the festivals/gatherings convoked by the Zapatistas. That is, we hope that whether at local, regional, zone, or national levels, the Sixth organizes festivals and gatherings to give space for and echo to artistic activities. And of course, also to celebrate the National Indigenous Congress’ 20 years of rebellion and resistance, as well as a space where scientists will find attentive ears and critical thought.

“Is it necessary to register to attend, without participating in, the ‘CompArte’ festival?”

Yes, just clarify that you are registering as an attendee.

“Is necessary to register to attend and participate in the “CompArte” festival?”

Yes, and we ask you to specify the form your participation will take.

“What is the email where one can register for the ‘CompArte for Humanity festival’?”

The email is

“Can you tell me again the dates and locations for the ‘CompArte for Humanity’ festival?”

No, those are already in the communiqué from February 29…. Okay, okay okay, here they are:

Dates: July 17-30, 2016


July 17-22 in the caracol of Oventik. Only Zapatista bases of support will participate in this part. Attendance is open for escuchas [ears/listeners] and videntes [seers/viewers], but requires registration.

July 23-30, 2016 in CIDECI, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. All registered artists can participate. Attendance is open for listeners and viewers, but requires registration.

“Is there a registration fee, either for attendees or participants?


“Are you (Zapatistas) going to pay for travel expenses, food, and lodging?”


“According to Zapatismo, is gastronomy an art?”

Everyone can categorize their practice as they see fit. In the case of the difficult culinary arts, the insurgentas, as an echo of March 8, will contribute a menu that is…hmm… how can I put it… disconcerting: “tamale shakes and coffee with chili pepper” (note: for the tamale shake they don’t use a blender or any other machine, only the cooking fire and their “wisdom”). I already suffered… I mean, tasted it and it is… disconcerting.

“Can children participate?”

Yes, children can register to participate or attend. Except for the girls, because what a shame, the deadline has passed, it was March 8, so oh well…eh? But it’s that… ay! Okay, okay okay: the girls can register too. Note: all minors should be accompanied by a mother or father or tutor, tutora, or tutoroa.

“Is anything banned from these events?”

Yes, the production, consumption, or sale of drugs and alcohol is strictly forbidden. If you aren’t capable of making or enjoying art without taking something before or during, well your method is mistaken.

“There still isn’t a report back on the Little School?”

No. The questions sent by students are currently being reviewed. When something is ready, we’ll let those interested know.

That’s all for now.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.  Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano.

Mexico, March 2016.

From the diaries of the cat-dog:

The time of the police (part one):

One: In Mexico, a Latin American country that suffers the global crisis like they all do, but which is fueled by the solid triad of corruption-clumsiness-ignorance made into a government, the official in charge of public education, Aurelio Nuño Mayer, cannot hide his passion for the policing profession. Encouraged by his accomplices, Mr. Nuño believes that he can win the presidential candidacy for his party, the PRI, if he functions more as paid thug than as promoter of Mexican education. Fond of making threats, running his own repressive squads, and operating like any boss in the early stages of savage capitalism, Mr. Nuño finds special pleasure in converting the teaching profession into a destination not for better schools, training, and salaries, but for arbitrary injustices, beatings, and firings. Playing the role of prosecutor, judge, and jury; of Labor Minister (decreeing firings without severance); of Minister of the Interior (using the police and the army at his whim); of clumsy media spokesperson, dismal builder of “spontaneous” support, and twitterer in permanent slow motion, Mr. Nuño’s only resumé merit is having sheltered himself within that group of criminals who engage in criminal activity with total immunity. Despite his suits and ties, his heavily made up and photo-shopped media image, Mr. Nuño cannot hide what he has always been: a sad and mediocre policeman who gets pleasure from and money for repressing and humiliating others. Mr. Nuño has always longed to be a good policeman, but… when the den of thieves is insufficient to accommodate so many, when his secret protector falls, Mr. Nuño will also show he is a good runner… when fleeing becomes the order of the day.

Another one: In this country known in the realm of the world cups (although no further than the quarterfinals) as “Mexico,” in the so-called “highest place of study,” the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM), Mr. Enrique Graue Wiechers has reached the highest bureaucratic position (and ladder to governmental post): the title of rector [like chancellor or dean]. In addition to the fact that his academic and professional career has been located within the bureaucracy of the academy and carefully guided by the Zedillo Ponce de León family’s psychiatrist, Mr. Graue did his graduate work in a North American university know for having invented the energy drink self-named “Gatorade,” which should give you an idea of how advanced he is in his specialty field of ophthalmology. A few days ago, Mr. Graue declared he was “outraged” because of the insufficient quantity of drugs police planted on one of the activists from the Che Guevara Auditorium (which the university authorities are futilely trying to call the Justo Sierra Auditorium). Mr. Graue was not enraged that the federal budgeting for higher education would not be sufficient to cover hundreds of thousands of young people; nor was he enraged by the mercantilist conditions that academic faculty and staff are subjected to; nor was he enraged because the UNAM has become a nest of undesirables, that is, of bureaucratic functionaries who don’t even know how to write the name of their overseer (that is, the rector); nor was he enraged by the lack of security endured by faculty, staff, and students on the UNAM campuses (assaults, rapes, and murders); and he was not enraged because an anti-democratic gangsterism had placed, in the highest post of the “highest place of study,” a mediocre bureaucrat.

No, Mr. Graue was enraged because the police didn’t do a good job of setting someone up to be framed. And this outrages Mr. Graue because all his life he has endeavored to be a good police agent. With his indignant police discourse (seconded by people who don’t even know where the Justo Sierra Auditorium is, much less the Che Guevara), Mr. Graue gives a lecture: “the problem with higher education in Mexico lies with a vegetarian cafeteria, a screen printing workshop, and a bakery training space, among other things. These subversive activities are promoted by a group of anarchists, that is, dirty, ugly, and bad people who contrast sharply with the neatness and style of the university bureaucracy. They don’t even sell Gatorade, but rather water and juices of unknown origin. They are drug addicts (the high, medium, and low-ranking officials hide cocaine, crystal meth, ecstasy, and even crack and an occasional roach in their desk drawers —even within bureaucracy there are classes, my friend), they’re anarchic-anarchists, not part of the university community (various officials swallow hard) and that auditorium… the auditorium, what’s that auditorium… secretary quick, what’s the name of that auditorium that we want to liberate.. ah yes, the Justo Sierra Auditorium in the School of Medicine… eh? …It’s not in the School of Medicine?.. huh?… you’re recording? Give notice!… okay… in the School of Philosophy and Letters of Acatlán… no?… is it in Ciudad Universitaria?…Oh isn’t CU where the Pumas play?…So there are academic departments there too?… I’m only familiar with the rector’s suite… well anyway, wherever it is, it should be “liberated” by the police, and by police who know how to plant the evidence properly, not those scatter-brains that don’t even know how to place a bit of “spearmint” in a backpack. That’s why an elite group of my officials are going to start a degree program on how to place drugs in briefcases. Yes yes I know that’s not the same, but we don’t carry backpacks, we carry briefcases. As I have said… what, no applause?… Turn on the recorder man! No, not that one, you’ll ruin my cabinet career ambitions. The other one! Yes that one! Thank you, thank you to the authentic university community members who know that the university serves to domesticate, not to teach nor investigate! Thank you, thank you, thank you! How was that? Wha? I said turn that recorder off! No not the one with the cheering, the other one, the one that’s recording!

Mr. Graue is furious, he was just trying to be a good police agent.

I testify: woof-meow.


Copyleft 2016. Permission from the Good Government Council under conditions of “we’ll be back tomorrow to see if its ready, who knows, maybe it will be a new Council rotation by then, but in the meantime let me tell you the history of Zapatista autonomy. You already know it? Well then we should review it, as they say, until it truly sticks in your head. Did you bring your notebook? Write in “resistance and rebellion” or “rebellion and resistance,” it’s the same thing, because the order of the “r’s” doesn’t’ affect our autonomy. Haven’t you studied mathematics? Just songs? Well look, you need arts and sciences, there’s no way around it.”

Radio Zapote

(Español) Convocatoria Gráfica y Sonora de Radio Zapote por sus 15 años de locura y resistencia radial

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En radio zapote creemos en la solidaridad y que es así como cambian las cosas, en estos 15 años de Insurgencia radial hemos pasado por muchos procesos algunos lentos, algunos muy largos los cuales nos han dejado muchas experiencias.

Algunas de las buenas experiencias ha sido haber colaborado con gente muy talentosa la radio como lo es radio zapote siempre ha estado abierta a todas las expresiones de lucha pero sobre todo artísticas; las cuales han encontrado en la radio un sitio dónde sus colaboraciones son bien recibidas y se han vuelto parte de esto llamado radio zapote.

Sin ustedes esta radio no sería la misma; es por eso que creemos en la colaboración de las personas que creen en nuestro proyecto, sabemos que nos hace falta un largo camino y que aun nos hace falta recorrer otros.

Por eso hacemos un llamado a nuestras amigas y amigos los cuales sabemos que siempre responden con gran alegría y disposición y esperamos que es esta nueva convocatoria no sea la excepción asi que convocamos a todas y todos los grafiterxs, músicxs, radio-astas independientes, grabadorxs, productorxs, diseñadorxs, canta-autores, artistas sonoros; a crear una pieza sonora, una rola, un promo, un programa, cartel, grabado que reflejen el espíritu de los medios libres celebrando estos 15 años de locura y resistencia radial.

Pueden enviar sus colaboraciones a los trabajos se recibirían hasta el 21 de Marzo del 2016.

Las mejores colaboraciones se les dara un kit de premios de radiozapote.

Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio

(Español) La lucha del Este de Harlem en Nueva York contra la política de desplazamiento

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Nuevo filme sobre la lucha comunitaria del Este de Harlem en la Ciudad de Nueva York en contra de la politica de desplazamiento del Alcalde De Blasio.

Este filme “La Lucha de la Comunidad del Este de Harlem en contra del Plan de Rezonificación del Alcalde” destaca residentes –mujeres, niños, familias enteras– luchando en contra de las políticas destructivas de desplazamiento del Alcalde, desde la organización de reuniones comunitarias, conferencias de prensa y otras actividades en las calles de El Barrio en la Ciudad de Nueva York.

(Continuar leyendo…)

Municipio Autónomo “Vicente Guerrero”

(Español) Municipio Autónomo Vicente Guerrero: Boletín de prensa sobre los desplazados de Shulvó

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. 28 de Febrero de 2016.

A la Comandancia General del EZLN.
A la Sexta nacional e Internacional.
A las organizaciones solidarias, honestas y consecuentes.
A los Organismos defensores de los derechos humanos gubernamentales e independientes. A los Medios Libres de comunicación y medios de paga
Al Pueblo Creyente.
Al pueblo en general.
A los estudiantes

Hermanas , hermanos, compas, sociedad civil,.

En días pasados hemos dado a conocer ante los medios de comunicación la situación de desplazamiento forzado del que hemos sido víctimas las familias de Shulvó integrantes del Municipio Autónomo Vicente Guerrero, adherentes a la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona, municipio oficial de Zinacantán. Así como hemos hecho pública nuestra exigencia de retorno inmediato a nuestra comunidad.

Hoy 28 del mes de febrero es la fecha que fue acordada entre las partes y con los delegados de gobierno y la iglesia católica, para la búsqueda de solución del problema, que conduzca al cumplimiento de nuestras tres demandas: el retorno inmediato a nuestra comunidad, la reparación de los daños causados por el desplazamiento forzado y el castigo a los responsables materiales e intelectuales de esos hechos.

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San Isidro los Laureles

(Español) San Isidro los Laureles denuncia hostigamiento

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San Isidro los Laureles, municipio de Venustiano Carranza, Chiapas México, Adherentes a la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona, del espacio de lucha de Semilla Digna, integrantes del CNI.

Denuncia pública.

A los y las adherentes a la sexta nacional e internacional.
A Los organismos de derechos humanos nacionales e internacionales.
AL Congreso Nacional Indígena (CNI).
A Los medios de comunicación libres y alternativos.
A La opinión publica de México y del mundo.

A los 62 días de haber recuperado nuestra madre tierra, siendo a las 12:40 pm, pasó una camioneta doble cabina Cheyenne color blanca con placas de circulación DSF-73-24, llevando consigo 6 personas dentro del vehículo, usando chalecos antibalas llevando armas de alto poder, en los predios recuperados del municipio de Venustiano Carranza Chiapas, mandados por los propietarios Rodrigo Ruiz, Francisco Ruiz, Octavín Albores, y apoyados por algunos pequeños propietarios, con toda la intención de intimidarnos a las compañeras y compañeros, jóvenes y niños de San Isidro los Laureles y comunidades, y que denunciamos lo siguiente.

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Radio Zapatista

The struggle for land of San Isidro los Laureles

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Alejandro Reyes – Radio Zapatista

On December 20, 2015, the community of San Isidro Los Laureles recuperated 200 hectares of land that belonged to their ancestors, and where many of their grandparents worked in sugar cane plantations since the mid-twentieth century. In a visit to the recovered land, we spoke with some of the peasants from San Isidro, who explained the historic context and the meaning of the land recovery.

(Descarga aquí)  

MEANWHILE… in the partidista communities


MEANWHILE… in the partidista communities
[communities affiliated to political parties]


February 2016.

To the compañer@s of the Sixth:
To whom it may concern:
To our compas and those who aren’t compas:

What we are going to relate to you here comes from the indigenous partidistas that live in various zones of the southeastern Mexican state of Chiapas. Although they are active in, supportive of, or work directly for different institutional political parties (PRI, PAN, PRD, PVEN, PMRN, PANAL, PT, PES, PFH… in addition to any others that join the crowd between now and 2018), what they share is having received aid programs from the bad government, as well as serving as the human component for votes and for earthly and heavenly herding. This in addition, of course, to being indigenous and Mexican.

What you are about to read has not appeared, does not appear, nor will it appear in the local, national, or international paid media. It also directly contradicts the government’s propaganda and the praises sung by its media (badly, of course).

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