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Subcomandantes Insurgentes Moisés y Galeano

Letter from the EZLN to Doña Emilia Aurora Sosa Marín, life partner of Honorary Major Insurgent Félix Serdán Nájera. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés and Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

Zapatista Army for National Liberation

February 2015

To: Doña Emilia Aurora Sosa Marín.
From: Subcomandates Insurgentes Moisés and Galeano
EZLN, Chiapas, Mexico

Compañera Emilia:

We got the news just a few hours ago. We don’t know how long it will take for these lines to reach you, but we know that regardless of the date, you will be able to read in these words the collective embrace that we send you.

That is because here we also feel the pain and sorrow of the death of Don Félix Serdán Nájera, honorary officer in our Zapatista Army for National Liberation, this past February 22 in the early morning hours.

We remember Don Félix’s firm and tender gaze, but we also remember your presence. It is as if between the two of you your journey was complete. That’s why we say that his absence brings us pain, but we also hurt for the pain that you feel in your heart today, Doña Emilia.

That is why with these words we not only want to salute the memory of compañero Felix Serdán, but to embrace you as well.

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Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas

Armed group harasses and threatens zapatistas from El Rosario

Since mid-February this year, an armed grou from of Pojol, municipality of Chilón (Chiapas), has been harassing the zapatista bases of support from the communities of El Rosario and Nuevo Paraíso, shooting at the air and destroying the home of a zapatista family at El Rosario. Now they threaten to violently take the community of Nuevo Paraíso if the zapatistas do not remove the guard that protects El Rosario. Belo, the denunciation from the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center.

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Radio Zapatista

En colores nos bordó Ramona.-Crónica del Final/Inicio del Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y las Rebeldías

En colores nos bordó Ramona
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. 3 de enero de 2015.
Eugenia Gutiérrez. Colectivo Radio Zapatista.

La visión de la comandanta

Si Ramona pudiera ver los frutos de lo que sembró, cuánto vería. Si escuchara la firmeza con que habla el Congreso Nacional Indígena que ella fundó, en cuántas palabras se reconocería. Todos los colores del bordado en que imaginó a cada adherente de la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona pasarían de nuevo frente a sus ojos.

La fase Chiapas es la última parada del Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y las Rebeldías contra el Capitalismo, “donde los de arriba destruyen, los de abajo reconstruimos”, pero se siente más como salida que como llegada. De Oventic a Jovel, miles de personas indignadas ensayan sonrisas nuevas para el año que comienza y el trabajo que falta. Ya sea en el caracol tzotzil-tzeltal o en la Unitierra mestiza, las sillas vacías de estudiantes normalistas están ocupadas por compromisos de articulación en serio. Los brazos de sus familiares en lucha no se cansan de cargar sus fotografías, pero tampoco se cansan de saludar, de abrazar, de aplaudir ideas. Faltan tres días para el noveno aniversario del fallecimiento de la comandanta, dolorosamente anunciado por el Sup Marcos en Tonalá cuando arrancaba la otra campaña. Nueve años y muchos agravios después, la Sexta nacional e internacional se perciben hoy más compañeras que nunca mientras se hermanan con el CNI.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Words by the EZLN during the 21st anniversary of the beginning of the war against oblivion. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

Escucha el audio aquí:
(Descarga aquí)  


31 de Diciembre del 2014 y 1 de Enero del 2015.

Compañeras y compañeros familiares de los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa asesinados y desaparecidos por el mal gobierno de este sistema capitalista:
Compañeras y compañeros del Congreso Nacional Indígena:
Compañeras, compañeros y compañeroas de la Sexta de México y del mundo:
Compañeras y compañeros Bases de Apoyo del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional:
Compañeras y compañeros comandantes y comandantas, jefas y jefes del Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena-Comandancia General del EZLN:
Compañeras y compañeros milicianas y milicianos:
Compañeras y compañeros insurgentes e insurgentas:


Por mi voz habla la voz del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional.

Reciban todas, todos y todoas que están y no están presentes, el saludo de los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas, ancianos y ancianas zapatistas.

Sea bienvenido el paso, la voz, el oído, la mirada, el corazón colectivo de abajo y a la izquierda.

Tenemos como invitados de honor a los familiares de quienes nos hacen falta en Ayotzinapa, en México y en el mundo.

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Radio Zapatista

21st Anniversary of the zapatista uprising – Caracol of Oventic


Durante la celebración del 21 aniversario del inicio de la guerra contra el olvido, y en el contexto del 1er Festival Mundial de las Resistencias y Rebeldías contra el Capitalismo, se realizó un acto en el Caracol de Oventic, Chiapas, en el que participaron los parientes de los normalistas desaparecidos y asesinados de la normal de Ayotzinapa, el Congreso Nacional Indígena, y el Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena-Comandancia General del EZLN.

Berta Nava Martínez, madre de Julio César Ramírez Nava:
(Descarga aquí)  

Mario César González Contreras, padre de César Manuel González Hernández:
(Descarga aquí)  

Congreso Nacional Indígena:
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés por el Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena-Comandancia General del EZLN:
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

On the Eve of the Festival

Zapatista Army for National Liberation

December 19, 2014

To the National Indigenous Congress:
To the National and International Sixth:


Greetings to all of you. We are writing to let you know how participant registration is coming along for the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism: “Where those above destroy, we below rebuild.”

1. Originary Peoples of Mexico: Representatives from organizations, traditional authorities, and persons from the following native peoples have confirmed their registration:

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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

On Ayotzinapa, the Festival, and hysteria as a method of analysis and guide for action

Zapatista Army for National Liberation

December 2014

To the compas of the National and International Sixth:
To the National Indigenous Congress:
To the family members and compañeros of those killed and disappeared in Ayotzinapa:

Sisters and brothers:

Compañeros and compañeras:

There are many things we want to tell you. We won’t tell you all of them because we know right now there are more urgent and important issues for all of us.[i] Thus we ask for your patience and your attentive ear.

We Zapatistas are here. And it is from here that we see, hear, and read that the voice of the family members and compañeros of the murdered and disappeared of Ayotzinapa is beginning to be forgotten and that now, for some people out there, the more important things are:

-the words coming from other people that have taken stage;

-the discussions over whether the marches and protests belong to the well-behaved or the badly behaved;

-the discussion about whatever it is that appears most frequently and rapidly in social media;

-the discussion over what tactic and strategy will “move beyond” the movement.

And we think that the 43 from Ayotzinapa are still missing, as are the 49 from the ABC Daycare, the tens of thousands of murdered and disappeared citizens and migrants, the political prisoners and disappeared prisoners.

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Program of the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism

First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism

General Program

Inauguration: San Francisco Xochicuautla, Municipality of Lerma, Mexico State

Saturday December 20, 2014:

  • 4pm: Registration beings; arrival of delegates

Sunday December 21, 2014:

  • 8am: Breakfast, registration continues
  • 1-2pm: Lunch
  • 2-4pm: Inaugural Event for the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism
  • 4-9pm: Cultural Event.


  • 6pm: Delegates depart for Amilcingo
  • 9pm: Arrival to Amilcingo and delegate registration begins at this Sharing site.

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Words of the EZLN General Command, presented by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés, at the end of the encounter with the caravan from Ayotzinapa

Listen to the audio here:
(Descarga aquí)  

Words of the General Command of the EZLN, presented by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés, concluding the event with the caravan of the families of the disappeared and students of Ayotzinapa, in the caracol of Oventik, November 15, 2014.

Mothers, Fathers, and Family members of our murdered and disappeared brothers in Iguala, Guerrero:
Students of the Escuela Normal[1] “Raúl Isidro Burgos” in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero:
Brothers and Sisters:

We thank you with all our heart for sharing your word with us.

We know that in order to bring us your word directly, without intermediaries or outside interpretations, you had to travel many hours and endure fatigue, hunger, and exhaustion.

We also know that for you this sacrifice is part of the duty that you feel.

It is the duty to not abandon the compañeros disappeared by the bad governments, to not sell them out, to not forget them.

It is because of this duty that you began your struggle, even when no one was paying any attention and the disappeared brothers were being called “amateurs”, “rabble rousers” “future delinquents who deserved what they got,” “agent provocateurs,” radicals,” “hicks,” and “agitators.”

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Comandante Tacho, EZLN

Words by Comandante Tacho at the beginning of the encounter between the EZLN and the caravan from Ayotzinapa

Words by Comandante Tacho, at the opening of the EZLN Encounter with the Ayotzinapa Caravan, November 15, 2014

Compañeras and compañeros:

Fathers and mothers of the disappeared students from the Escuela Normal[1]“Raúl Isidro Burgos” in Ayotzinapa, state of Guerrero, Mexico.

To the students and to all of those accompanying this caravan, and everyone gathered here.

In the name of the boys, girls, young people, men, women, and elderly of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation, we welcome you to this Caracol of Oventik, Caracol II, Resistance and Rebellion for Humanity.

Compañeras and Compañeros:

We the Zapatista Army for National Liberation want to hear your words of pain and rage, which we share.

We are not concerned with whether municipal presidencies are burning, nor with how many cars, doors, or palaces have been burnt.

What we want to hear is your pain, your rage, and the angst that comes from not knowing where your young students might be.

We also want to tell you that we Zapatisas have been accompanying you in the protests and mobilizations that have been held in Mexico and in the world. Though our acts of pain and rage do not appear in the paid media, we want you know that we have joined you with real and true actions.

This is why we want you to speak to us, and why we want to listen to you.

If we had known a few days earlier that you were coming, there would have been many of us here to greet and listen to you, many more than are here now. You can’t imagine the number of people who would have come.

Those of us who serve as representatives here today receive you with all of our hearts to listen to your pain and your rage.

That is all.

[1] The Escuelas Normales in Mexico are teaching colleges that principally train rural and indigenous young people to be teachers in their own communities.

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