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(Español) [Video-canción] Alto a todas las guerras

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Cátedra Jorge Alonso

(Español) [Libro] Pablo González Casanova: Una personalidad excepcional

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Referirse a don Pablo cuando de forma tan activa y lúcida cumple cien años de vida me hacen recordar lo que escribieron sobre la vejez la filósofa existencialista y feminista Simone de Beauvoir y el retórico y fino estilista Marco Tulio Cicerón. La combativa francesa en el siglo pasado reflexionó que cuando uno llegaba a la vejez había disminución de las facultades mentales y un cambio de su actitud con respecto al mundo; pero pensaba que no debería uno acercarse al final de su vida con las manos vacías y en solitario. Aconsejaba continuar persiguiendo fines que dieran sentido a la vida, como la dedicación a la gente, a comunidades, a causas y a seguir creando. Se deberían mantener pasiones lo suficientemente fuertes. Resaltaba que la vida conservaba un valor siempre y cuando se compartiera con los demás; amor, amistad, compasión y también indignación, porque entonces seguiría habiendo razones para hablar y actuar. Habría que vivir la vida lo suficientemente comprometida, lo suficientemente justificada como para seguir adhiriéndose a ella (De Beauvoir, 1970). El también polémico latino, en el siglo primero antes de nuestra era, redactó un texto clásico en el que consideraba a la vejez como un momento de creatividad Pablo González Casanova: una personalidad excepcional Jorge Alonso 6 fructífera y para seguir aprendiendo; la veía propicia a la realización de síntesis de muchas experiencias (Cicerón). Se ha calculado que actualmente en el mundo hay alrededor de medio millón de personas con cien años o más. En México esa cifra se estima en 19 mil personas. Si vemos el caso de don Pablo, los años han condicionado algo una fortaleza que era poco común; pero en nada ha cambiado su actitud ante la vida, pues sus sentipensares siguen muy dinámicos en pro de un mundo con justicia, libertad y verdadera democracia. Su mente no ha menguado, sino mantiene claridad, dinamismo y compromiso con los de abajo.

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Enlace Zapatista

(Español) Acciones «Contra las guerras capitalistas» en CDMX

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Fuente: Enlace Zapatista

Enlace Zapatista

(Español) Acciones contra las guerras en SLUMIL K´AJXEMK´OP

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Fuente: Enlace Zapatista


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Tercios Compas

(Español) Alto a las guerras. Ecos del domingo 13

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Fuente: Enlace Zapatista

Música: Cumbia De La Paz (rebajada) – Chico Cervantes – Diego Balcázar


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Radio Zapatista

(Español) Zapatistas se movilizan en Chiapas contra la guerra

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San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, domingo 13 de marzo, poco después de las 9:00 de la mañana. Por el Andador Eclesiástico aparece una bandera mexicana al lado de la bandera del EZLN y una manta que dice: “Alto a la guerra capitalista contra los pueblos de Ucrania y Rusia. Llamamos a la movilización de los pueblos del mundo para detener la guerra contra el pueblo de Ucrania”.

Es la llegada del inmenso contingente zapatista que comienza a “invadir” la Plaza de la Catedral, también cononcida, muy apropiadamente, como Plaza de la Paz. Son varios miles de mujeres, niños y niñas, hombres, ancianos y bebés arropados en rebozos, provenientes de las diferentes zonas del territorio rebelde, con la impecable disciplina que los caracteriza. Muchos traen pancartas: “Alto a la guerra que sólo trae la desintegración de las familias”, “¡Que muera el sistema capitalista!”, “¡Vida y paz en el mundo!”, “No más persecución contra los que luchan por la vida”.

Avanza una camioneta de redilas y por la bocina se escuchan las palabras dirigidas al pueblo de México y del mundo: “Despertad”. “¡No a la guerra!”, se escucha una y otra vez.

La enorme fila de zapatistas pasa frente a la catedral y continúa por la plaza del quiosco frente al otrora palacio de gobierno, el mismo que las tropas rebeldes tomaron hace 28 años. La marcha da la vuelta a la plaza rodeándola, sigue por Insurgentes, vuelve a girar, da una vuelta más amplia. Dibuja la forma de un enorme caracol que abraza el corazón de San Cristóbal. Un abrazo que convoca, que nos llama a despertar. Pero un abrazo también que arropa: Al mismo tiempo que arropan el corazón de San Cristóbal, muchos miles de zapatistas más arropan los corazones de las ciudades de Yajalón, Palenque, Ocosingo, Las Margaritas y Altamirano, los 12 caracoles del territorio rebelde y las carreteras que cruzan el estado de Chiapas. Al mismo tiempo que colectivos, organizaciones e individuos abrazan el corazón de la Ciudad de México (ve las imágenes abajo).

Abrazos que arropan los corazones de tod@s quienes sufren las guerras, no sólo en Ucrania, sino alrededor del mundo: Palestina, Kurdistán, Siria, el pueblo Mapuche, los pueblos oprimidos del planeta. Y también quienes sufren la guerra en Chiapas y en todo México: las víctimas del narco-estado, los y las desplazadas, los desaparecidos, l@s asesinad@s, l@s muert@s y herid@s de Aldama y de tantos otros lugares, las víctimas de la narco-paramilitarización, las víctimas del despojo por los megaproyectos y la voracidad sin fin del capital… todas y todos aquellos que sufren y sufrimos el terror cotidiano en tantas geografías, el despojo, el acoso, la agresión sexual, el racismo, la explotación, la violencia nuestra de cada día.

Lee: No habrá paisaje después de la batalla.

¿Qué hacer frente a la guerra, frente a todas las guerras? Generar vida, cuidar la vida, nos dicen. ¿Cómo? Organizándonos. El llamado: Crear una campaña mundial contra todas las guerras del capital, organizando conciertos, reuniones, festivales, encuentros. ¿Tiene sentido el arte, el encuentro, los intercambios, las comparticiones, como resistencia ante la guerra? ¿Cambian algo? Quizás cambien conciencias. Entendimientos. Corazones. Quizás nos inviten a sentipensar. Y por consiguiente, a actuar. La guerra está en todos lados. El NO también lo debe estar. Y con él, el SÍ por la vida.

Esto apenas comienza. L@s zapatistas hacen los suyo. ¿Y nosotr@s, qué?

Falta lo que falta…

Imágenes de la movilización en San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas

(Fotos: Radio Zapatista)

Imágenes de la movilización en Ocosingo, Chiapas

(Fotos: Medios Libres Chiapas y Radio Pozol)

Imágenes de la movilización en la Ciudad de México

(Fotos: Radio Zapatista)


Palabras de l@s zapatistas al pueblo de México y del mundo

(Descarga aquí)  

13 de marzo de 2022

Despertad pueblo de México y del mundo, urge que alcemos la voz y de movilizarnos en apoyar para su sobrevivencia al pueblo de Ucrania y Rusia que luchan por salvar sus vidas, hoy nos necesitan y nos necesitaremos.

Somos millones de hermanos y hermanas en el mundo que sufrimos la misma guerra injusta del capitalistmo. Por eso, ¡a organizarnos! Así podemos decir, si nos tocan a uno, nos tocan a tod@s.

No a la guerra del capitalismo que asesina y conquista al pueblo de Ucrania por intereses económicos, políticos e ideológicos.

Despuertad, pueblo de México y del mundo, porque un día tan pronto o tan lejano nos van a hacer también la guerra injusta, hay que organizarse.

¡No a la guerra! ¡Alto a la guerra! ¡Alto! Porque es tan injusta, porque solo deja destrucciones horribles de vidas humanas: inválid@s, viudas, viudos, huérfanos-as, carestías, hambre, enfermedades y todo por los intereses capitalistas.

Alto a las guerras, no a esta guerra asesina, porque no es PARA TOD@S TODO, todo para el interés capitalista.

Nosotros, nosotras zapatistas, que decimos tu dolor es nuestro dolor, llamamos al pueblo de México y del mundo que lo hagamos en los hechos.

Pueblo de México y del mundo, nosotras las mujeres zapatistas decimos que tu dolor es nuestro color, así que hacemos el llamado a que nosostras, como mujeres, organicemos a nuestros pueblos para movilizarse cada quién en su geografía y su calendario para parar la guerra injusta porque las más afectadas somos nosotras por ser mujer y por ser madre.

Los grandes capitalistas son unos criminales y salvajes que no sienten ni tocan su corazón para acabar con la humanidad y destruyendo nuestra madre tierra, por eso hay que organizarnos, si nos tocan a uno nos tocan a tod@s.

Despertad pueblo de México y del mundo con una lucha de organización de hombres y mujeres por una paz verdadera.

Alto a la guerra que solo trae la desintegración de las familias.

Comisión Sexta Zapatista

Sunday the 13th

Sunday the 13th

To the sixth in Mexico and abroad:
To those who signed the Declaration for Life:
To honest people all over the world:

The Zapatista communities, in agreement with various individuals, groups, collectives, organizations, and movements from across SLUMIL K´AJXEMK´OP, hereby call for protests and mobilizations against ALL CAPITALIST WARS currently being waged in multiple corners of the planet. These wars are happening not just in Ukraine, but also in Palestine, Kurdistan, Syria, on the Mapuche people, on all the originary peoples all over the world, and upon so many different emancipatory processes that are attacked, persecuted, murdered, silenced, and distorted.

As our own response to this call, we will participate in mobilizations to be held Sunday March 13, 2022, and continue to protest wars perpetrated by the system across the world.

We therefore propose the launch of a global campaign against all capital’s wars, in whatever geography they are waged, consisting of concerts, gatherings, festivals, meetings, and so on, in a campaign of the arts against the wars.

We call on all honest people, groups, collectives, organizations, and movements in Mexico and abroad to participate in activities demanding a halt to all wars, starting on Sunday the 13th, and in accordance with their own times and ways and their own independence and autonomy.

For our part, thousands of Zapatistas from our communities will carry out demonstrations in the caracoles, in the county seats of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Yajalón, Palenque, Ocosingo, Las Margaritas, and Altamirano, and in the communities along the highway.

All of our arts, our resistances, and our rebellions against all of the wars!
From the mountains of Southeast Mexico,
Zapatista Sixth Commission
March of 2022

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés | SupGaleano

After the battle, no landscape will remain. (On the Russian army’s invasion of Ukraine)

Source: Enlace Zapatista

Zapatista Sixth Commission

After the battle, no landscape will remain
(On the Russian army’s invasion of Ukraine)

March 2, 2022

To those who signed the Declaration for Life:
To the Sixth in Mexico and abroad:
Compañer@s, brothers and sisters:

These are our words and thoughts about what is occurring now in the geography called Europe:

First: There is an aggressor: the Russian army. Big capital’s interests are at play on both sides. It is the peoples of Russia and Ukraine (and soon, perhaps, the peoples of other geographies near or far) who are suffering because of the crazed delusions of some and the cunning economic calculations of others. As Zapatistas, we do not support either state but rather those who are struggling for life against the system.

During the multinational invasion of Iraq (nearly 19 years ago), headed by United States’ army, there were protests all over the world against that war. No one in their right mind thought that opposing the invasion meant supporting Saddam Hussein. The situation today is similar, though not the same. Neither Zelensky nor Putin. No to the war!

Second: Different governments have allied themselves with one side or the other based on economic calculations devoid any of humanist considerations. For these governments and their “ideologues” there are good and bad interventions, invasions and destructive acts. The good ones are those carried out by their allies and the bad ones are those perpetrated by their opponents. The applause for Putin’s criminal arguments justifying the military invasion of Ukraine will become laments when the same words are used to justify the invasion of other peoples whose destruction does not please big capital.

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Stop the Repression of the Indigenous Peoples of Mexico!

Source: Enlace Zapatista

Ελληνική μετάφραση  (Griego)
Deutsch Übersetzung (Alemán)
Traduzione Italiano (Italiano)
Original en español (Español)

Stop the Repression of the Indigenous Peoples of Mexico!

To the Mexican people:
To the peoples of the world:
To the Sixth in Mexico and abroad:
To the media:

We denounce that on February 15 at approximately 1:20hrs, the repressive agents of the bad government including the National Guard, the state police of Puebla and the municipal police of Juan C. Bonilla, invaded and dismantled the space of resistance and organization of the Altepelmecalli People’s House, an autonomous political and cultural space that until March 22, 2021 was a factory owned by Bonafont. Bonafont is a transnational corporation that has for years stolen and hyper-exploited the aquifers in the Cholulteca region.

We fervently condemn the heightened repression by the capitalist government, which calls itself the “4T,”[i] of the resistance and struggle for life waged by our brothers from the United Peoples of the Cholulteca and Volcanos Region [Pueblos Unidos de la Región Cholulteca y de los Volcanes], who converted that landscape of death into a space of encounter and exchange despite determined efforts to impose the Integral Project for Morelos in the states of Morelos, Puebla and Tlaxcala[ii]. That megaproject would put a natural gas pipeline through the territories of the peoples of the volcano, where old and new forms of organization are sprouting seeds of hope and rebellion.

We are on high alert given the possible persecution of our brothers and sisters from the Altepelmecalli People’s House. We hold the Federal Government responsible for using its armed National Guard thugs to intensify the war of money against life. We hold the government responsible for protecting the Bonafont company, which displaces, steals, privatizes and immorally profits off our people’s waters, creating harm in the form of sinkholes and the running dry of wells, springs, rivers and gullies. This is what has happened to the Metlapanapa river, which the People’s Front of the Cholulteca and Volcano Region [Frente de Pueblos de la Región Cholulteca y los Volcanes] has defended against the river’s exploitation and pollution by industry.

We denounce this repressive offensive on the part of Mexico’s neoliberal bad government against our compañeros and compañeras who are raising the flag of organization from below in their geographies and convoking us to struggle for life. We condemn the following:

  1. The assassination of our compañero, Francisco Vázquez, president of the ASURCO Monitoring Counsel[iii], who raised his voice against the theft of water from the ejidos of the Ayala region as part of the operations of the thermoelectric plant in Huexca, Morelos.
  2. The criminalization of the Otomí people, and of our compañero Diego García by the head of that shadowy institution of the bad government called INPI [National Institute for Indigenous Peoples], which has served to extend the indigenist and clientelist control of our peoples, and whose offices used to be located in what is today the Samir Flores Soberanes People’s House.[iv]
  3. The persecution of the Indigenous Supreme Council of Michoacán for their recent mobilizations against disrespect, racism, and dispossession and for the removal of the appalling monument known as Los Constructores (The Builders) in Morelia, Michoacán[v].
  4. The indifference and criminal complicity of the National Guard in the face of violence in Guerrero where drug cartels attack the communities of the Indigenous and Popular Council of Guerrero- Emiliano Zapata who oppose the extractive megaprojects and denounce the governments’ complicity with narco-paramilitary groups that kill and disappear our brothers[vi].
  5. The militarization of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in order to impose the Salina Cruz-Coatzacoalcos Interoceanic Corridor megaproject[vii] as well as the illegal occupation of our communities’ lands for this project like what’s happening in the Binnizá community in Puente Madera[viii] belonging to the commons of San Blas Atempa, Oaxaca.
  6. The utilization of the National Guard and armed state and municipal groups to stifle the demands of normalistas[ix] students in Ayotzinapa, Tiripetío and Mactumatzá for justice[x] and for recognition of their terms for the escuelas normales.

We hold the Mexican federal government responsible for the escalation of repression against our peoples, and we demand that the National Guard and police forces cease actions against those who oppose the exploitation and destruction of nature and the plundering of the territories and community heritage of originary peoples in order to impose megaprojects of death promoted by the Mexican State.

We call on the peoples, nations, and indigenous tribes of Mexico, as well as on allied organizations and collectives, to be on alert for this wave of neoliberal repression announced by the capitalist government of this country in an agreement published in the Official Journal of the Federation on November 22, 2021.[xi] This agreement also declares the projects and federal governmental works matters of public interest and national security which they can then use as a pretext to exercise armed force against peoples who oppose this unprecedented dispossession and destruction of Mexican territory.

We call on the people, groups, collectives, organizations, and movements in the territory of SLUMIL K´AJXEMK´OP (also known as “Europe”) to mobilize and come out against the transnational corporation Bonafont-Danone, headquartered in France, and the agencies of the current Mexican federal government in Europe.

For life!
Solidarity and support for the originary peoples of the National Indigenous Congress!

February 16, 2022
For the Full Reconstitution of our Peoples
Never Again a Mexico Without Us
National Indigenous Congress—Indigenous Governing Council
Zapatista Army for National Liberation
Sixth Commission.

[i] The López Obrador campaign has deemed its governing project the “Fourth Transformation” (4T), supposedly on par with historic events such as Mexican Independence (1810), a period of reform in the mid-19th century, and the Mexican Revolution (1910).
[ii] “The Integral Project for Morelos, for example, consists of two thermoelectric plants and well as gas and water pipelines that will dispossess the Nahua indigenous peoples who inhabit the Popocatépetl Volcano region in the states of Morelos, Puebla, and Tlaxcala of their land, water, security, health, identity, and life on the land. The State, along with Elecnor, Enagas, Abengoa, Bonatti, CFE, Nissan, Burlington, Saint Gobain, Continental, Bridgestone and many other companies have imposed this project via the use of state, federal, and military violence, instilling terror in the inhabitants through torture, threats, imprisonment, judicial persecution, the closing of community radios, and now the murder of our brother Samir Flores Soberanes.”
[iii] Francisco Vázquez was assassinated on February 11, 2022 in Ayala. ASURCO is the Asociación de Usuarios del Río Cuautla [Cuautla River Users’ Association].
[iv] The Otomí community in Mexico City has occupied the INPI offices in Coyoacán since October 12, 2020, renaming it the Samir Flores Soberanes People’s House at the anniversary of the occupation in October 2021.
[v] On February 14, 2022 the Indigenous Supreme Council of Michoacán tore down the statue known as “The Builders” [Los Constructores] that depicted the Spanish priest Fray Antonio de San Miguel giving orders to a group of enslaved indigenous people, symbolizing domination and genocide of the indigenous by the Spanish.
[vi] Most recently, on January 30, 2022, the Indigenous and Popular Council of Guerrero-Emiliano Zapata was attacked by the narco-paramilitary organization called Las Ardillas (The Squirrels). The attack lasted for two hours during which the governmental authorities never responded or intervened.
[vii] The Salina Cruz-Coatzacoalcos Interoceanic Corridor is one of the largest proposed megaprojects that would connect the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean by a rail line between two ports in the states of Oaxaca and Veracruz.
[viii] On February 4, 2022, two people were caught deforesting and fencing off areas of Pitaya communal lands without the community’s permission.
[ix] Normalista refers to students that participate in the Escuelas Normales which are teaching colleges that principally train rural and indigenous young people to be teachers in their own communities.
[x] In 2014, 43 students from the Escuela Normal in Ayotzinapa in Guerrero were abducted and disappeared.
[xi] The announcement is posted here in Spanish:


(Español) Felicidades al comandante Pablo Contreras por sus primeros cien años de vida de congruencia y de lucha

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