(Español) Jornadas en defensa del Territorio y la Madre Tierra «Samir somos Todas y Todos, conversatorios: Tejiendo Resistencias Globales. Las luchas de los pueblos en contra del despojo capitalista, 26 y 27 de febrero
En el marco de las Jornadas en defensa del Territorio y la Madre Tierra «Samir somos Todas y Todos, invitamos a los conversatorios:
Tejiendo Resistencias Globales. Las luchas de los pueblos en contra del despojo capitalista.
Pueblo Sami.
L’Amassada resistencia contra los eólicos de Electricite de France.
Movimiento de Liberación de Mujeres de Kurdistán en América Latina.
Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra y el Agua Morelos – Puebla – Tlaxcala.
Movimiento No Tap, Italia.
Plataforma ciudadana para una transición ecológica justa, España.
Istmo de Tehuantepec Resistencia frente a los parques eólicos y corredor interoceánico.
Miércoles 26 de febrero
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Xochimilco. Sala isóptica D, 14:00 horas.
Jueves 27 de febrero
Facultad de Economía, UNAM. Auditorio Narciso Bassols, 17:00 horas.
Convocan: Red Universitaria Anticapitalista, Comité Estudiantil Metropolitano y Comité en Solidaridad con Kurdistán – Ciudad de México
Encuentro: In, Against, and Beyond the Capitalist Hydra
A Refoundation of the Sextas in the U.S.(Occupied Turtle Island) and
Encuentro of Networks of Resistance and Rebellion against the Civilization of Death
To the adherents to the EZLN’s Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle in the U.S.:
To the EZLN/CNI networks of Solidarity, Support, Resistance and Rebellion, or whatever you call yourselves:
To the Congreso Nacional Indígena (CNI) and Concejo Indígena de Gobierno (CIG) in Mexico:
To the Zapatista Army for National Liberation (EZLN):
To all those who resist capitalism from below, to the left, and feel inspired by the EZLN struggle:
Compañeras, compañeros, compañeroas, compas, sisters, brothers, relatives:
The Red Sexta Grietas del Norte invites you to the Sexta Encuentro in the U.S., “In, Against, and Beyond the Capitalist Hydra”, from where, we all know, the wheels of destruction churn towards every corner of the world.
Now more than ever it is necessary to organize collectively and, following the call of the EZLN, “to begin or continue our analysis and evaluation of the reality in which we live and to share with each other these analyses and evaluations as well as our subsequent proposals for coordinated action,” so that we may take action accordingly in our respective trincheras.
This call is for all the compañerxs who struggle and resist capitalist exploitation and patriarchal oppression within the U.S, especially to the adherents of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle and those who identify with the Zapatista struggle and thought, as well as with the peoples of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI).
The times we are living demand that we collectively understand the changes in contemporary capitalism as a whole and what they look like in our own contexts. We propose working towards recovering our histories, traditions, and understanding our past and current struggles so we can envision and create autonomies constructed from our respective and collective analyses.
The Encuentro’s purpose is to find each other, to share our pains, our ways of confronting this civilization of death, and build and strengthen our autonomies. It is to share the paths we can walk together against and beyond the Hydra and to work together in solidarity with the communities in struggle in Chiapas, in Mexico, and the world. Furthermore, it is to organize a resistance against the multi-headed capitalist Hydra that destroys Mother Earth and attacks Indigenous communities. Our aim is to facilitate the development of collective knowledges and responses, outside Western cartographies and calendars against the powers that seek to repress all communities of resistance and that displace millions of people worldwide.
The Encuentro will consist of a two day gathering in Oakland, California, on Saturday, March 7 and Sunday, March 8, 2020. It will consist of panels, dialogue circles, and conversatorios on key questions, including but not limited to the following:
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