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Indymedia Chiapas

Video: discurso del EZLN en voz del Comandante David / Marcha 7 de mayo

In response to the call by Javier Sicilia, thousands of zapatista bases of support and hundreds of adherents to the Other Campaign marched in silence in the streets of San Cristóbal. In the Plaza de la Paz (Plaza of Resistance), part of the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee – General Command of the EZLN read a document from the EZLN signed by Subcomandante Marcos, in Spanish, Tsotsil, Tseltal, Tojolabal, and Chol. In the images, Comandante David reads the document in Spanish.

Radio Zapatista

Zapatista March of Silence for Justice and Against Impunity: Zapatista words

Marcha Zapatista: Decenas de miles de bases de apoyo zapatistas, acompañados por otros miles de adherentes a la Otra Campaña de diversas partes de Chiapas, marcharon hoy (7 de mayo) del CIDECI/Unitierra a la Plaza de la Paz frente a la Catedral de San Cristóbal de Las Casas, sumándose a la Marcha Nacional por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad convocada por el compañero y poeta Javier Sicilia, que llegará mañana al zócalo de la Ciudad de México. En la Plaza de San Cristóbal, Comandantes del EZLN leyeron un discurso enviado por el Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos por el Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena – Comandancia General del EZLN.

Introducción e Himno Nacional entonado por el compañero Emanuel(Descarga aquí)  

Himno Zapatista entonado por el compañero Emanuel(Descarga aquí)  

Discurso en español por el compañero Comandante David(Descarga aquí)  

Traducción en tsotsil por el compañero Comandante Guillermo(Descarga aquí)  

Traducción en tseltal por el compañero Comandante Ismael(Descarga aquí)  

Traducción en tojolabal por el compañero Comandante Timoteo(Descarga aquí)  

Traducción en chol por el compañero Comandante Bulmaro(Descarga aquí)  

Despedida(Descarga aquí)  

Lee las palabras del EZLN abajo:

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Radio Zapatista

Interview to Gustavo Esteva in the March of Silence in San Cristóbal

Interview to Gustavo Esteva from the Universidad de la Tierra Oaxaca during the March of Silence for Justice and Against Impunity by the EZLN in support of the National March for Peace in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas.

English: (Descarga aquí)  

Spanish:(Descarga aquí)  

Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas May Show

The first of May is recognized all over the world as international workers day.  For a century working people throughout the world have come together on May 1st to oppose state oppression, call out bosses for poor working conditions and also celebrate their solidarity and the power of their labor. Having been sparked by massive labor rallies calling for an 8 hour work day in Chicago’s Haymarket Square in 1886, May 1st or May Day has escalated to level of an internationally celebrated day for those fighting for human rights.

Today in the United States many of these marches and protests being held on this day are in support of civil and labor rights for migrants. A significant part of the US working class comprises of migrants and this is a discussion we want to continue on today’s show.  So today on Relatos Zapatistas we will be playing clips from interviews taken today from San Francisco’s May Day march. In addition, we will be discussing the actions taken place in Tucson Arizona against the school board which is attempting to implement a band on ethnic studies. We will also update folks on the current hunger strike at UC Berkeley that began on Tuesday  of this week in defense of ethnic studies.

All of these cases represent different positions within the same kind of struggle. Different forms of struggle that have to do with the over arching umbrella theme of immigrants rights or migrants rights; people fighting to maintain their dignity in the face of exploitation and oppression.

La Voz del Amate y Solidarios con La Voz del Amate

Presos políticos de la Voz del Amate y Solidarios de la Voz del Amate se suman marcha nacional‏

Communiqué political prisoner Alberto Patishtan:(Descarga aquí)  

Read the communiqué in Spanish: (Continuar leyendo…)

Radio Pozol

Invitation: Great Silent March in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, May 7

La Otra Campaña Chiapas invita a sumarse a la
Gran Marcha del Silencio
, 7 de mayo de 2011, 12 h
del Cidesi/Universidad de la Tierra a la Plaza Central(Descarga aquí)  
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Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio

Call for “5 more days of worldwide action for the Bachajón 5”

A compañera from the Movement for Justice in El Barrio invites to the global action for the freedom of the 5 political prisoners from San Sebastián Bachajón, which will take place from April 24 to 28.

Radio Zapatista

A un año del feminicidio de Tatiana Trujillo su familia denuncia la posible liberación del asesino

April 19, 2011, was the one-year aniversary of the death of Tatiana Trujillo Rodríguez, murdered by her hustand Elmar Darinel Díaz Solórzano, former federal deputy and PRI candidate as local deputy in 2010, who fled after committing the crime. Three months later he was detained for qualified homicide. However, he has still not been sentenced. On March 10, the federal court granted him an “amparo”, and he is likely to be released soon. In a press conference at the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center, Tatiana’s family denounced the impunity and injustice.

Denounciation by Tatiana Trujillo’s family:(Descarga aquí)  
Bulletin by Frayba:(Descarga aquí)  
Questions and answers:(Descarga aquí)  

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The Frayba Report

The Frayba Report: Violence in Chiapas

This month’s report focuses on the effects in Chiapas of the violence generated by the Federal government and the local counter-insurgency strategies in the context of the Mesoamerica Project, and warns of the dangers of armed conflict and reactivation of paramilitary groups in the state.

Reporte Frayba

Reporte Frayba: Violencia en Chiapas

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