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Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish

Full program:(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

John Gibler: Oaxaca, narcotráfico y militarización

(Descarga aquí)  

Interview to John Gibler, independent journalist, on the situation in Oaxaca, an update on the case of the murder of Brad Will, drug traffic and militarization in Mexican society.


Report on the situation at Lomas del Poleo, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

(Descarga aquí)  
Radio Zapatista

Program in English – Oct 2008

(Descarga aquí)  
  • Lomas del Poleo: interview with Father Bill Morton
  • Immigration. Interview with José Palafox
Radio Zapatista

Reportaje sobre los presos políticos de Atenco

(Descarga aquí)  

Special report with interviews to relatives of political prisoners from San Salvador Atenco.

Radio Zapatista

Tenth aniversary of Critical Resistance

(Descarga aquí)  

CR10: Tenth aniversary of Critical Resistance, movement in resistance against the prison industrial complex. For more info:

Radio Zapatista

Programa en español – Oct 2008

(Descarga aquí)  
  • Remembering the Tlatelolco massacre.
  • Political prisoners of Atenco.
  • Report on CR-10, the 10th anniversary of Critical Resistance, movement against the prison industrial complex.
  • Anti-immigrant raids in Humboldt county.
Radio Zapatista

Oct 2 March in Mexico City

(Descarga aquí)  

Sounds from the October 2 march in Mexico City from Tlatelolco to the Zócalo.

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con Trinidad Ramírez Velázquez

(Descarga aquí)  

Interview with Trinidad Ramírez Velázquez, wife of Ignacio del Valle recorded at San Salvador Atenco. Doña Trinidad speaks of the new sentences against the 13 political prisoners from Atenco, the struggle for their liberation, the conditions at the maximum security prison, and Ignacio del Valle’s reaction.

Radio Zapatista

Political prisoners and homage to the struggle of San Salvador Atenco

(Descarga aquí)  

Program in Spanglish: Political prisoners and homage to the struggle of San Salvador Atenco.