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Noticias de la Otra

Political prisoners from Bachajón

Report on the 8 zapatista political prisoners of San Sebastián Bachajón.

Radio Zapatista

“War on drugs” seen from the US side

Special on the “war on drugs” seen from the US side, US government’s rhetoric, and militarization.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish

  • News from Chiapas and La Otra
  • Interview with John Gibler about Gloria Arenas and Jacobo Silva Nogales
  • Sixth Anniversary of the invasion of Irak – actions in San Francisco
  • Interview with Miguel Perez on the organization of the May 1 marches
  • Zapatista film: “Corazón del tiempo”
Radio Zapatista

Program in English

Radio Zapatista

Special program on Women’s Day

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

  • Mujeres zapatistas y Ley revolucionaria de mujeres
  • Trabajadoras sexuales de Apisaco, Tlaxcala
  • Biografias de mujeres luchadoras
  • Invitación al Encuentro de Mujeres en el caracol de Oventik
Radio Zapatista

Documental especial sobre el 25 y 15 aniversario del EZLN

Radio Zapatista

Program in English

  • Community response in Greece against the the murder of a youth.
  • Shooting of Oscar Grant in Oakland, California, and the emerging movement.
  • Update on attacks and displacement of the people of Lomas de Poleo, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.
Radio Zapatista

Program in English – Dec 2008

(Descarga aquí)  
  • Festival de la Digna Rabia
  • War against alternative media in México
  • Other Art: Interview with Fabiana Rodríguez – visual arts as resistace
Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish

Full program:(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

Program in English – Nov 2008

(Descarga aquí)  
  • The politics of “encuentro” / Festival of Dignified Rage
  • Update on Lomas del Poleo