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Radio Zapatista y Radio Pozol

San Francisco asserts its right to the land

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Radio Zapatista

Against GMO soy in Chiapas

La Pirata

La Otra Europa Info 9.0 (winter/spring 2012)

In this program

– Useless mega-projects in Europe and the world
– Notres Dames de Landes (France): Pressure increases around the airport project
– No to the High-Speed Train (TAV) in Italy: no more pillage to our territories
– Struggle against the great project of the capitalist elite: Stuttgard 21 (Germany)
– Rebelion of the Black Sea (Turkey)
– Day of Land in Palestine
– Anti-fascist action in Rome (Italy)
– Moving to Gaza, life in the Gaza Strip (Palestine)
– Torture in Greece and the birth of a rebelious man: Dionisis Gorgoyiannis

(Descarga aquí)  

Free distribution report by La Pirata:

Colectivo Zapatista “Marisol” de Lugano (Switzerland) –
Nodo Solidale (Italy and Mexico) –
Nomads de XM24 (Italy) –

Radio Zapatista

Press Conference by Raúl Vera on the case of Alberto Patisthán

Don Raúl Vera, president of the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center, gave a press conference on 20 June 2012 in the context of the international campaign for the liberation of Alberto Patisthán Gómez.

Presentation and testimony by Gabriela Patisthán, daughter of Alberto Patishtán
(Descarga aquí)  
Words by bishop Don Raúl Vera and Víctor Hugo López (Frayba director)
(Descarga aquí)  
Words by Frayba lawyer Ruben Moreno
(Descarga aquí)  
(Descarga aquí)  
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Radio Zapatista

San Sebastián Bachajón: Testimony of the eviction

On 20 June 2012 in the afternoon, the day after the police eviction of the Agua Azul toll booth, which had been recovered by adherents to the other campaign from San Sebastián Bachajón the previous morning, we spoke to some of the adherents, who recounted the situation.

We also inform that on the evening of 20 June the last two people who had been missing since the police action showed up. Some of the adherents suffered lesions, most of them relatively minor, with the exception of one person, who required medical attention as a result of the aggression.

(Descarga aquí)  
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Radio Zapatista

San Sebastián Bachajón: nuevo informe sobre la toma de la caseta de cobro a Agua Azul

Update on the recovery of the toll booth to the waterfalls of Agua Azul:

Adherents to the Other Campaign from San Sebastián Bachajón recovered the toll booth to the waterfalls of Agua Azul, Chiapas, at around 7 am. The occupation was peaceful and no acts of repression or confrontations have been reported. For a time helicopters flew over the area and one of them landed at Agua Azul and met with the opposing group. At about 2 pm the helicopter left. Shortly after, the chief of police and the government delegate, José Manuel Morales, went by the toll booth to check how many people there were.

In this audio, we hear the voice of one of the ejido members, who narrates the occupation.

(Descarga aquí)  

This is the information we have up to now… we will continue providing updates.

Radio Zapatista

Adherents to the OC from San Sebastián Bachajón recover the pay booth to Agua Azul

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Esta mañana, 19 de junio de 2012, los ejidatarios de San Sebastián Bachajón, adherentes a la Otra Campaña, recuperaron la caseta de cobro a las cascadas de Agua Azul, exigiendo la liberación de los presos políticos Alberto Patisthán y Francisco Sántiz López y de los tres presos de Bachajón, Antonio Estrada Estrada, Miguel Vásquez Deara y Miguel Demeza Jiménez, al mismo tiempo en que vuelven a reivindicar la defensa de la tierra y el territorio ante los proyectos de “desarrollo” turístico federales y estatales para la región.

Entrevistamos a uno de los ejidatarios, quien explica las razones de la acción:
(Descarga aquí)  
Comunicado de los ejidatarios de San Sebastián Bachajón adherentes a la Otra Campaña:
(Descarga aquí)  

Invitamos a todos y todas a estar atentos a los acontecimientos en las próximas horas y días.
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Radio Autonomía

Radio Autonomía: Zapatismo en el Area de la Bahía de San Francisco — Junio de 2012

Radio Autonomía: Zapatismo in the Bay — JUNE 2012 SHOW

AUDIOS from the June 3, 2012 broadcast of Radio Autonomía: Zapatismo in the Bay (formerly Relatos Zapatistas) on Berkeley Liberation Radio, 104.1FM, livestream at

1. Durito Storytime: The Story of the Seven Rainbows
(Descarga aquí)  

2. Report from Infinite Solidarity with Montreal March
(Descarga aquí)  

3. Interview with Lobna (Egypt) & Gemma (OO Antirepression Crew)
(Descarga aquí)  

4. Interview with Mariana Mora & Guiomar Rovira (Mexico)
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5. Entrevista con Mariana Mora y Guiomar Rovira (México)
(Descarga aquí)  

We want to announce that we’re changing the name of our show from Relatos Zapatistas to Radio Autonomía: Zapatismo in the Bay to reflect the increasingly local focus of our reporting on anticapitalist and autonomous politics.

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Radio Zapatista

Government closes important space of resistance in São Paulo, Brazil

El Sarao de Binho, uno de los “saraos” periféricos de São Paulo (Brasil), bares convertidos en espacios de pensamiento y resistencia, parte fundamental del movimiento de literatura perférica o literatura marginal en las periferias del Brasil, acaba de ser clausurado por la prefectura de São Paulo. Hablamos con Binho, idealizador del Sarao de Binho y dueño del bar que fue clausurado, quien nos explica la situación y habla de la importancia de los saraus como parte del movimiento popular periférico.

En portugués:
(Descarga aquí)  
En español:
(Descarga aquí)  

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Radio Zapatista

Voices by prisoners and their relatives from San Sebastián Bachajón

Antonio Estrada Estrada and Miguel Vásquez Deara were detained in 2011, brutally tortured and jailed for made-up crimes, according to their own testimony, for their participation in the resistance of the adherents to the Other Campaign from San Sebastián Bachajón. In 2010, Miguel Demeza Jiménez was unjustly detained, tortured, and accused of a kidnapping he did not commit. All three continue in prison to this day, in the prisons of Playas de Catazajá, Ocosingo, and El Amate, Chiapas. This is their story, told by their relatives and by Miguel Vásquez Deara himself
(Descarga aquí)  
Read the article by Radio Zapatista on the case.