Noti Frayba: Threats, aggressions, and harassment to zapatistas bases of support
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El Grupo armado Pojcol amenaza, agrede y hostiga a comunidades zapatistas en el municipio Autónomo de San Manuel, en Chiapas, ante la omisión del gobierno de Manuel Velasco Coello.
El Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas informó que se vive una situación de tensión en la región de La Garrucha desde julio de 2014. Las amenazas se intensificaron desde enero de 2015 debido a que personas armadas provenientes de Pojcol, municipio de Chilón, Chiapas, incursionaron en la comunidad autónoma El Rosario e hicieron disparos durante algunas noches. El 12 de febrero de 2015 el grupo Pojcol destruyó el solar de un base de apoyo zapatistas y amenazó con tomar la comunidad autónoma Nuevo Paraíso.
El Frayba expresa que los actos de agresión y amenazas realizados por el “grupo de Pojcol” atentan contra el derecho a la autonomía y a la libre determinación, además de poner en riesgo la vida, seguridad e integridad personal de las bases zapatistas de las comunidades El Rosario y Nuevo Paraíso.
Publicado en:
En el tablón de avisos. El conserje.
On the Bulletin Board
The Concierge.
March 2015.
Early morning in reality.
Just here, as usual: watching and listening. The crack in the wall is barely visible from the other side. On our side it expands with persistence.
In the classrooms and in the huts of the thousands of Zapatista families who received, housed, fed, and cared for thousands of others,[1] men, women, and children from the five continents, the evaluations made by the teachers and votanes after you all left still resound.
Some of the evaluations were harsh, it’s true, but that probably won’t matter to those who claimed to had been moved by the experience and then continued on with their lives as if nothing had happened, avoiding looking in the mirror or editing that glance at their whim. Despite this, according to what I’ve heard, there were some, a few, that were evaluated as “pretty good.”
“Pretty good” is how the compas describe something good without making a fuss. “How are you?” “Well, I’m here, pretty good,” is how we greet each other.
Meanwhile time marches on just as we do, without fuss, just moving along, like shadows…
And the compa Galeano, who lit up these classrooms, houses, and schools with his word, now fallen and silent, murdered.