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Agencia Subversiones

En medio de la muerte, un proyecto de vida se reestructura

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Poesía para una niña de azúcar

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Rostros del Despojo

Tseltales de Banavil en retorno provisional carecen de agua

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En entrevista para Radio Tepeyac, Miguel López Girón narra cómo ha sido el retorno provisional de su familia a Banavil, después de 3 años y 8 meses en desplazamiento forzado; denuncia la falta de agua y hace un llamado a la solidaridad.

“Lo más importante para nosotros es venir a limpiar nuestras casas, continuar trabajando las tierras. Como pueblos originarios, es lo que no podemos olvidar: nuestros usos y costumbres, nuestra vida de trabajar en el campo.”

Escuche el testimonio completo, el jueves 6 de agosto, 17 hrs en el Programa Los crucificados de hoy, con el padre Pedro Arriaga por la 93.3 fm, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas y en internet por www.radiotepeyacRetorno provisional de familias desplazadas de Banavil

Soy Loreno López Girón desplazado forzado de Banavil, actualmente vivimos con mi familia, 19 personas, en San Cristóbal de Las Casas, desde que el 4 de diciembre de 2011 un grupo priísta armado entraron en mi casa, desaparecieron forzadamente a mi papá Alonso López Luna y no hemos podido regresar pero queremos ir a trabajar nuestra tierra e iremos el día 3 de agosto a nuestra comunidad para delimitar las colindancias de nuestro terreno, limpiar nuestras casas y el panteón donde está enterrada Antonia López Méndez muerta en desplazamiento forzado y otras niñas nuestras.

Invitamos a las organizaciones y colectivos nacionales e internacionales para que nos acompañen algunos día el 3 y 17 de agosto, o nos puedan apoyar con despensas, con lo económico o con palabras en formas de cartas.

Firma en apoyo exigiendo: Verdad, justicia y retorno: ¡Nomásdesplazamientoforzado!

Comité Estudiantil de Lucha

Te vimos bailar, ayudar y construir.- Carta del Comité Estudiantil de Lucha a Nadia Vera

Regeneración Radio/Somos el medio

Rubén Espinosa: Veracruz y la violencia contra los periodistas

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Agencia Subversiones

El rompecabezas del crimen en Guerrero

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CNI and EZLN Support for Xochicuautla

To the people of Mexico and the World

To the National and International Sixth

To the Ñätho indigenous community of San Francisco Xochicuautla

Faced with the dignified struggle that the Ñätho community of San Francisco Xochicuautla has maintained for the last eight years against the Toluca-Naucalpan toll road project which threatens the destruction of their sacred forest in order to connect the wealthy zones of Interlomas to the Toluca airport, the bad government, led by the murderer Enrique Peña Nieto, signed a decree of expropriation with which it intends to snatch up the communal territory of San Francisco Xochicuautla.

Throughout the years we have seen which interests the bad governments respond to, given that their security forces escort the Autovan machinery, a company belonging to the Higa Group, with which they plan to destroy the Ñätho forest. They believe that with this decree of expropriation they can impose plunder and destruction. Today we say that we know that the bad government has always trampled our rights as indigenous peoples, that they despise us, and that they may go to every corner of Mexico to impose their death projects, but they won’t be able to do so in San Francisco Xochicuautla.

The community has carried out a legal battle, appealing to different courts and agencies of the Mexican bad government, but most of those have proven partial to protecting the powerful.

We know that San Francisco Xochicuautla has defended and will defend their territory, as well as having accompanied many peoples and communities in their struggles.

So today we call upon the people of Mexico and the World, on the brothers and sisters of the National and International Sixth, to be attentive to what happens in the struggle of San Francisco Xochicuautla.

To San Francisco Xochicuautla, we say that you are not alone in this shared journey of indigenous peoples’ resistance.


Never again a Mexico without us

National Indigenous Congress

Democracy, Liberty, and Justice

Zapatista Army for National Liberation

July 2015


Traduzione italiano



If you have not received an email with a “pass” to the second grade, it could be because…

…the email address you used to register for first grade has expired, or was erased, or you have forgotten your password.

…you have the same email but you haven’t received a “pass” because we got mixed up and we need your information again…or because you didn’t pass to second grade. If after following the instructions we detail below you don’t receive a “pass” email within a month, then it’s because you didn’t pass first grade.

In either case, the way to resolve the issue is simple: it is sufficient to send a new email to this address:, from a new email account with the following information:

  • your full name and date of birth
  • where you live
  • your registration code if you remember it or have it
  • the dates in which you went to first grade
  • the place where you went to first grade (if you went to a community, the name of the community and the caracol it corresponds to); (if it was by videoconference, the name of the place, neighborhood, city, country, and continent where you had the videoconference)
  • the name of your Votán.

Traduzione italiano
En español

SupMoi y SupGaleano

Second Grade of the Zapatista School

Second Grade of the Zapatista Little School


July 27, 2015

To the National and International Sixth:
To the former students of the Zapatista Little School:

The date for the second grade (only for those who passed the first) of the Zapatista Little School is approaching.

As we had previously announced, the dates are July 31 and August 1 and 2 of 2015.

No, don’t rush. This time it isn’t about coming to Zapatista territory. Rather, this time it is about not coming here, at least not for the Little School. The second grade will be everywhere, outside of Zapatista territories.

Let us explain:

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Joint CNI and EZLN-CG communiqué on the attack by federal forces against the indigenous community of Santa María Ostula

To the Nahua Indigenous Community of Santa María Ostula, Aquila, Michoacán:
To the National and International Sixth:
To the people of Mexico and the World:

July 21, 2015

Given the violent events perpetrated against the indigenous community of Santa María Ostula on July 19, 2015, by a large commando made up of members of the Federal Preventative Police, the Secretary of National Defense, and the Secretary of the Navy in which Ostula community police commander Cemeí Verdía Zepeda was detained, in which federal soldiers murdered, WITH A BULLET TO THE FACE, THE 12-YEAR-OLD CHILD EDILBERTO REYES GARCÍA, and in which the following people were injured: the child Yeimi Nataly Pineda Reyes, 6-years-old; Edith Balbino Vera; Delfino Antonio Alejo Ramos, 17-years-old; Horacio Valladares Manuel, 32-years-old; José Nicodemos Macías Zambrano, 21-years-old; and Melesio Cristino Dirzio, 60-years-old…


The criminal behavior of the above listed military and police bodies and their complicity with organized crime, in this case the Knights Templar, enacted in order to escalate the war of conquest that has been waged for years now against the Nahua indigenous community of Santa María Ostula. The goal of this war of conquest is to occupy the community’s territories in favor of mining and transnational tourist interests, and to punish this community for having dared to take back the land from which they had been displaced and for having defended themselves—by putting into practice their right to live—from organized crime, which today serves as the paramilitary branch of the Mexican State.

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