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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

A meeting in La Realidad a few days ago


June 2014.

For: The Sixth in Mexico and the world

Compañeras and compañeros of the Sixth in Mexico and the world:
Brothers and sisters of Mexico and the world:

I want to tell you about a meeting that we had in La Realidad a few days ago.

The Zapatista compañeras and compañeros of La Realidad say that the three levels of capitalist governments who destroyed their autonomous school, autonomous clinic, and the hose that brings water to the compañeras and compañeros wanted to destroy the Zapatista struggle then and there.

It should not be forgotten that when the first Aguascalientes was destroyed, the Zapatistas built five more.

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Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas

NotiFrayba: Campamento de Paz en La Realidad, Chiapas

In order to document aggressions against Zapatista bases of support, the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center will set up a Permanent Peace Camp at La Realidad, Chiapas, starting on Wednesday, June 4, 2014.

(Descarga aquí)  

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Promedios México

Video: Homenaje a Galeano

Radio Zapatista

Nosotrxs ya triunfamos.- el legado de la revolución Zapatista y análisis de las tácticas de contrainsurgencia en Chiapas

Éste 26 de Mayo, en el cierre del seminario “Teoría y práctica del Neozapatismo”, Carlos Aguirre Rojas ofreció una evaluación del encuentro de fuerzas entre el México rebelde y digno, el México Zapatista, y el priismo, ese que regresó con el sueño aburdo y homicida de quedarse otros 70 años en el poder. En la evaluación de Aguirre el zapatismo ya ganó toda vez que “lo adquirido, lo legado a todas las luchas anti-sistémicas del planeta es tan grande que ya triunfamos”. Ese mismo día Martín Álvarez, estudioso de la Insurgencia Zapatista, realizó un recorrido por las estrategias militares, políticas y culturales contrainsugentes ejercidas en Chiapas durante los últimos 20 años. A continuación las palabras de ambos:

(Descarga aquí)  Aunque perdieramos ya ganamos. Charla con Carlos Aguirre Rojas en el cierre del seminario “Teoría y práctica del Neozapatismo” . Duración: 10 min.

(Descarga aquí)  Contrainsurgencia en Chiapas ayer y hoy. Conferencia completa de Martín Álvarez en el cierre del seminario “Teoría y práctica del Neozapatismo”. Duración: 53 min.

Evaluación de Carlos Aguirre Rojas:

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Sharing with the National Indigenous Congress



May 29, 2014.

To the National Indigenous Congress and the Indigenous Peoples in Mexico

To the Sixth:

Compañeras and compañeros:

Zapatista greetings to all of you. We want to inform you here of the plans for the exchange between the Zapatista people and the indigenous peoples of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI):
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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Pésame por la muerte del compañero David Ruiz García



May 2014.

To: The family and compañer@s of our compa David Ruiz García.
From: The Zapatistas of the EZLN


From pain to pain. This is what we feel, compañera and compañero of the family of our compañero David Ruíz García.

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Coordinadora Valle de Chalco

Homenaje al maestro Galeano: Transmisión por Radio Insurgente

Bajo el sol de mayo se escucha la voz de los sin voz, la Radio Insurgente, acá, la grabación austera del programa transmitido el sábado 24 de mayo de 2014… con dos rolitas metidas de contrabando…

(Descarga aquí)  

To see the images that accompany the audio, click here.

See also:

Coordinadora Valle de Chalco

Audios recogidos durante la caravana a la Realidad

(Descarga aquí)  

Pequeña cronología de hechos

Cabe mencionar que la guerra en contra de los pueblos Zapatistas y en contra de todos los pueblos, naciones y tribus indígenas en México, comenzó hace más de 500 años, ésta pequeña cronología data a partir del cobarde asesinato del compañero Jose Luis Solís López, Galeano y que nos llevo a organizaciones, colectivos e individuxs de México y el Mundo a solidarizarnos y acudir con nuestrxs compas Zapatistas.

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Centro Prodh

The struggle of ejido Tila in Chiapas

For more info on the struggle of ejido Tila, clichere.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Little School, Peace Camp, Sharing, and Rebuilding: Communiqué by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés


May 27, 2014.

To the compañeras and compañeros of the Sixth Declaration in Mexico and the World:
To our sisters and brothers of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) and indigenous peoples in our country:


This is Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés, greeting you to communicate a few things:

First.- THE LITTLE SCHOOL. Compañer@s of the Sixth Declaration in Mexico and the world. We want to tell you that for now we think that we will continue the work of the little school, both the first grade for those who did not arrive yet and the second grade for those who passed, but there are only a few who passed and can move on, because not everyone complied fully with what they committed to as students. Later we’ll tell you the date for the first grade of the little school. Same thing with the second grade, but not for everyone.

Second.- PEACE CAMP. Compañeras and compañeros of the Sixth Declaration in Mexico and the World. We have received the words and ideas from the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center suggesting that we set up a Civilian Camp for Peace at the community of La Realidad, where the crime against our compañero Galeano took place. We already told Fayba that their thoughts are welcome, so they can be witnesses and observers and listeners, since the situation hasn’t been solved yet. Because the murderers are still free and the strength they have and that drives them to do anything is alcohol, in addition to the fact that some of them have a history of drug use. The compañeros and compañeras zapatista bases of support have to return to their homes, because they can’t stay forever at the caracol, since they have to work in order to provide for their families. So the civilian camp for peace is very important. To that end, we ask you to coordinate yourselves with the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center. They have informed us that the first camp will be set up on Wednesday, June 4, 2014.

Third.- SHARING. We will also resume the sharing with our brothers and sisters from the National Indigenous Congress, but we will communicate on that separately.

Fourth.- REBUILDING. As you know, the paramilitaries at the service of the bad governments destroyed the school and the clinic of the zapatista bases of support. Just like we brought compa Galeano back from the grave, we have to rebuild the school and the clinic. The compañeras and compañeros bases of support from La Realidad already found a new place to build them. So we invite you to see if you can obtain building materials, so we can build the school and the clinic.

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