[VIDEOS] Closure of the Exchange between the CNI and the EZLN
Videos by Free, Autonomous, Alternative Media or whatever they’re called, from the Caracol 1 of the EZLN. La Realidad, Chiapas. (Listen to the audios or read the declarations here.)
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FIRST DECLARATION of the CNI-EZLN Exchange: on REPRESSION against our peoples
(Descarga aquí)
CNI – EZLN: We do not forget our dead, imprisoned, and disappeared.
The war against our indigenous peoples has gone on for more than 520 years. Capitalism was born of the blood of our peoples and the millions of our brothers and sisters who died during the European invasion. We must also add those who died in the wars of independence and reform, with the imposition of liberal laws, during the rule of Porfirio Diaz, and in the revolution.