News by KeHuelga
In this program you can listen to, among other topics:
- The march passed, the struggle is only begining
- Amnesty too
- Mexico City: against CFE
- Mexico City: Hunger strike at the Zócalo
- Teacher’s day; day of struggle
- Oaxaca: construction of Venta III halted
- New York: Protest against Wall Street
- Also in Spain
- The war in Libia
The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation released six more involved in the masacre of Acteal
The first court decided yesterday to resume its original jurisdiction and determine the innocence of Juan Santis Vasquez, Lorenzo Gómez Jiménez, Mariano Pérez Jiménez, Agustín Pérez Gómez, José Ruiz Tzucut, and Bartolo Luna López Pérez or Bartolo Pérez, sentenced for the crimes of homicide and aggravated assault.