Autonomía y Austeridad / Relatos Zapatistas en junio
This month’s program, broadcast on June 5, tries to think through the relationship between two concepts: autonomy and austerity. Here we’ve uploaded two interviews as separate segments/files that can be easily downloaded and listened to. The first (both in Spanish and translated into English) deals with the so-called “Spanish Revolution,” the massive popular mobilizations against the electoral system that have been taking place in Spain since May. The second focuses on a series of actions organized against austerity politics and their local manifestations. The two interviews also reflect on the question of how best to articulate an anti-austerity politics that’s at the same time anti-state.
The audios are also available on the Indybay website: 15-M Español, 15-M English, and austerity.
Report on the community of Cruztón
El 23 de mayo la comunidad de Cruztón, adherente a la otra campaña, en el municipio de Venustiano Carranza, Chiapas, denunció que se está formando un grupo para volver despojarlos de sus tierras, en probable complicidad con la Procuraduría Agraria del estado. Entrevistamos a uno de los miembros de la comunidad, quien nos cuenta la historia de Cruztón, la lucha por la tierra, las nuevas amenazas y los intereses de la minería en la región.