The Mirrors in Resistance – Declaration of the Exchange between Indigenous Peoples and the EZLN at La Realidad (9 Aug)
Por Medios Libres en La Realidad
Caracol de La Realidad, Chiapas. 9 de agosto de 2014.- Ante las y los compañeros de la Sexta Internacional e Internacional, el Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) y los 28 colectivos, grupos, tribus del Congreso Nacional Indígena (CNI) se dio a conocer la “Declaración Sobre El Despojo de Nuestros Pueblos” la segunda compartición de acuerdos entre el CNI y el EZLN.
(Descarga aquí)
La tierra que nos vio nacer que nos da la vida y que finalmente descansamos en ella eternamente por eso somos todos los colores que somos todas las lenguas que hablan nuestros corazones por eso somos pueblos, somos tribus, somos nación, somos las guardianas y los guardianes de estas tierras, de este país que es México, de este continente y del mundo. EZLN, Agosto del 2014.
A voz de un compañero de San Francisco Xochicuautla, se compartió en la explanada del caracol donde nos encontrábamos compañeros de la Sexta, las Bases de Apoyo Zapatistas (BAZ) y demás invitados a la clausura de la Primera Compartición De Pueblos Originarios de México con Pueblos Zapatistas: “Compañero David Ruiz García”.
First Report on the Progress of Reconstruction in La Realidad Zapatista
(Clarification: according to some bad information that we received, the compas from the free, alternative, autonomous, or whatever-they-call-themselves media weren’t going to be able to to make it to the closing and resolutions of the first Exchange (and so wouldn’t be able to report on the ongoing work for the reconstruction of the school and the clinic destroyed by the paramilitaries from CIOAC-Histórica). The rationale, motive, or reason for this was that they didn’t have the cash, the coin, the bucks, the bills, the money, the financial support, the liquidity, the economic solvency, the credit, etc., to get here. For this rationale, motive, or reason, “the Odd Ones Out [Los Tercios Compas],” who are always ready to support the compa media, mobilized a special multimedia, multitask, multidisciplinary team – very cutting edge – with their morraletas [cloth shoulder bags] stuffed full of gigabites and pozol, to take pictures and do interviews to circulate about the events. Then during what they call the “post production” phase of their informative material, we received different information telling us that the compas from the alternative media did in fact have the means, the manner, the bizness to be able to get here and do their work of spreading information far and wide about what is happening here. That is, they were coming afterall. That is, all that work for nothing. In any case, we are sending you the material, for whatever it’s worth. Here goes.)