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Radio Zapatista

Day 6 – Seminar “Critical Thought vs. the Capitalist Hydra”

8 May 2015, Cideci


Friday, May 8, CIDECI. Morning.

Philippe Corcuff (video):
(Descarga aquí)  

Donovan Hernández:
(Descarga aquí)  

Jorge Alonso – Realidad, proyecto, experiencia y anhelo:
(Descarga aquí)  

Raúl Zibechi :
(Descarga aquí)  

Carlos Aguirre Rojas – Revolucionar el poder desde abajo:
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés:
(Descarga aquí)  

Friday, May 8, CIDECI. Afternoon.

Hugo Blanco (video):
(Descarga aquí)  

Xuno López (TSELTAL):
(Descarga aquí)  

Xuno López (SPANISH):
(Descarga aquí)  

Juan Carlos Mijangos:
(Descarga aquí)  

Óscar Olivera (video):
(Descarga aquí)  

Carlos González:
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano – Etcetera:
(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

Political Economy from the Zapatista Communities II. Words by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. 5 May 2015

See also: Full coverage of the Seminar “Critical Thought vs. the Capitalist Hydra”

Political Economy from the Zapatista Communities II
Words by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. 5 May 2015

Listen here:(Descarga aquí)  

Good afternoon to everyone, compañeras, compañeros, brothers and sisters.

In response to what we have been listening to yesterday, and the day before, we have been commenting in the commission of compañeros and compañeras of the CCRI, that it seems to us that you can see there what it is that we want to do. This is the reason all of us are here, and if we haven’t been dreaming or sleeping, then we are thinking about the things that we have discussed, what the compas and brothers and sisters already brought up and talked about. They have already told us a lot about what this hydra is. So the question is what do we need to do against it?

Organize ourselves. When we give this response, organize ourselves, it means that our brain is already telling us what must be done first, and then second, and third, and fourth, and so on. And so, it’s an idea, when it is in your head it is an idea. Now, when you move your tongue, then it is in your words. What is still missing is action, that is, to organize. Now when you are organizing yourselves, watch out, because it isn’t going to come out like you thought in the idea, or like you said in the word. You are going to begin to encounter a lot of barriers, a lot of challenges.

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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Political Economy from the Perspective of the Communities I. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. 4 May 2015

Words by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés (4 May 2015)
Seminar “Critical Thought vs. the Capitalist Hydra”

Listen here:
(Descarga aquí)  

Good afternoon compañeros, compañeras.

What I’m going to talk to you about—not read to you—has to do with what the economy was like and is like in the communities, that is, I’m going to talk to you about capitalism. I’m going to talk to you about how it was 30 years ago, 20 years ago, and in these past few years. I’m going to speak to you about this in three parts: how the communities lived before, 30 years ago; how those who are not organized as Zapatistas live today; and then about how we live, we the Zapatistas of today.

This isn’t to say that we don’t know how it was centuries ago; we do know. But we want to demarcate things from here because we are 30 years old—starting from ’83, the year 1983 when the group of compañeros arrived, and so from that date to now, we are 30 years old.

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Radio Zapatista

Day 5 – Seminar “Critical Thought vs. the Capitalist Hydra”

7 May 2015, CIDECI


Chronicle: Women Standing

Thursday, May 7, CIDECI. Morning.

Juan Wahren – On Doubts and Mental Opennes:

(Descarga aquí)  

Arturo Anguiano – Dispossession of the Political and Ways to Recover It:

(Descarga aquí)  

Paulina Fernández – Zapatista Justice:

(Descarga aquí)  

Marcos Roitman (written text):

(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano:

(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés:

(Descarga aquí)  

Thursday, May 7, CIDECI. Afternoon.

Daniel Inclán – Pedagogy of Cruelty, or How Violence is Normalized:

(Descarga aquí)  

Gustavo Esteva:

(Descarga aquí)  

Manuel Rozental:

(Descarga aquí)  

Sergio Tischler:

(Descarga aquí)  

Democratic Modernity Journal, from the Kurdish Freedom Movement – Democratic Modernity against Capitalist Modernity (written text):

(Descarga aquí)  

John Holloway:

(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés: Resistance and Rebellion II (read here in English):
(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

Day 4 – Seminar “Critical Thought vs. the Capitalist Hydra”

6 May 2015 – CIDECI


Chronicle: “Con el amor más feroz” luchamos creando

Wednesday, May 6. CIDECI. Morning.

Gilberto López y Rivas:
(Descarga aquí)  

Immanuel Wallerstein – Los movimientos antisistémicos y el futuro del capitalismo (written text):
(Descarga aquí)  

Pablo González Casanova – Crisis terminal del capitalismo o crisis terminal de la humanidad (written text):
(Descarga aquí)  

Salvador Castañeda O´Connor:
(Descarga aquí)  

Michael Lowy – El ecosocialismo como alternativa radical (written text):
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés – Nuestras armas son la resistencia y la rebeldía:
(Descarga aquí)  

Wednesday, May 6. CIDECI. Afternoon.

Havin Güneser, Movimiento de Liberación Kurdo (ESPAÑOL):
(Descarga aquí)  

Havin Güneser, Kurdish Freedom Movement (ENGLISH):
(Descarga aquí)  

Karla Quiñonez (video):
(Descarga aquí)  

Mariana Favela:
(Descarga aquí)  

Silvia Federici (written text):
(Descarga aquí)  

Márgara Millán:
(Descarga aquí)  

Sylvia Marcos:
(Descarga aquí)  

Comandanta Miriam:
(Descarga aquí)  

Comandanta Rosalinda:
(Descarga aquí)  

Comandanta Dalia:
(Descarga aquí)  

Compañera base de apoyo Lisbet:
(Descarga aquí)  

Compañera escucha Selena:
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano:
(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

“With the fiercest love” creating we fight

(Continuar leyendo…)

Radio Zapatista

Day 3 – Seminar “Critical Thought vs. the Capitalist Hydra”

5 May 2015 – CIDECI


Tuesday, May 5. CIDECI. Morning.

Jerónimo Díaz – Buscando piso: Efectos de la urbarnización neoliberal sobre el Valle de México:
(Descarga aquí)  

Rubén Trejo – Despojo de los bienes comunes, explotación capitalista y la digna rebeldía de los comuneros:
(Descarga aquí)  

Cati Marielle – Agroecología: defensa del territorio y de los bienes comunes:
(Descarga aquí)  

Álvaro Salgado – Formémonos, movilicémonos y organicémonos:
(Descarga aquí)  

Elena Álvarez-Buylla – La hidra capitalista disfrazada de “ciencia y maíz”:
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés – Lo que nos da la fuerza es que estamos organizados:
(Descarga aquí)  

Tuesday, May 5. CIDECI. Afternoon.

Pablo Reyna:
(Descarga aquí)  

Tamerantong (video) – Defendemos el lugar de la cultura en nuestras vidas:
(Descarga aquí)  

Malú Huacuja del Toro – Los puentes mentales y un dilema (escrito):
(Descarga aquí)  

Javier Hernández Alpízar:
(Descarga aquí)  

Ana Lidya Flores – De hidras, gárgolas, basiliscos y otros dragones capitalistas:
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano – Medios, tercios, cuartos. Los medios, las sumas y las restas:
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

On the Elections: Organize

Listen here:
(Descarga aquí)  


April 2015

To the compas of the Sixth:

To those who are reading because it interests them, even though they’re not part of the Sixth:

These days, every time that this thing they call the “electoral process” happens, we hear and see the stuff that comes out saying that the EZLN calls for abstention, that the EZLN says that people shouldn’t vote. They say this and other idiocies, these big-headed people who don’t study history or even try to understand. And they even put these absurdities into history books and biographies, and then charge for them. That is to say, they charge for these lies. Like politicians.

Of course, you know that we’re not interested in these things that those above make up in order to try to convince those below that they’re concerned about them.

(Continuar leyendo…)

Radio Zapatista

Day 2 – Seminar “Critical Thought v. the Capitalist Hydra”

4 May 2015, CIDECI / Universidad de la Tierra Chiapas


Monday, 4 May. CIDECI. Morning.

María de Jesús de la Fuente C. O’Higgins (leído por Fernanda Navarro):
(Descarga aquí)  

Oscar Chávez – “Libertad” es una palabra zapatista:
(Descarga aquí)  

Guillermo Velázquez – Ética es dar la pelea:
(Descarga aquí)  

Antonio Gritón – Signos y señales: presentación de la Exposición Gráfica “La Hidra Capitalista”:
(Descarga aquí)  

Efraín Herrera:
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano – El método, la bibliografía y un drone subterráneo en las montañas del sureste mexicano:
(Descarga aquí)  

Monday 4 May. CIDECI. Afternoon.

Eduardo Almeida – Vivir en una eticidad en la que cada paso cuenta:
(Descarga aquí)  

Vilma Almendra – Caminar la palabra desde la práctica:
(Descarga aquí)  

María Eugenia Sánchez – Construir presentes dignos:
(Descarga aquí)  

Greg Ruggiero – Ecología, fiebre, compañerismo e insurgencia:
(Descarga aquí)  

Alicia Castellanos – El objetivo es alcanzar todo de lo que se carece:
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés – El chiste es no dejarse, hacer, inventar, enfrentar, crear:
(Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

The Wall and the Crack. First Note on the Zapatista Method. Words by SupGaleano in the Inauguration of the Seminar “Critical Thought and the Capitalist Hydra”

The Crack in the Wall.
First Note on Zapatista Method.

Listen here: (Descarga aquí)  

May 3, 2015.

Good afternoon, good day, good night to all listening and reading, no matter your calendars and geographies.

My name is Galeano, Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano. I was born in the small hours of the morning on May 25, 2014, collectively and quite in spite of myself, and well, in spite of others also.[i] Like the rest of my Zapatista compañeras and compañeros, I cover my face whenever it is necessary that I show myself, and I take the cover off whenever I need to hide. Although I am not yet one year old, the authorities have assigned me the task of posta, of watchman or sentinel, at one of the observation posts in this rebel territory.

(Continuar leyendo…)