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Radio Zapatista

Programa en español – Oct 2008

(Descarga aquí)  
  • Remembering the Tlatelolco massacre.
  • Political prisoners of Atenco.
  • Report on CR-10, the 10th anniversary of Critical Resistance, movement against the prison industrial complex.
  • Anti-immigrant raids in Humboldt county.
Radio Zapatista

Oct 2 March in Mexico City

(Descarga aquí)  

Sounds from the October 2 march in Mexico City from Tlatelolco to the Zócalo.

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con Trinidad Ramírez Velázquez

(Descarga aquí)  

Interview with Trinidad Ramírez Velázquez, wife of Ignacio del Valle recorded at San Salvador Atenco. Doña Trinidad speaks of the new sentences against the 13 political prisoners from Atenco, the struggle for their liberation, the conditions at the maximum security prison, and Ignacio del Valle’s reaction.

Radio Zapatista

Political prisoners and homage to the struggle of San Salvador Atenco

(Descarga aquí)  

Program in Spanglish: Political prisoners and homage to the struggle of San Salvador Atenco.

Radio Zapatista

Interview with Maribel Ramos Rojas

Interview with Maribel Ramos Rojas, mother of Julio Cesar Espinoza Ramos, prisoner at Molino de Flores, sentenced to over 30 years in prison this past August 21. Maribel speaks about her son Julio, unjustly detained when he was 18 years old as he rode his bike on the highway on May 3, 2006, of his innocence and the unthinkable prison sencence, and her struggle to free her son and all other political prisoners.

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con doña Francisca y don Paco Hernández

(Descarga aquí)  

Interview with doña Francisca and don Paco Hernández, parents of Oscar Hernández Pacheco, prisoner at Molino de Flores, sentenced to over 30 years in prison this past August 21. The parents of the young political prisoner speak of their son, the way in which he was detained, the ordeal the family has gone through, the cruel sentence, and their struggle to free their son.

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con Italia Méndez

(Descarga aquí)  

Interview with Italia Méndez, former prisoner and torture victim, recorded during the political-cultural event organized by the Other Campaign at the encampment in front of the Molino de Flores prison, in solidarity with political prisoners.

Radio Zapatista

Documental sobre autonomía, la resistencia y la producción de conocimientos en la universidad

(Descarga aquí)  

Second part of our special documentary on autonomy, resistence and knowledge production in the academy and the case of professor Manuel Callahan from the Acción Zapatista collective at Humboldt State University.

Radio Zapatista

Program in English – Aug 2008

(Descarga aquí)  
  • National and international caravan to zapatista communities
  • Documentary on autonomy and resistence in the academy and the case of professor Manuel Callahan from the Acción Zapatista collective at Humboldt State University. (Part 2)
Radio Zapatista

Caravana nacional e internacional de observación y solidaridad con las comunidades zapatistas

Escucha en español: (Descarga aquí)  

Listen in English: (Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos and Teniente Coronel Insurgente Moisés greet the National and international caravan in solidarity with the zapatista communities, at the caracol of La Garrucha, and address them on the history of zapatismo, the EZLN’s position toward power and the construction of autonomy.