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Relatos Zapatistas

Student movement in California

In the last months, students, faculty and workers of various campuses of the University of California have risen up in protests and actions against the cuts in education and the neoliberal policies of privatization of public education. In this report, two UC grad students reflect on their experiences during the recent protests & strike throughout the UC system, drawing connections with broader struggles against neoliberalism and in defense of public education.

Noticias de la Otra

Colonia Mano con Mano, Tampico

On October 24 Tampico and federal police troops illegally destroyed the settlement Mano con Mano, with brutality and commiting numerous human rights violations. Since November 1 former residents and members of the Other Campaign have set up an information booth in downtown Tampico. We interviewed a former resident and an activist from the Other Campaign Tamaulipas.

Radio Zapatista

DOCUMENTAL ESPECIAL: La justicia autónoma

By Alejandro Reyes – Radio Zapatista

Intellectuals, scholars, lawyers, indigenous and peasant representatives, and activists debate on the situation of justice in Latin America and the construction of an autonomous justice. (Most of the voices in this documentary are from interviews done at the Continental Encounter against Impunity and for Autonomous Justice (20-21 Jun 2009) at the Caracol of Morelia, Chiapas.) (Descarga aquí)   With the participation of:

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Relatos Zapatista

Entrevista con Tatiana Rojas

Interview with Tatiana Rojas about her new documentary, “Guerreros del arcoiris,” which focuses on the political situation in Bolivia and specifically the separatista movement, led by right-wing governors seeking to counteract the national government of Evo Morales. We spoke about the different uses of the concept of autonomy and the centralization/decentralization of power in Bolivia and Venezuela.

Relatos Zapatistas

(Español) Entrevista con la profesora Clemencia Rodríguez

Radio Zapatista

Spot promocional de la película Corazón del Tiempo

Radio Zapatista

Spot promocional de la película Corazón del Tiempo

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Noticias de la otra

Violence and resistance in Mitzitón

Violence and resistance in Mitzitón: The communal authorities of Mitzitón, Chiapas, denounce new agressions against them in the context of the construction of the San Cristóbal-Palenque highway.

Noticias de la otra

People’s Guelaguetza in Oaxaca

People’s Guelaguetza in Oaxaca: Oaxaca celebrates the People’s Guelaguetza and renews the spirit of struggle of the people of that state. Interview with Omar from Radio Plantón.

Noticias de la otra

Sex Workers and the Other Campaign

Sex Workers and the Other Campaign: The Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer Elisa Martínez, Which is part of the Red Mexicana del Trabajo Sexual, just published the book “La otra campaña y la lucha de clases de las trabajadoras sexuales en México”. During the presentation, Sergio Rodríguez, Gloria Muñoz, the compañera Krishna, Elvira Madrid and Jaime Montejo spoke about the struggle of sex workers and the Other Campaign