XXVIII Meeting of the National Indigenous Congress, Center-Pacific Region
On Feb 5 and 6 more than 110 delegates and 44 communities and organizations participated in Mezcala, Jalisco, of the 13th meeting of the CNI, Center-Pacific Region, where autonomy was debated. In the three workgroups these questions were debated: what is autonomy; what have been the problems for exercising autonomy; autonomous proyects under way, and how is dispossession experienced in the communities. The Final Declaration gathers the results of the work and a list of denunciations that reflect what is happening to adherents to the Other Campaign throughout the country.
Declaration: (Descarga aquí)
Closure (Cerilo Rodad Lopez from the Coca peoples of Mezcala, Jalisco): (Descarga aquí)
Representatives from 44 indigenous communities share experiences in autonomy in their communities.
Conferencia de prensa del pueblo Ch’ol de Tila, Chiapas
Representatives from Ejido Tila and members of Frayba gave a press conference on 8 Feb 2011 to share the current situtation on the defense of their land and territory. The dispossession of 130 hectares of ejido Tila, by the Chiapas state governor, the Congress of the State, Registro público de la propiedad y del comercio and the municipal government of Tila, will be analyzed by the Mexican Supreme Court. Because of this, the authorities of Tila will have an audience with the Minister Olga María del Carmen Sánchez Cordero on 8 Feb 2011 to argue on the importance of protecting the indigenous Ch’ol territory of Tila.
Communique: (Descarga aquí)
Words by a compañero: (Descarga aquí)
Questions: (Descarga aquí)
Interview with one of the authorities from Ejido Tila (by Frecuencia Libre 99.1):(Descarga aquí)