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Noticias de la Otra

Repression and arbitrariness at the “first sustainable rural city of the world” Nuevo Juan de Grijalva

Nuevo Juan de Grijalva is the dearest project of the Chiapas Government and promoted as the first sustainable rural city of the world and the solution to poverty. However, since it was inaugurated its residents have denounced that there are no jobs, the “sustainable” projects don’t work, electricity rates are exorbitant, the clinic doesn’t work, and, in general, they live a desperate situation. The city was built after a supposedly natural accident that destroyed homes and lands when the Grijalva river burst its bank. The Chiapas government committed to compensate the people for the damages to their lands and homes, but it never did. Now a large work is underway by the Federal Electric Commission, which will affect large extensions of land. Once again, the government committed to idemnify the residents for the destruction of their lands, but it never did. Without other alternatives, the residents of Nuevo Juan de Grijalva organized a demonstration. Instead of complying with its promises, the government’s answer was the illegal detention of of the demonstrators, with an outburst of arbitrariness and injustice typical of the authoritarian and arrogant ways of the governor Juan Sabines Guerrero. After a long struggle and the intervention of human rights organizations and even the United Nations, the prisoners were freed. In a visit with the Free Media Network of Chiapas, we spoke with some of them, who shared with us their experience.

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Incriminating leaders of the Popular Front Organization Lucio Cabañas del Municipio de Las Margaritas

People outside the Popular Front Organization Lucio Cabañas take land on behalf of that organization and the State Government incriminating their leaders without these facts are true.

Disidente Radio

Interview to Roberto Gamboa from the Montaña Tlachinolan Human Rights Center

Hear the interview to Roberto Gamboa from the Montaña Tlachinolan Human Rights Center, who speaks about the situation in Guerrero.(Descarga aquí)  
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Noticias de la Otra

Rural City of Jaltenango, “A refugee camp”: Interview with Dawn Paley

Jaltenango is the fourth “sustainable rural city” of Chiapas, currently under construction, in the coffee-growing region of La Frailesca. The Canadian journalist Dawn Paley visited the site of the future rural city, where ejidatarios from Nueva Colombia, affected by the rains in September 2010, have been living for the past 10 months in a sports complex in very precarious conditions of overpopulation and lack of basic hygiene conditions. The state government promised them homes in the new rural city, but up to now the only thing that’s been built is an impressive entrance; at the same time, they are not allowed to go back to live on their lands. In an interview with Radio Zapatista, Dawn Paley describes de situation.

Listen in English:(Descarga aquí)  

Escucha en español:(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

Bajo la sombra del guamúchil: Presentación del libro y video

Presentation of the book
Bajo la sombra del guamúchil:
Historias de vida de mujeres indígenas y campesinas en prisión

Cideci-Unitierra, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, 7 July 2011.

The book tells the stories of indigenous and mestizo women (almosta all of them of rural origin) prisoners at Cereso Morelos, where 206 women and 15 children have been isolated from society by a legal system that views punishment and imprisonment as a solution in the face of the failure of a social model, which through exclusion and poverty has contributed to produce criminality. These publications (book and video) attempt to aproximate us to such experiences of inequity through the voices and writings of nine prisoners, within the context of the “Life Stories” workshop.

Introduction – Rosalva Aída Hernández (co-author):(Descarga aquí)  

Commentaries – Gabriela Patishtán (Voces Inocentes), Mercedes Oliveira, Xóchtil Leyva:(Descarga aquí)  

Questions and answers:(Descarga aquí)  

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Radio Zapatista

La Onda Bajita: July Program

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

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Internal complaints Catazajá beaches and family abuse and mistreatment by state officials

Now Catazajá internal beaches in northern Chiapas report abuse and violence against him and his family by jail officials. Similar situations have occurred since the end of 2010 to date in various jails in Chiapas.

Radio Zapatista

Journalism Workshop: José Gil and Marcela Turati (Proceso Magazine)

On 2 July 2011, in the context of the Proceso magazine tetralogy organized in San Cristóbal de Las Casas by RompeVientos TV and the Centro Cultural TierrAdentro, the journalists from Proceso magazine José Gil Olmos and Marcela Turati gave a journalism workshop to members of several free media collectives.

José Gil (50 min):(Descarga aquí)  

Marcela Turati (1 hr):(Descarga aquí)  

Open dialog (1:23 hr):(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

Denunciation by Concepción Avendaño: Harrassment by the Chiapas government

This July 2, 2011, day of the march against violence against women in San Cristóbal de Las Casas,the activist Concepción Avendaño Villafuerte received a citation to appear at the General Attorney’s office (PGR) this next July 5. The compañera fears for her freedom and asks that we remain attentive and calls for solidarity.(Descarga aquí)  

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Radio Zapatista

The Afrobolivian Struggle: a conversation with activists from the movement