Day 6 – Seminar “Critical Thought vs. the Capitalist Hydra”
8 May 2015, Cideci
Friday, May 8, CIDECI. Morning.
Philippe Corcuff (video):
(Descarga aquí)
Donovan Hernández:
(Descarga aquí)
Jorge Alonso – Realidad, proyecto, experiencia y anhelo:
(Descarga aquí)
Raúl Zibechi :
(Descarga aquí)
Carlos Aguirre Rojas – Revolucionar el poder desde abajo:
(Descarga aquí)
Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés:
(Descarga aquí)
Friday, May 8, CIDECI. Afternoon.
Hugo Blanco (video):
(Descarga aquí)
Xuno López (TSELTAL):
(Descarga aquí)
Xuno López (SPANISH):
(Descarga aquí)
Juan Carlos Mijangos:
(Descarga aquí)
Óscar Olivera (video):
(Descarga aquí)
Carlos González:
(Descarga aquí)
Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano – Etcetera:
(Descarga aquí)
Political Economy from the Zapatista Communities II. Words by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. 5 May 2015
See also: Full coverage of the Seminar “Critical Thought vs. the Capitalist Hydra”
Political Economy from the Zapatista Communities II
Words by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. 5 May 2015
Listen here:(Descarga aquí)
Good afternoon to everyone, compañeras, compañeros, brothers and sisters.
In response to what we have been listening to yesterday, and the day before, we have been commenting in the commission of compañeros and compañeras of the CCRI, that it seems to us that you can see there what it is that we want to do. This is the reason all of us are here, and if we haven’t been dreaming or sleeping, then we are thinking about the things that we have discussed, what the compas and brothers and sisters already brought up and talked about. They have already told us a lot about what this hydra is. So the question is what do we need to do against it?
Organize ourselves. When we give this response, organize ourselves, it means that our brain is already telling us what must be done first, and then second, and third, and fourth, and so on. And so, it’s an idea, when it is in your head it is an idea. Now, when you move your tongue, then it is in your words. What is still missing is action, that is, to organize. Now when you are organizing yourselves, watch out, because it isn’t going to come out like you thought in the idea, or like you said in the word. You are going to begin to encounter a lot of barriers, a lot of challenges.