Calendar for the 5th Congress of the CNI and the Gathering “Zapatistas and ConSciences for Humanity.”
October 26, 2016.
To the invited and attending Scientists of the Gathering “Zapatistas and ConSciences for Humanity”:
To the compañeras, compañeros, compañeroas of the National and International Sixth:
Brothers and sisters:
We send you greetings. We write to inform you of the following:
First: Per instructions from the National Indigenous Congress, which at the moment is consulting with the originary peoples, barrios, tribes, and nations throughout Mexico on the proposal made during the first phase of the Fifth Congress, we inform you that the permanent assembly of the CNI will be reinstated December 29, 2016, at CIDECI-UNITIERRA in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas.
There the CNI will hold roundtable sessions on December 30 and 31 of this year. During these sessions, or before then if the CNI so chooses, the results of the consultation will be made known. On January 1, 2017, the plenary assembly will take place in Oventik, Chiapas, Mexico, and any agreements necessary will be made there.
The compañeras and compañeros of the originary peoples, barrios, tribes, and nations who make up the National Indigenous Congress inform us that they have financial difficulties that impede their travel to this meeting, and so they request solidarity donations from the national and international Sixth, as well as from any honest people who want to support them in this way. To offer this support, the compas of the CNI ask that people communicate directly with them at the following email: From there they will explain where and how to send support.
(Español) Estado mexicano responsable de crímenes de lesa humanidad en la zona Norte de Chiapas, denuncia pública
Nosotras y Nosotros somos los familiares de los ejecutados, de las personas desaparecidas y de quienes sufrimos el desplazamiento forzado de nuestras comunidades de la zona baja del municipio de Tila, dentro del Conflicto Armado Interno en Chiapas.
Nosotras y Nosotros somos quienes hemos sufrido la estrategia contrainsurgente implementada por el gobierno mexicano a través del Plan de Campaña Chiapas 94, en la cual se formaron grupos paramilitares para acabar con las bases de apoyo del EZLN. En nuestra zona se formó el grupo paramilitar Organización Desarrollo Paz y Justicia, quien actuó bajo la preparación y protección de distintos niveles de gobierno en contra de la sociedad civil. Hasta hoy sufrimos esos graves efectos.