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Radio Pozol

Visit to prisoners from La Voz del Amate and in solidarity with La Voz del Amate, on the 6th anniversary of its foundation

On January 8, we visited the prisoners from the organization La Voz del Amate and in solidarity with La Voz del Amate, to celebrate its sixth anniversary. Below, audios from the event and interviews to some of the prisoners.

Alejandro Diaz, Alberto Patishtan y Pedro Lopez Jimenez(Descarga aquí)  

Olmeca Hip Hop(Descarga aquí)  

Palabras Rosario Diaz Mendez(Descarga aquí)  

Palabras Compas Pais Vasco(Descarga aquí)  

Participacion Pedro Lopez Jimenez(Descarga aquí)  

Olmeca Hip Hop 2(Descarga aquí)  

Palabras Francisco Santis Lopez(Descarga aquí)  

Palabras Andres Nuñez Hernandez(Descarga aquí)  

Participacion Jorge Salinas(Descarga aquí)  

Palabras de Rosa Lopez Diaz(Descarga aquí)  

Entrevista a Alfredo Lopez Jiménez(Descarga aquí)  

Entrevista a Rosa Lopez Diaz(Descarga aquí)  

Entrevista a Rosario Diaz Mendez y esposa(Descarga aquí)  

Entrevista a Rosario Diaz Mendez y esposa segunda parte(Descarga aquí)  
(Continuar leyendo…)

Red de Medios Libres

2nd International Seminar of Reflection and Analysis

“… planeta tierra: movimientos antisistémicos…”

30-31 de diciembre de 2011, 1-2 de enero de 2012
CIDECI/Unitierra Chiapas


Transmisión en vivo (audio):

Transmisión en vivo (video):

Más información:`

30 de diciembre 2011

Sesión Matutina (11 a.m.)

Moderadora: Stella Maris

Palabras de bienvenida(Descarga aquí)  

Presentación del libro: La potencia de los pobres, de Jean Robert y Majid Rahnema

Sesión Vespertina (6 p.m.)

Moderador: Ronald Nigh


31 de diciembre 2011

Sesión Matutina (11 a.m.)

Moderadora: Nelly Cubillos


Sesión de preguntas y respuestas:

Sesión Vespertina (6 p.m.)

Moderador: Víctor Hugo López (Frayba)(Descarga aquí)  


Sesión de preguntas y respuestas:

1º de enero 2012

Sesión Matutina (11 a.m.)

Moderadora: Concepción Suárez


Sesión de preguntas y respuestas

Sesión Vespertina (6 p.m.)

Moderadora: Rosa Luz Pérez

Saludo al EZLN (Rosa Luz Pérez):(Descarga aquí)  


Sesión de comentarios, preguntas y respuestas

2 de enero 2012

Sesión Matutina (11 a.m.)

Moderadora: Marina Pagès


Sesión de preguntas y respuestas:
(Descarga aquí)  

Sesión Vespertina (6 p.m.)

Moderador: Lázaro Sánchez





Radio Zapatista

La lucha por los Chimalapas

The story of the current conflict in the Chimalapas, an upland forest zone with the greatest biodiversity in Mexico, where the Zoque indigenous people are resisting the depredations of governments and the interests of loggers and ranchers. This is another rural conflict administered from above which is costing suffering, blood and tears among those from below.

(Descarga aquí)  
(Continuar leyendo…)


A 33-day hunger strike by prisoners in Chiapas, they say.

A 33-day hunger strike by prison authorities 5 San Cristobal de Las Casas, does not let a doctor about your health.

Radio Zapatista

(Español) Director del penal niega entrada a grupo de oración para visitar a presos en huelga de hambre

Radio Zapatista

Second threat of removal of the sit-in of relatives of prisoners in hunger strike

Radio Zapatista

Chiapas political prisoners on hunger strike


Word of the relatives of prisoners on hunger strike in CERSS 5, San Cristobal, Chiapas

At a press conference in Frayba relatives of prisoners on hunger strike indefinitely talk about their encampment they have in front of Cathedral and demands freedom for the prisoners unfair.

Radio Zapatista

Indigenous Communities from the southern part of San Cristobal against turning their territory into a garbage dump


En huelga de hambre adherentes a la Otra Campaña presos en la cárcel No. 5 San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas.

Political Prisoners Voice of Amate adherents to the EZLN’s Other Campaign and the Solidarity of the Voice of Amate, and prisoners adherents to the Other Campaign Mitzitón and political prisoner Innocent Voices, held in prison No. 5 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas.

After enduring the injustices that caused us great harm to our families with these unjust imprisonments and prefabrication of the crimes have deprived us of our freedoms for the only cause and reason for some to defend the right and others as being devoid of any resource and illiterate, that our rights have been violated and continue to violate as many times we have been ignored in demanding justice from incompetent institutions.

That is why today we advertise that we take a joint decision to demonstrate our innocence through this that will start being 10.30 am this day September 29 this year where we declare 7 people on hunger strike are as follows:

1 .- Méndez Rosario Diaz: Political Prisoner “La Voz del Amate”
2 .- Pedro Lopez Jimenez Solidarity “La Voz del Amate”
3 .- José Diaz López: Solidarity “La Voz del Amate”
4 .- Alfredo López Jiménez: Solidarity “La Voz del Amate”
5 .- Alejandro Diaz Santis: Solidarity “La Voz del Amate”
6 .- Manuel Heredia Jiménez: Prisoner adherent to the Other Campaign Mitzitón
7 .- Juan Diaz Lopez: Political Prisoner Innocent Voices

And four people in plants and fasting from 12:00 hours on the grounds of illness and are:

1 .- Patishtán Alberto Gómez: Political Prisoner “La Voz del Amate”
2 .- Andres Nuñez Hernandez Solidarity “La Voz del Amate”
3 .- Rosa Lopez Diaz: Solidarity “La Voz del Amate”
4 .- Juan Jiménez Pérez: Prisoner adherent to the Other Campaign Mitzitón

Indefinite time as an end bearing demand true justice.
Therefore we demand that the C. Lic Juan Sabines Guerrero state governor to intervene immediately by our unconditional freedom belongs to us.

Finally invite colleagues and independent national and international organizations and centers of human rights NGOs to ensure our causes to demand justice and our freedoms and all political prisoners in the country.