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Adherentes San Sebastián Bachajón

Denuncia de adherentes a la Sexta de San Sebastián Bachajón sobre el asesinato de Juan Vázquez

APRIL 27, 2013

“We demand that this murder does not remain unpunished.

We the men women and children, ejidatarios of San Sebastián Bachajón, adherents to the Other Campaign, make a call for solidarity to achieve justice,

Following the death of our compañero, our struggle is not diminished, we will continue moving forward towards our goal, because we know that his death was for the defense of our Mother Earth,

because the mountains and springs belong to those who care for them”.

San Sebastian Bachajón, Adherents to the Other Campaign of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, Chiapas, Mexico, April 27, 2013









Compañeros, by means of this communiqué, we would like to make known to you:


An active member of the ejido San Sebastián Bachajón; as Adherents to the Other Campaign, we walked beside him for seven years following the sixth declaration of the Lacandon Jungle; after being a member of the organization, he was appointed Secretary General for the three centers on April 18, 2010.

On December 24, 2011, he was arrested by the municipal and judicial police, without even showing him a warrant, when he was entering his house, and he was put in CERESO no 16 in Ocosingo, hours later the commissioner Francisco Guzmán Guzmán arrived, who today is the ex-commissioner, carrying in his hand a folder identifying compañero Juan as leader against the neoliberal project, but thanks to the mobilization of organizations and the intervention of the Human Rights Centre he was released that night at about 12:00 pm and returned home without having to sign any release document or anyone asking his forgiveness or making any apology.

On 26 and 27 November 2011 the compañero Juan Vázquez Guzmán, together with compañero Domingo García Gómez, participated in a workshop of dialogue and reflection at the Indigenous National Congress in San Mateo del Mar (Oaxaca).

And he has followed the protection order (amparo) 274/2011 against the Neoliberal project. And the accompaniment of the three political prisoners from SSB.

He has participated in the forums about political imprisonment and in the demonstrations for the freedom of the Chiapas political prisoners, and for the release of compañero ALBERTO PATISHTÁN and throughout Mexico.

And he has been involved with the compañeras of San Sebastian Bachajón for the defense of the land and the mobilization last May 7, 2011, in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, in the ejido Tila, in Mitzitón and in DF, and the accompaniment of the release of the last 5 political prisoners from San Sebastián Bachajón, he has been part of several video messages for the release of political prisoners and the defense of Mother Earth.

And other participations.         .


On April 24, 2013, at 10:08 pm, hour of God, our compañero Juan Vazquez Guzmán was resting at home when someone came knocking at his door and he was riddled with 6 high caliber bullets and the culprit fled in a red truck heading toward Sitalá, Chiapas.

And we demand that this murder does not remain unpunished.

We the men women and children, ejidatarios of San Sebastián Bachajón, adherents to the Other Campaign, make a call for solidarity to achieve justice. Following the death of our compañero, our struggle is not diminished, we will continue moving forward towards our goal, because we know that his death was for the defense of our Mother Earth, because the mountains and springs belong to those who care for them.





Asesinan a ejidatario de la Otra Campaña (Sexta) en Bachajón

San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas

April 25, 2013

Frayba Urgent Information Note

Ejidatario from The Other Campaign in Bachajón Chiapas is Murdered

The Centre for Human Rights condemns the assassination of Juan Vázquez Guzmán, former Secretary General of the adherents to the Other Campaign (La Sexta) in the ejido of San Sebastián Bachajón, who was noted for his active participation in the defense of Land and Territory against the government plunder of the Agua Azul Waterfalls and the imposition of the Toll Booth at the entrance.

According to information given to this Centre, on Wednesday April 24 at 23:00 pm persons unknown shot Juan Vázquez five times, killing him instantly.

Neighbors say that Juan was attacked just as he was arriving home, the attackers immediately fled in a red van, with a double cab, taking the road to the municipal headquarters of Sitalá, thus also having access to the roads to the municipalities of Ocosingo, Cancúc and Chilón.

Since 2007, Juan Vázquez had been active in the defense of the Land and Territory of San Sebastian Bachajónone, a situation for which they held an order for legal protection (amparo) which is currently being reviewed in the Third Collegiate Court, based in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, under case number 118/2013.

On April 17th the ejidatarios of San Sebastian Bachajón, adherents to the Other Campaign of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, publicly denounced two that their Territory is being threatened by the official policy of territorial dispossession which is continuing under the current  state government.

1 Video of the struggle for the defense of the Territory, available at: #!

2 See note and statement available at:

Radio Zapatista

21 December 2012: The sound of zapatista hope

December 21 was the last day of the baktún of the Long Count of the Mayas. We do not know from what hour the thousands of Zapatistas that would occupy the municipal centers of Ocosingo, Palenque, Las Margaritas, Altamirano, and San Cristóbal de las Casas began to arrive. What we do know is that from 8:00 o’clock of the morning, they began to make themselves visible, to carefully occupy their assigned places in files and contingents. In the city of San Cristóbal the contingents went from the recently constructed Soriana to further than one of the entrances to Huitepec on the periphery of the city. Men, women, and children descended from their communities in the midst of tenacious cold and rain that did not cease throughout the entire day. And thus, with numbers embroidered on their balaclavas that marked the contingent to which they belonged and in perfect order, they began to advance once again over the proud Jovel.

The gray, the tempest that awaited them that day do not cease to be symbolic. The world is thus seen, felt these days, particularly the national reality. The return of the PRI to power (which is practically on the three levels in Chiapas), the labor and education reforms, the imminent threat of the dismantling of what remains of the ejido [commons](in the form of reforms to agrarian law presented by Calderón days before finishing his term), repression and criminalization of social protest with the PRI rearmed, and the deepening of the extractive model, read the open plunder of natural resources. So gray and stormy is the panorama. And in the middle of that night there appeared once again the Zapatistas.

In silence, in perfect order, they bore the rain, the cold, and the wind as if their very nature is to resist. They advanced in columns, the rivers of people, of balaclavas, and bandanas. On their passing, came out their sympathizers who have felt themselves called by Zapatism. There were also journalists and tourists as in ‘94. Many businesses closed their doors, such is shameless fear. But there were also those, the lesser in number, that greeted the contingents from the doors of their businesses.

When the columns reached the Plaza de la Resistencia, already a Zapatista brigade had built a simple and small platform. The vanguard that carried the Mexican and Zapatista flags placed themselves as backdrop for what would be a spectacle of dignity. All the columns passed through that platform, all the thousands of Zapatistas who came to San Cristobal climbed and descended with the left fist raised, in the midst of a silence broken only by the noise of their steps on climbing and descending hurriedly. That and from time to time some word from the sympathizers who watched disconcerted asking themselves at what hour would the communiqué so much announced on the Zapatista link be given. Nevertheless, that act was the communiqué: the message strong and wise that not only the General Command of the EZLN (Zapatista Army of National Liberation) but the Zapatista bases of support sent, The EZLN that resists, walks and builds are they who are the collective subject and raise the left fist as if to say: we will not give up, we do not surrender, here we continue.

Through the village streets, to the central plaza continued arriving the Zapatistas hurrying their step to then take their place in an act that seemed many times rehearsed and which nevertheless had not seen the stage until that day. The organizing effort of mobilizing thousands of persons in an act loaded with symbolism and dignity contrasts as never before with the emptiness and cynicism of the acts of the government. The ice rink constructed by the municipal government and which practically occupies half the plaza of the cathedral can also serve as metaphor: extremely costly white elephant built without doubt for tourism with monies from the public funds in a state of bankruptcy, the rink finds itself not only out of context but furthermore is useless. Occupation-usurpation of public space. And what happened during the Zapatista mobilization? There stood the white elephant while the mobilization, the Zapatistas overflowed the streets, the limits: the entire center was taken, occupied.

Little by little, as they had come, the thousands of colors that are the Zapatista peoples went out the city in silence to return to the mountains. They left behind once more the gabble in the midst of the gray that reigns. They fertilized the seed of hope they planted many years ago.

(English translation from the Spanish by © Rafael Jesús González 2012)


¿Escucharon? Communiqué by the EZLN – 21 December 2012

Red de Medios Libres

Festival de la Memoria – 29 Aniversario del EZLN – Programas Radiales


Este 17 de noviembre de 2012 se cumplieron 29 años de la fundación, en algún lugar de la selva Lacandona, del segundo núcleo guerrillero Emiliano Zapata, que fue la semilla del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional.

Como Red de Medios Libres Chiapas, organizamos un “Festival de la memoria” para festejar recordando este aniversario, como parte de una larga historia de lucha de los pueblos, por construir un mundo en el que se viva con libertad, democracia y justicia.

Aquí puedes encontrar las 4 charlas que se dieron en el festival, junto con algunos protagonistas de esta historia.

Mesa 1: “A la vuelta del Katún los caminos de organización” (60´s – 83) [73 mins]

Nos adentramos a la historia de Chiapas hablando de la situación que vivían los pueblos indígenas en la década de los sesenta y el proceso de transformación que implicó la pastoral de la teología de la liberación. Hablamos de los movimientos de los 60 en distintas partes del país y del nacimiento de las Fuerzas de Liberación Nacional. Paramos a reflexionar en las implicaciones que tuvo el Congreso Indígena de 1974 con sus ejes de salud, educación, tierra y comercio, en el proceso organizativo en Chiapas.

En este apartado nos comparten su palabra:

  • Juan Hernández Mesa
  • Gaspar Morquecho
  • Michel Chanteau
  • Mercedes Olivera
(Descarga aquí)  

Mesa 2: “El lento transcurrir del tiempo en la montaña” (83 – 94) [93 mins]

Durante esta década de represión muy fuerte se da la fundación del segundo núcleo Guerrillero Emiliano Zapata, padre-madre del EZLN. Asimismo vemos como importante la llegada de refugiados guatemaltecos a Chiapas y las repercusiones políticas, sociales y organizativas que esto tuvo. Así también en la coyuntura de la celebración de los 500 años de resistencia indígena en 1992 y como reacción a las reformas salinistas en referencia a la tierra, se da una ebullición organizativa que será un punto de madurez en el movimiento social en Chiapas.

En este apartado nos comparten su palabra:

  • Gaspar Morquecho
  • Elisa Benavides (Archivo)
  • Estela Barco
  • Samuel Ruiz García (Archivo)
  • Antonio Gutiérrez, Sociedad Civil Las Abejas
  • Mariano Estrada, Xi´nich´
  • Mercedes Olivera
(Descarga aquí)  

Mesa 3: “La insurrección del fuego y la palabra” (94 – 2003) [133 mins]

El primero de Enero de 1994 significó un parte aguas en la historia de Chiapas, de México y el mundo. Después del levantamiento armado, el zapatismo trasciende Chiapas y se vincula con la sociedad Civil. Se impulsa una agenda nacional e internacional que se ve ejemplificada en diversas iniciativas, como la Convención Nacional Democrática y los diversos encuentros que comienzan a dibujar un movimiento a gran escala y de dimensiones globales. Un punto clave en esto es el proceso de diálogo del que emergen los acuerdos de San Andrés, momento de reencuentro de la sociedad mexicana y del replanteamiento de su relación con el Estado. Sin embargo todo este proceso de esperanza va a ser opacado por la traición que implicó que mientras el gobierno se sentó a dialogar, haya impulsado una estrategia de guerra sucia de contrainsurgencia que sigue en pie hasta nuestros días.

En este apartado nos comparten su palabra:

  • Antonio Gutiérrez
  • Ana Valadéz
  • Estela Barco
  • Gloria Muñoz
  • Amado Avendaño (Archivo)
  • Gaspar Morquecho
  • Beatriz Aurora
(Descarga aquí)  

Mesa 4: “Autonomía, y retos políticos y sociales actuales” (2003 para acá ) [129 mins]

El 9 de agosto de 2003 nacen los caracoles zapatistas como una aplicación directa de los acuerdos de San Andrés. La autonomía inaugura una nueva fase y se plantea más fuertemente como un horizonte de lucha hacia un modelo alternativo de sociedad. Desde el 2006 el zapatismo busca también una nueva iniciativa con “La otra campaña” que plantea la necesidad de encontrarnos a partir del construir autonomía cada quien desde su lugar y según sus posibilidades. Ante eso en este espacio debatimos: cómo estamos construyendo ahora autonomía, en el complejo y difícil contexto de suma militarización y paramilitarización de la vida, con un gran desgaste político y social, además de los retos tan grandes que implican la crisis ecológica y civilizatoria en la que nos encontramos en la actualidad. Eso sí, nunca abandonando la lucha y sabiendo que falta lo que falta.

En este apartado nos comparten su palabra:

  • Comandanta Esther (Archivo)
  • Comandante Zebedeo (Archivo)
  • Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos (Archivo)
  • Bruno Baronnet
  • Red vs la Represión
  • Gaspar Morquecho
  • Víctor Hugo López, Frayba
(Descarga aquí)  



Leer la historia – 28 años del EZLN
Plática con Gaspar Morquecho a 28 de la fundación del EZLN [20 mins]

(Descarga aquí)  

El EZLN, inspiración de los guardianes indígenas de México Artículo de Hermann Bellinghausen y Gloria Muñoz

EZLN: 29 años de ser valladar y garantía Foto reportaje en Desinformémonos

Nace el EZLN Carta de Sylvia Marcos

El EZLN 29 años después Artículo de Raúl Romero en Rebelión

EZLN: 17 de noviembre de 1983 Artículo de Isaín Mandujano en Proceso

La Garrapata en el Chuncerro, Cuna del EZLN. Artículo de Gaspar Morquecho a 28 años de la fundación del segundo núcleo Guerrillero de las FLN en Chiapas

28 aniversario de la fundación del EZLN La Voz del Anáhuac

No nos Rendimos; Las FLN-EZLN 42 años después. Artículo de Gaspar Morquecho

Número especial de “La Voz del Anáhuac” en homenaje a los 40 años de las Fuerzas de Liberación Nacional

40 años de las FLN En La Otra Tamaulipas


El levantamiento Zapatista a través de la palabra de Amado Avendaño

Red de Medios Libres Chiapas

Festival of Memory – San Cristóbal de Las Casas

Saturday 17 November 2012
Casa de las Imágenes – Belisario Domínguez #9
10 am – 10 pm

Live Broadcast:

Invitation 1: (Descarga aquí)  

Invitation 2: (Descarga aquí)  

Grupo de Solidaridad con l@s Zapatistas de Essex

Desde Essex, Inglaterra: Nuevo videomensaje de solidaridad con l@s Zapatistas

Campaña Internacional:
“Eco Mundial en Apoyo a l@s Zapatistas”

Desde Essex, Inglaterra: Nuevo videomensaje de solidaridad con l@s Zapatistas

(Continuar leyendo…)


Interview to Alberto Patishtán

La entrevista realizada a Alberto Patishtán se llevó a cabo el domingo 7 de octubre en el Instituto Nacional de Neurología, en la ciudad de México. El día de hoy, 8 de octubre, Patihstán fue operado para extraerle un tumor alojado en su cabeza. La entrevista se llevó a cabo con muchas dificultades debido a la prohibición de las autoridades para realizar entrevistas y sacar fotos y video.

En lo que representa una acción más de ensañamiento y desprecio de las autoridades del estado de Chiapas, días previos a la operación, ya hospitalizado, mantuvieron esposado a Patihstán en su camilla, a pesar su tumor y de tener un 80% de pérdida visual. RV

Koman Ilel

Message from Alberto Patishtán to the ministers of the Supreme Court

This October 3, the ministers from the Mexican Supreme Court will discuss whether they will assume competence to revise the imprisonment and 60-year sentence against Alberto Patisthán.

Moisés Zúñiga

Interview with Alberto Patisthán Gómez at the Vida Mejor hospital