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La Onda Bajita

La Onda Bajita: December Program

  • Death threats to human rights activist Margarita Guadalupe Martínez Martinez and members and director of Frayba Human Rights Center.
  • Report from the Other Europe.
  • Monthly Frayba Report: paramilitarization 13 years after the Acteal massacre..

Human Right Defenders threatened

The government of Chiapas is unable to guarantee the integrity of human rights defenders in Chiapas, nor comply with precautionary meassures by the CIDH.(Descarga aquí)  


URGENT ACTION: New death threats to Margarita Martínes and members of Frayba


Situation of the defense of land in Tila, Chiapas

The Mexican Supreme Court can stop the state government’s attempt to take away 130 hectares of land from the ejidatarios of Tila, Chiapas. Ricardo, a member of the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center, explains the case.

La Otra Europa

The Other Europe Info 4.0 – Summer 2010

Radio news from Europe below and to the left:

  • Nigerian woman attacked and deported – Bolonia Italia
  • Israeli documents revealed about embargo against Gaza, Palestine
  • Luxury cars in flames – Berlin, Germany
  • General strike in Spain and occupation of the National Spanish Bank in Barcelona
  • Repression and actions during the no borders camp – Brussels
  • Chronicle of revolts for freedom of migrants at the CIE’s
  • Graphic exhibit on the Oaxacan struggle in Italy
  • Long summer of violence and evictions in France

Detention and harassment of independent journalists in Chiapas

Independent journalists and social network communicators in Chiapas are detained and harassed.

Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas show for November 7, 2010

DISPLACEMENT: complete show that attempts to develop an expansive understanding of the phenomenon of displacement. the main topics include gang injunctions in oakland; the invasion of san juan copala, oaxaca; and the case of the gonzález sisters, three tzeltal girls who were raped by mexican soldiers in 1994. (1hr 40 min, mp3)

Relatos Zapatistas

Programa de Relatos Zapatistas del 31 de octubre, 2010

EDUCATION / KNOWLEDGE: complete show including dia de los muertos, frayba report, anti-porro march in DF and remembering the massacre of 1968, an update from anti-authoritarian compas in chile with a discussion of autonomous libraries, and an interview with oakland high school students who visited chiapas as part of a delegation.

Full introduction at Indybay.


Acteal: Las Abejas press conference

After the release from prison of 15 new paramilitary members physically responsible for the Massacre of Acteal, the Las Abejas civil organization gave a press conference this last October 22, where they denounce these actions by the Mexican government.

Las Abejas de Acteal

Acteal denounces recent liberation of 15 paramilitaries involved in the massacre of Acteal

After the recent liberation of 15 paramilitaries known as material authors of the massacre of Acteal (22 Dec 1997), Las Abejas de Acteal denounce the Mexican government for covering up this crime against humanity.

Listen here.