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Brigada Informativa Altavoz

The straw that broke the camel’s back. We fear no more.

Tlatelolco, June 10, Aguas Blancas, Acteal, Atenco, ABC Nursery, Tlatlaya, Ayotzinapa; An accumulation of violence, murders, and disappearances has raised the anger that flows through the veins of the mourning mothers, siblings, and friends who have lost their partners, their friends, their children. The most affected are no longer afraid. And you?

Una adherente de la Sexta

Non-stop Week of Actions for Ayotzinapa in Chiapas

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Mumia Abu-Jamal

Mumia Abu-Jamal in support of students from Ayotzinapa

Los desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa

(Descarga aquí)  

Read in Spanish here:

En México, los fuegos arden, tanto literal como metafóricamente. Esto pasa porque miles de jóvenes sienten una acalorada indignación contra su corrupto gobierno, cómo se demostró en la resistencia que incluye la quema de edificios del gobierno el 13 de octubre en Chilpancingo, la capital del estado de Guerrero, México

¿Por qué les prendieron fuego? Los manifestantes estaban marcando el plazo no cumplido para que los oficiales del gobierno presentaran con vida a 43 estudiantes detenidos y desaparecidos por un grupo de policías corruptos.

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Joint CNI-EZLN Declaration on the Government Attack against the Ñatho Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla

Joint Declaration from the National Indigenous Congress and the EZLN on the Cowardly Attack by Government forces against the Ñatho Indigenous Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla on November 3, 2014

To the Ñatho Indigenous Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla
To the National and International Sixth
To the Peoples of the World

Today once again, our brothers and sisters of the Ñatho Indigenous Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla have defended their territory against the destruction and voracious ambition of those above who want to impose their highway project at any cost and in violation of Mexican and international law.

Not content with having laid waste to the forests, the bad governments of Enrique Peña Nieto and Eruviel Ávila Villegas have kidnapped our sisters Felipa Gutiérrez Petra (67 years old), Rosa Saavedra Mendoza (54 years old), and Francisca Reyes Flores (28 years old), and our brothers Armando García Salazar (50 years old), Venancio Hernández Ramírez (57 years old), Domingo Hernández Ramírez (57 years old), Mauricio Reyes Flores (28 years old) and Jerónimo Flores Arcelino (73 years old).

We warn those above, in case they have forgotten, that as peoples and communities who have walked a long journey of resistance in defense of what we are, what we were, and what we will be, we will not tire of planting rebellion where they cut the flowers, oaks, and firs; we will not tire of building resistance where they impose the machinery of destruction.

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Joint CNI-EZLN Declaration on the Invasion of Communal Lands of the Ñatho Indigenous Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla and the Attack against the Indigenous Yaqui Lauro Baumea

Joint National Indigenous Congress – EZLN Declaration denouncing the invasion of the Communal Lands of the Ñatho Indigenous Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla and the attack on Indigenous Yaqui Lauro Baumea

To the Ñatho Indigenous Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla
To the Yaqui Tribe
To the National and International Sixth
To the Peoples of the World

Once more we express our pain and rage as the peoples in rebellion and resistance who make up the National Indigenous Congress. We unite our voices, our rage, and our pain in response to what is happening in the Ñatho Indigenous Community of San Francisco Xochicuautla and to the members of the Yaqui Tribe who are defending their water source.

Our brothers and sisters of Xochicuautla have defended their forests against the construction of the private highway between Toluca and Naucalpan, because they know that life itself emerges from these trees, mountains, and waters. They were granted legal protection prohibiting this work on communal lands, but since October 8 of this year, workers from the construction company under the protection of public “Citizen Security” Forces of the State of Mexico have been invading their lands and cutting down hundreds of trees. The bad government doesn’t care if we below use their laws to defend ourselves; they break those laws themselves in order to destroy us. They made them for the same reason.

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Una luz colectiva

EZLN and organized civil society illuminate Chiapas for students and Yaquis

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San Cristóbal de las Casas. 22 de octubre de 2014.


Hoy Guerrero y Sonora brillan en Chiapas, en sus caminos nublados, en sus veredas y brechas lodosas. Miles de mujeres y hombres bases de apoyo del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional se unen a la jornada global de protestas “Una luz por Ayotzinapa”, refrendando su solidaridad con las familias de los estudiantes de la Normal Rural Raúl Isidro Burgos y con los presos políticos de la Tribu Yaqui. Para ello, se colocan cuando atardece a la orilla de decenas de caminos mojados que conducen a sus comunidades autónomas. Llevan en sus manos una luz encendida que luego clavan en la tierra cuando no llueve tanto, o mantas que exigen “presentación con vida de los 43 alumnos desaparecidos”, “castigos a los responsables de asesinatos y desaparición forzada”, así como “libertad incondicional para los hermanos yaquis Mario Luna Romero y Fernando Jiménez Gutiérrez”. Se congregan en las inmediaciones de sus comunidades y sus caracoles porque, a casi un mes de la barbarie policiaca en Iguala, 43 estudiantes siguen desaparecidos mientras nadie responde por los 25 heridos, por el cerebro en coma del joven Aldo Gutiérrez Solano, por el rostro baleado a quemaboca de Édgar Andrés Vargas, por el cuerpo desollado de Julio César Mondragón ni por otras 5 personas asesinadas el 26 de septiembre.

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Koman Ilel, Colectivo Zero, Radio Ñomdaa y Masde131

Zapatistas light up roads in Chiapas for Ayotzinapa

Municipio Autónomo Rebelde Zapatisa San Pedro Polho, Chiapas, 22 de octubre. Reporte colectivo por Koman Ilel, Colectivo Zero, Radio Ñomdaa y Masde131.

Con velas, en silencio, hombres, niños y mujeres del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) se volvieron a movilizar por los alumnos y las familias de la normal rural Raúl Isidiro Burgos de Ayotzinapa.

Tal como lo dijeron en el comunicado difundido el día 19 de octubre, aparecieron “iluminando” los caminos, parados en las laderas de comunidades en las cinco regiones en las que se ubican los caracoles zapatistas.

Al recorrer los caminos de la región de los altos, se podían observar grupos de al menos cien personas en distintos puntos como Oventik, Polhó, Acteal y Yabteclum, tomando parte de las movilizaciones que los zapatistas hacían en sus cinco diferentes zonas.

“Presentación con vida de los 43 alumn@s desaparecidos y castigos a los responsables de los asesinatos y la desaparición forzadas” versaba una de las pancartas levantada frente a la iglesia de Polho.

“Apoyamos a los alumnos y alumnas y maestros y familiares de la normal Raúl Isidro Burgos de Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, México”, decía otra pancarta.

polho luz atotzinapa (2)

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Joint Declaration CNI-EZLN on 22 October 2014

Joint Declaration from the National Indigenous Congress and the EZLN on the crime in Ayotzinapa and for the liberation of the Yaqui leaders

(Note: this text was read by CNI members in one of the mobilizations held in Mexico on October 22, 2014, and not by EZLN representatives, as some of the paid press reported.)

Mexico, October 22, 2014

To the students of the Normal Rural[i] Isidro Burgos, in Ayotiznapa, Guerrero
To the Yaqui Tribe
To the National and International Sixth
To the peoples of the world

“Because those of us below hurt with rage and rebellion, not with resignation and conformity.”
EZLN, October 19, 2014

From our peoples in struggle, from within our resistance and rebellion, we send our words as a reflection of this part of the country that we have constitute and call the National Indigenous Congress. We are gathered by the pain and the rage that call to us because it is a pain and rage that we share.

The disappearance of the 43 student compañeros of the Normal Rural Isidro Burgos of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, kidnapped and disappeared by the Bad Governments, imposes upon us a shadow of mourning, angst, and rage. Our hope for the reappearance of the compañeros is also the pain that unites us; our rage illuminates the candles that today light the way of mobilizations all over the country, raising the cry of dignity and rebellion in Mexico below.

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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

The EZLN joins the October 22 events in support of Ayotzinapa and the Yaqui People

Communiqué from the Revolutionary Indigenous Clandestine Committee—General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation


October 19, 2014

To the classmates, teachers, and family members of the dead and disappeared of the Escuela Normal[i] “Raúl Isidro Burgos” of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico.

To the Yaqui people:

To the National Indigenous Congress:

To the National and International Sixth:

To the peoples of Mexico and the world:

Sisters and Brothers:

Compañeras and Compañeros:

The Zapatista Army for National Liberation joins the actions slated for October 22, 2014, at 6pm, in demand of  safe return for the 43 disappeared students; in demand of punishment for those responsible for the murders and forced disappearances; and in demand of unconditional liberation for our Yaqui brothers Mario Luna Romero and Fernando Jiménez Gutierrez,

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John Gibler

Chronicle of the attack to students from Ayotzinapa

In a conference a few days ago at Rincón Zapatista in Mexico City, journalist John Gibler shared the testimonies collected in his visit to the Normal Rural Raúl Isidro Burgos school in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero. Based on interviews and testimonies by witnesses, relatives, and friends of the dissappeared students, Gibler reconstructs these youths’ profile and shares a detailed chronicle of the attack against them on the night of September 26 in Iguala, Guerrero.

Testimonio de John Gibler