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Congreso Nacional Indígena

(Español) Declaración del CNI del 24 de febrero de 2016

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A los Pueblos del Mundo

Hermanas, Hermanos, siguiendo los pasos de nuestros mayores en las veredas nacidas de la Cátedra Tata Juan Chávez Alonso, nos reunimos el 30 de enero de 2016 en la comunidad Chinanteca de San Antonio de Las Palmas, municipio de Tuxtepec, Oaxaca delegados de los pueblos Mazateco, Binniza, Chinanteco, Maya, Purepecha, otomí, Nahua, Wixárika, Tepehuano, Tzotzil, Chol, Popoluca, Zoque y Tzeltal, provenientes de 32 comunidades de los estados de Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Yucatán, Campeche, Guerrero, Michoacán, Estado de México, Morelos, Distrito Federal y Jalisco.

Nos reunimos para vernos y escucharnos en el otro, en el que vive todos los días el despojo, la represión, el desprecio y la explotación en cada uno de los rincones de la geografía indígena, donde se anuncia el relampagueo de la tempestad que cubre nuestros territorios, de la tormenta engendrada en la oscuridad del capitalismo. Nos encontramos para sabernos una vez más en la historia de nuestros ancestros y la nuestra propia, para encontrar y buscar los caminos  y poder seguir existiendo como somos  en cada comunidad, barrio, nación y  tribu de los que cada día tejemos el Congreso Nacional Indígena en la difícil tarea que heredamos los pueblos originarios de cuidar el mundo. Desde aquí volteamos la cabeza colectiva para entender los horizontes donde vemos lo que vemos.

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(Español) Asesinato de la defensora indígena Bertha Cáceres es responsabilidad del Estado Hondureño: organizaciones sociales

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.


En conferencia de prensa en Tegucigalpa, Honduras, organizaciones sociales, indígenas y defensoras de derechos humanos responsabilizaron al Estado hondureño por el asesinato de la luchadora social, indígena lenca y feminisita Bertha Cáceres, la madrugada del 3 de marzo en su domicilio, mientras dormía.

Bertha Cáceres, fundadora y Coordinadora General del Consejo Civico de Organizaciones Populares e Indigenas de Honduras (COPINH) y miembro de la coordinación Nacional de la Plataforma de Movimientos Sociales y Populares de Honduras (PMSPH), había sido perseguida, criminalizada y hostigada por su activismo en defensa de la tierra. Según miembros del COPINH, ella y otros miembros habían sido amenazados desde diciembre por personas autodenominadas sicarios a servicio de la empresa DESA-SINOHYDRO.

Una de las luchas de Bertha Cáceres era la defensa del Río Gualcarque, en Río Blanco, Intibucá, ante la construcción de la represa hidroeléctrica Agua Zarca, desarrollado conjuntamente por la empresa hondureña FICOHSA y la multinacional SINOHYDRO, y financiada en parte por la Corporación Financiera Internacional, brazo del sector privado del Banco Mundial. En 2015, recibió el Premio Ambiental Goldman para el Sur y Centroamérica por su contribución a la lucha contra la construcción de dicha represa.

A continuación, los audios de la conferencia de prensa:

Wilfredo Méndez, director ejecutivo de CIPRODEH:
(Descarga aquí)  

Yesica Trinidad (Red Nacional de Defensoras de Derechos Humanos | Movimiento Feminista de Honduras):
(Descarga aquí)  

Helen Ocampo (Colectivo Lastiri):
(Descarga aquí)  

Bertha Oliva (COFADEH):
(Descarga aquí)  

Dr. Juan Almendarez (CPTRT):
(Descarga aquí)  

Gilda Rivera (CDM):
(Descarga aquí)  

Carlos Cuadra (CIPRODEH):
(Descarga aquí)  

Fabricio Herrera:
(Descarga aquí)  

Pastor Rigoberto Ulloa (Iglesia Agape):
(Descarga aquí)  

Ver también:

Comunicado del Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras (COPINH).

Comunicado de organizaciones de derechos humanos.

Comunicado del Colectivo Lastiri

Comunicado de la Coalición contra la Impunidad

Palabras de Bertha Cáceres al recibir el premio Goldman:

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Zapatista Call for Activities 2016



February 29, 2016


First: That the serious crisis that shakes the entire world, and that will only worsen, puts the survival of the planet and the entire population, including human beings, at risk.

Second: That politics from above is not only incapable of coming up with and constructing solutions, but is also among those directly responsible for the catastrophe already underway.

Third: That the sciences and the arts rescue the best of humanity.

Fourth: That the sciences and the arts now represent the only serious opportunity for the construction of a more just and rational world.

Fifth: That the originary peoples and those who live, resist, and struggle in the basements of the entire world possess, among other things, a fundamental wisdom: that of survival in adverse conditions.

Sixth: That Zapatismo continues betting, in life and death, on Humanity.

The Sixth Commission of the EZLN and the Zapatista bases of support:

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Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

The Arts, the Sciences, the Originary Peoples and the Basements of the World




February 2016

For: Juan Villoro Ruiz:


I’m happy to hear that the rest of your family bajo protesta[i] are well, and I appreciate your serving as messenger to send them our greetings and gifts (although I continue to think that ties, ashtrays, and vases would have been a better choice).

As I picked up my pen to continue this conversation with you, I remembered your text “Speech on the rain” (Almadía Press, 2013), written, I believe, for the stage, which I read imagining, clumsily I’m sure, the set and the gestures and movements of the actor delivering the monologue, feeling the intervention more than witnessing it. The beginning, for example, is a summary of my life: the laconic “I lost my papers!” of the first line would make for an encyclopedia if I anchor it in the calendars and geographies of this continual lapse and relapse that I have been.

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San Isidro los Laureles

(Español) San Isidro los Laureles denuncia hostigamiento

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.


San Isidro los Laureles, municipio de Venustiano Carranza, Chiapas México, Adherentes a la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona, del espacio de lucha de Semilla Digna, integrantes del CNI.

Denuncia pública.

A los y las adherentes a la sexta nacional e internacional.
A Los organismos de derechos humanos nacionales e internacionales.
AL Congreso Nacional Indígena (CNI).
A Los medios de comunicación libres y alternativos.
A La opinión publica de México y del mundo.

A los 62 días de haber recuperado nuestra madre tierra, siendo a las 12:40 pm, pasó una camioneta doble cabina Cheyenne color blanca con placas de circulación DSF-73-24, llevando consigo 6 personas dentro del vehículo, usando chalecos antibalas llevando armas de alto poder, en los predios recuperados del municipio de Venustiano Carranza Chiapas, mandados por los propietarios Rodrigo Ruiz, Francisco Ruiz, Octavín Albores, y apoyados por algunos pequeños propietarios, con toda la intención de intimidarnos a las compañeras y compañeros, jóvenes y niños de San Isidro los Laureles y comunidades, y que denunciamos lo siguiente.

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Why don’t you self-prescribe this?

Why don’t you self-prescribe this?[i]

Zapatista Army for National Liberation


To the Federal Judiciary Council of Mexico:

The whole time the only terrorists have been those who for more than 80 years have so badly governed this country. You are simply the sink where the genocidaires go to wash their hands and together you have converted the judicial system into a poorly built and clogged latrine, the national flag in a reusable roll of toilet paper, and the national shield into a logo made of undigested fast food. Everything else is pure theater in order to simulate justice where there is only impunity and shamelessness, feigning “institutional government” where there is nothing more than dispossession and repression.

So, prescribe yourselves this: [IMAGE]


From 6 feet under.

The deceased and sorely missed (ha!) SupMarcos


Why so serious?

I adhere and subscribe (not prescribe/expire):



Authorized by the General Command of the EZLN

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés


February 2016


P.S. So, does this mean the Tampiqueño[ii] is now free to leave community and go for some stuffed crabs? He’ll have to pick up the tab, of course, otherwise forget it. So he is free now to do what any other Mexican can do? That is, now he’s free to be exploited, mocked, defrauded, humiliated, disrespected, spied on, extorted, kidnapped, murdered, disappeared, and to suffer all those insults to his intelligence from those who say they govern this country? I mean, I’m asking because this is the only thing the “institutions” guarantee any citizen in this country who isn’t above.



[i] This communiqué is a response by the EZLN to the recent pronouncement by the Federal Judiciary Council of Mexico that concluded that the warrant out for the arrest of (then) Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos for actions stemming from the uprising of January 1, 1994, had expired (“se prescribe” in Spanish), due to the fact that 20 years exceeds the statute of limitations on the crimes for which he was accused. (The charges were terrorism, sedition, mutiny, rebellion, and conspiracy). The EZLN here plays with the double meaning of “prescribirse” (expire and prescribe). The Mexican judiciary says his arrest warrant “se prescribe” (has expired) and the EZLN answers, “why don’t you “autoprescribirse” (self-prescribe)….this.”

[ii] “El Tampiqueño” is the name given by the EZLN to the person who the Mexican government claimed in 1995 was the man behind Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos.

Radio Zapatista

The struggle for land of San Isidro los Laureles

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Alejandro Reyes – Radio Zapatista

On December 20, 2015, the community of San Isidro Los Laureles recuperated 200 hectares of land that belonged to their ancestors, and where many of their grandparents worked in sugar cane plantations since the mid-twentieth century. In a visit to the recovered land, we spoke with some of the peasants from San Isidro, who explained the historic context and the meaning of the land recovery.

(Descarga aquí)  

Chicoasén in defense of water

Chicoasén en defensa del agua from InquietaDoc on Vimeo.

Ejido Chicoasén has been struggling for over 40 years to recover their lands, expropriated through deception by the state and violating their right to prior consultation. In this territory, the hydroelectric dam Chicoasén I was built, and the dam Chicoasén II is currently under construction. The ejidatarios have won an order for temporary suspension of the construction, and demand compliance.

Most ejidatarios are over 70 years old, in precarious health conditions, and with warrants for their arrest. They demand full recognition of their agrarian rights, in the fense of their territory.

Production: Inquietadoc/Frayba


And in the Zapatista Communities?

And in the Zapatista Communities?

Zapatista Army for National Liberation


February 2016

To the compañer@s of the Sixth:
To whom it may concern:

Compañeroas, compañeros and compañeras:

Now we are going to tell you a little bit about the Zapatista communities, where the bases of support resist and struggle.

What we are going to share with you now comes from reports by the Zapatista compañeras and compañeros in the communities who are coordinators for their commissions (for example, health, education, young people, etc), autonomous authorities, or other organizational coordinators. But along with the compas of the Comité [CCRI] we checked to make sure this information wasn’t a lie, that things hadn’t been altered so that the good things would appear and bad things would remain hidden. The work of these writings is not to lie to our compas of the Sixth nor to those who support us and are in their solidarity. We won’t lie to you, to them, nor to anyone else.

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MEANWHILE… in the partidista communities


MEANWHILE… in the partidista communities
[communities affiliated to political parties]


February 2016.

To the compañer@s of the Sixth:
To whom it may concern:
To our compas and those who aren’t compas:

What we are going to relate to you here comes from the indigenous partidistas that live in various zones of the southeastern Mexican state of Chiapas. Although they are active in, supportive of, or work directly for different institutional political parties (PRI, PAN, PRD, PVEN, PMRN, PANAL, PT, PES, PFH… in addition to any others that join the crowd between now and 2018), what they share is having received aid programs from the bad government, as well as serving as the human component for votes and for earthly and heavenly herding. This in addition, of course, to being indigenous and Mexican.

What you are about to read has not appeared, does not appear, nor will it appear in the local, national, or international paid media. It also directly contradicts the government’s propaganda and the praises sung by its media (badly, of course).

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