EZLN: M´a tuluk skop anzt, winik.
M´a tuluk skop anzt, winik.
Ú´j noviembre chebj mil wuaklajuneb javilal.
Yu´un lajbanwuanejetic wuinik´etik antzetik:
Tenix ayotik taj kopinel te bin yaka´tzivayik, yakal chambeltik spisil te binkawualik y sok te vin kajtzivayik.
Spisil te ja lavanwuanejik, ja bolilik, ja chopolil tej max´uix jak´unik snakaltayel.
Jixniwuan tej joetactikon taj pisilik de anztetik, wuiniquetik ta Congreso Nacional. Indígena yakalwuan taj yilbelik skopinbelik tej vin yakal jaá ztibabelik y xchambelik tej ja kópic.
Taj meleil loók te vitil laj yalik y laj yalbotikon tej ay bayal chopol´otanil ta lumilal.
K´ax vayal lamulanik, y laj pak´jakabik jaátex yuún kax lok ja´kunik loilkop te la pasik tekawualik yu´un ayatex tajkexan te jaátex y yax labanwuanjatex sok tej “canditaga”, te yas´can ya yal skaceselwuelil yuún ezln.
Laá jpasveyik kinalul bitíl tatilatex yuún slabanel te anztetik te jotikon indigenaotikon.
Yatoj ka kutikon indios tej yakikiltaybaticon taj pikel y que mayuk bin yajnaticon te joóticon y te yax botíncon bitil chamvalam banti ya yal te canan chij.
Yuúnwuan max´xawuilabaik taj jun espejo kalal vinkawualik
Jixchniwuan lokatex vitiltatil chopolatex mayuk jaákexlalik.
CNI and EZLN: Solidarity with the Indigenous Community of Santa María Ostula, Michoacán
Joint Communique from the CNI and the EZLN in Solidarity with the Indigenous Community of Santa María Ostula, Michoacán
November 4, 2016
To the Nahua community of Santa María Ostula, Michoacán:
To the peoples of the world:
To national and international civil society:
To the independent media:
The peoples, nations, and tribes who make up the National Indigenous Congress and the Zapatista Army for National Liberation manifest our profound condemnation of the actions carried out in unison by the bad governments and criminal groups against the Nahua indigenous community of Santa María Ostula, municipality of Aquila, Michoacán, in an attempt to crush their dignified and historic struggle.
These governments were not only complicit in the attack against Cemeí Verdía on May 25, 2015, but in fact freed those directly responsible, Juan Hernández Ramírez (then municipal president of Aquila) and José Antioco Calvillo. They [the government] imprisoned Cemeí Verdía on false charges and murdered the young boy Hidelberto Reyes García.
The bad governments now intend to arrest commander Germán Ramírez, fabricating criminal charges against those who struggle to defend the land and their families. At the same time, we see the regrouping of members of the Knights Templar cartel who are already reorganized and heavily armed in the eastern part of the municipality of Aquila.