The Zapatista Army of National Liberation denies having any sort of contact with AMLO. Communique from the CCRI-CG of EZLN
Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés
Zapatista Army of National Liberation
To the People of Mexico:
To the People and Governments of the World:
To the Free, Alternative, Autonomous, or whatever they’re called Media:
To the National and International Sixth:
To the National Indigenous Congress and the Indigenous Governing Council:
To the National and International Press:
July 17th, 2018.
Since yesterday and during today, media has been running a story backed by declarations of Mister Alejandro Solalinde (who presents himself as a presbyter, priest, clergyman or however its said, christian, catholic, Roman Apostolic), of a supposed approach between EZLN and Mister Andrés Manuel López Obrador and that “the EZLN already agreed to have a first dialogue” (textual words by Mister Solalinde).
About this lie EZLN declares:
First: The CCRI-CG of EZLN, the political, organizational and military directorate of EZLN, hasn’t agreed to a first dialogue with anyone. As its well know by whoever has the minimum knowledge of EZLN and its ways, a matter like this would have been made public well in advance.
Second: EZLN hasn’t received from Mister Solalinde anything but lies, insults, libel and racist and sexist comments, by assuming just like it was done during the days of Salinismo and Zedillismo, that we are poor ignorant indigenous manipulated by the -quoting his own words- “Caxlanes who administer Zapatismo” that don’t allow us to look down and kneel to the mister whose Solalinde considers the new savior.
Third: We understand Solalinde’s need to be on the spotlight and his demand for our submissiveness, but he is wrong about EZLN’s Zapatismo. Not only he is wrong about that. We don’t know much about it, but it seems like one of the church commandments to whom Mister Solalinde supposedly serves, which goes: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour, and you won’t lie”.
(Español) Programa para el Primer Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres del CNI y el CIG
En colectivo y con organización de abajo y a la izquierda, anticapitalista, antipatriarcal y apartidista, convocamos a trabajar para este Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres con los siguientes objetivos:
- Tejer redes nacionales e internacionales de mujeres comprometidas con la lucha anticapitalista y antipatriarcal, de abajo y a la izquierda.
- Reflexionar para llevar a la acción los nueve temas de trabajo del Concejo Indígena de Gobierno
- Intercambiar nuestras experiencias de lucha para seguir articulando nuestra organización como mujeres anticapitalistas y antipatriarcales.
- Generar acuerdos y acciones concretas que permitan seguir tejiendo esta red de mujeres
Para alcanzar estos objetivos trabajaremos bajo el siguiente:
Programa para el Primer Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres del CNI y el CIG
Sábado 28 de julio
7:00 Registro y desayuno
10:00 Palabras de Bienvenida
- Autoridades y mujeres de San Lorenzo Nenamicoyan
- Mensaje de las compañeras zapatistas
- Introducción a los trabajos a cargo de la comisión de mujeres del CIG-CNI