(Español) #8M: Somos históricas
“Si es tu primera marcha, bienvenida te estábamos esperando” así recibimos a las miles de mujeres que se unían por primera vez.
Alrededor del mediodía del pasado 8 de marzo, el monumento a la Revolución se empezó a vestir con tonos violetas que se veían en prendas, pieles y paredes. Llegamos entusiasmadas, nos abrazamos. Algunas se sentaban a terminar sus pancartas y pintarse el rostro, otras más buscaban a su manada entre la multitud y quienes iban solas pedían unirse.
La marcha comenzó poco tiempo después, los primeros contingentes salieron, pero la convocatoria fue tan inmensa que muchas esperaron horas para poder avanzar. Unas no alcanzaron a llegar al monumento y se incorporaron en diferentes calles. Era un mar violeta con destellos verdes, la vista era increíble y el paisaje sonoro que más 200 mil de nosotras (es la cifra que alcanzamos a imaginar), fue inigualable.
Nos sentimos todas. A las que en otras ciudades también marchaban al mismo tiempo. A las que desde sus casas seguían las redes sociales. A las que quisieron estar y no pudieron… A las que nos quitaron y salimos a gritar por ellas. Fuimos todas.
Registramos este momento histórico donde mujeres de todas las edades, estrato social, creencias, activismos, gustos y opiniones convergimos.
Para muchas fue su primera marcha, otras llevan años saliendo para exigir mejores condiciones de bida. Juntas nos unimos para gritar nuestro hartazgo a la violencia patriarcal que a diario enfrentamos. Juntas lo estamos haciendo posible.
EZLN closes Caracoles Due to Coronavirus and Calls on People Not to Abandon Current Struggles
Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee—General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation
March 16, 2020
To the people of Mexico:
To the peoples of the world:
To the National Indigenous Congress—Indigenous Governing Council:
To the Sixth in Mexico and abroad:
To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion:
Sisters, brothers, hermanoas:
Compañeros, compañeras, compañeroas:
We write to inform you that:
Given the serious and scientifically proven risk to human life presented by COVID-19 or “Coronavirus”;
Given the frivolous irresponsibility and lack of seriousness shown by the bad governments and the political class in its entirety who are using this serious humanitarian problem to attack each other instead of taking the necessary measures to confront a life-threatening virus which endangers all regardless of nationality, gender, race, language, religion, political affiliation, social class, or history;
Given the lack of accurate and timely information about the spread and severity of the virus and the lack of a coherent plan to confront it, and;
Given that our commitment as Zapatistas is to struggle for life;
We have decided the following:
First: We declare a red alert in all of our communities, towns, barrios, and Zapatista organizational bodies.
Second: To the Juntas de Buen Gobierno [Good Government Councils] and the Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities in Rebellion, we recommend the full and immediate closure of the Caracoles and Centers of Resistance and Rebellion.
Third: To the bases of support and the entire Zapatista organizational structure, we recommend adherence to the series of recommendations and special hygiene measures which will be distributed in all Zapatista communities, towns, and barrios.
Fourth: Given the total absence of the bad governments, we strongly urge everyone [todos, todas, todoas] in Mexico and around the world to follow the necessary scientifically-based sanitary measures that will allow us to survive this pandemic.
Fifth: We call on you to sustain the struggle against femicides and violence against women, to continue the struggle in defense of territory and Mother Earth, to maintain the struggle for the disappeared, murdered, and imprisoned, and to hold high the flag of the struggle for humanity.
Sixth: We call on all not to lose human contact, but rather to temporarily change our forms of relating as compañeras, compañeros, compañeroas, sisters, brothers, and hermanoas.
The word, the listening ear, and the heart have many ways—paths, calendars, and geographies—in and on which to meet. This struggle for life can be one of them.
That’s all.
From the mountains of Southeastern Mexico,
For the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee—General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation,
Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.
Mexico, March of 2020.