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Equipo de apoyo al Primer Encuentro Internacional, Político, Artístico, Deportivo y Cultural de Mujeres que Luchan


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(OJO: límite de registro de actividades el 9 de febrero 2018.  Límite de registro de asistencia el 8 de marzo 2018)

Compañeras, queremos compartirles cómo va caminando el registro para el Encuentro a celebrarse los días 8, 9 y 10 de marzo en el Caracol de Morelia, zona Tzotz Choj, Chiapas, México.

En lo que hemos avanzado del correo hay 651 personas registradas, con edades que van de los 5 meses a los 75 años. 38 compañeras vienen con sus crí@s.

Los lugares del mundo de los que provienen son Alemania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dinamarca, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estado Español, Estados Unidos, Francia, Grecia, Guatemala, Honduras, Inglaterra, Italia, Nación Mapuche, Nación Cree y Ojibwa, Nación Navajo, Suecia, Nicaragua, País Vasco, Paraguay, Perú, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Suiza, Uruguay, Venezuela, y 27 estados de México.

En las participaciones políticas, artísticas y deportivas hay 202 propuestas que abarcan las disciplinas de música, danza, teatro, circo, clown, poesía, cuenta cuentos, presentaciones de libros,  dibujo, fotografía, cine, futbol y volibol. También hay talleres y pláticas con las siguientes temáticas:

Talleres- Violencia de género, yoga para niñ@s, esténcil, arcilla genésica, manifiestos feministas, juegos cooperativos, valoración y uso de la sangre menstrual, género, teatro, danza y pintura como medio de sanación, sensibilización, agroecología, violaciones correctivas, toallas de tela, producción de artículos de higiene personal, descolonizando las caderas, taller sobre el cuerpo y resistencias creativas, taller de muralismo, feminismo de mujeres de color, deconstruyendo géneros, ciberfeminismo, trabajo corporal, taller de automasaje, reiki, arte abstracto-figurativo, escritura libre, grabado, pintura, creación de libros a partir de experiencias propias, aborto, bioconstrucción, danzaterapia, cocina macrobiótica, grabado, humor y género, aroma touch, reflexología .

Pláticas- Linaje femenino, cuerpo de la mujer, formas de resistencia, defensa de derechos humanos y promoción de la cultura, educación antimachista, experiencia de sobreviviente a la violencia, lucha de mujeres en Francia e Italia, aborto, menstruación y deconstrucción del uso de roles, feminicidios, experiencia de lucha del pueblo Mapuche, machismo en los medios de comunicación, la existencia lesbiana en tiempos del patriarcado, feminismo en Cuba, el amor romántico y la erotización de la violencia de género, la violencia sexual en el conflicto armado colombiano, la violencia hacia la mujer, racismo, lucha antiminera, ecofeminismo, feminismos indígenas y negros, economía feminista y sustentabilidad, seguridad humana feminista.

Aún restan muchos mensajes de correo que procesar, les agradecemos su paciencia, ya les iremos contestando.

Por otro lado, queremos informales que la fecha límite para registro como participantas es el domingo 9 de febrero inclusive. Esto para poder organizar la programación de sus participaciones.

El límite para registrarse como asistentas será el 8 de marzo inclusive. Desde el 7 de marzo habrá registro en el Caracol de Morelia.

El correo para el registro es:


Equipo de apoyo al Primer Encuentro Internacional, Político, Artístico, Deportivo y Cultural de Mujeres que Luchan.

25 de enero de 2018

Fuente: Enlace Zapatista
Foto: RZ

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Words from the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee-General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation, 1 Jan 2018

Words from the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee-General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation, January 1, 2018.

24th Anniversary of the beginning of the war against oblivion.














Today, January 1, 2018, we are here to celebrate the 24th anniversary of our armed uprising against the bad government and the neoliberal capitalist system which are the causes of all manner of death and destruction.

Just as other originary peoples, for more than 520 years we have been subjugated through exploitation, marginalization, humiliation, neglect, oblivion, and the dispossession of our lands and natural resources throughout the Mexican territory.

That’s why on January 1, 1994, we said ¡YA BASTA!, ENOUGH!—enough of living with so much injustice and death. We let the people of Mexico and the world know our demands for Democracy, Freedom, and Justice for all. We demanded land, work, dignified housing, food, health, education, independence, democracy, freedom, justice, and peace.

Now violence is everywhere, and it kills women and children, elders and youth, and even mother nature falls victim to it.

That’s why we say that our struggle is a struggle for life, for a dignified life.

And capitalism is a system of violent death, of destruction, of exploitation, of theft, of contempt.

That is what we originary peoples and the great majority of the inhabitants of this country Mexico and all over the world are lacking.

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Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

The EZLN’s Sixth Commission at the close of “Consciences for Humanity”: “From the Diaries of the Cat-Dog.” SupGaleano

From the Diaries of the Cat-Dog

Which narrates the story of how two great detectives met, a fragment of what Elías Contreras and SupGaleano talked about during the now not-so-mysterious case of the missing honeybuns, how Defensa Zapatista tore the science of language to shreds, and some idle reflections from the Sup on the above subjects.

December 30, 2017

Once again, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night.

First of all, we want to embrace to the Mapuche people who are still being attacked by the bad governments of the countries called Chile and Argentina. They have used legal ruses to again bring charges against Machi Francisca Linconao, along with other Mapuche men and women, proving once again that in this system, those who destroy nature are the good guys and those who resist, defending life, are persecuted, murdered, and imprisoned like criminals. Despite this, or precisely because of it, one word is sufficient to describe the struggle of the Mapuche people and all of the originary peoples of this continent: Marichiweu—we will win, ten, a thousand times over and always.


Yesterday, one of the women scientists who spoke here told us about a contest to write the message that will be taken by spaceship to another planet, and that the reward for the winning message is a million dollars.

The message that we propose, and which will most surely win, is: “Don’t let us come to your world. If we haven’t resolved the problems that we caused ourselves, we will make the same errors again. And in that case, we won’t come alone; we will bring a criminal system with us. We will be for your world an alien apocalypse, the much-feared eighth passenger that grows and reproduces itself through death and destruction. The motive for learning about other worlds should be the desire for knowledge, the necessity to learn, and respect for what is different, not the search for new markets for war nor for refuge from a murderous system.

Please deposit the million dollars in the bank account of the organization named “The Time has Come for the Flourishing of the People” that supports the Indigenous Governing Council.


What I am going to read was going to be our contribution to the panel yesterday, but, like Pedrito, I was on the receiving end of a “gender equality” effort (knock on the head included) and “the women that we are” won the space. So here it goes:

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(Español) EZLN invita al “Primer Encuentro internacional, político, artístico, deportivo y cultural de mujeres que luchan”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.


Escucha aquí: (Descarga aquí)  


29 de diciembre del 2017.

A las mujeres de México y el Mundo:
A las mujeres originarias de México y el Mundo:
A las mujeres de Concejo Indígena de Gobierno:
A las mujeres del Congreso Nacional Indígena:
A las mujeres de la Sexta nacional e internacional:

Compañeras, hermanas:

Les saludamos con respeto y cariño como mujeres que somos, mujeres que luchan, resisten y se rebelan en contra del sistema capitalista machista y patriarcal.

Bien que lo sabemos que el mal sistema no sólo nos explota, nos reprime, nos roba y nos desprecia como seres humanos, también nos vuelve a explotar, reprimir, robar y despreciar como mujeres que somos.

Y ahora lo sabemos porque está más peor, porque ahora, en todo el mundo, nos asesinan. Y a los asesinos, que siempre son el sistema con cara de macho, no les importa si nos matan, porque los policías, los jueces, los medios de comunicación, los malos gobiernos, todos los que allá arriba son lo que son a costa de nuestros dolores, los cubren, los solapan y hasta los premian.

Pero como quiera no tenemos miedo, o sí tenemos pero lo controlamos, y no nos rendimos, y no nos vendemos y no claudicamos.

Entonces, si eres una mujer que lucha, que no está de acuerdo con lo que nos hacen como mujeres que somos, si no tienes miedo, si tienes miedo pero lo controlas, pues entonces te invitamos a encontrarnos, a hablarnos y a escucharnos como mujeres que somos.

Por eso invitamos a todas las mujeres rebeldes del mundo al:


A celebrarse en el Caracol de Morelia, zona de Tzotz Choj, Chiapas, México, los días 8, 9 y 10 del mes de marzo del 2018. La llegada el 7 de marzo y la salida el 11 de marzo.

Si eres hombre, de balde estás escuchando o leyendo esto porque no estás invitado.

A los varones zapatistas los vamos a poner a hacer lo necesario para que podamos jugar, platicar, cantar, bailar, decir poesías, y cualquier forma de arte y cultura que tengamos para compartir sin pena. Ellos se encargarán de la cocina y de limpiar y de lo que se necesite.

Se puede participar individualmente o en colectivo. Para registrarse, está la dirección de correo electrónica:

Y pones tu nombre, de dónde eres, si eres individual o colectiva, y cómo vas a participar o si sólo vas a venir a echar fiesta con nosotras. No importa tu edad, tu color, tu tamaño, tu credo religioso, tu raza, tu modo, sólo importa que eres mujer y que luchas como sea en contra del capitalismo patriarcal y machista.

Si es que quieres venir con tus hijos que son varones porque todavía están pichitos, bueno, puedes traer, sirve que se empiezan a entender en su cabeza que, como mujeres que somos, no estamos dispuestas a seguir soportando violencia, humillaciones, burlas y chingaderas de parte de los hombres, ni del sistema.

Si te quiere acompañar un varón mayor de 16 años, ahí lo veas, pero de la cocina no pasa. Aunque tal vez ahí algo alcanza a ver y a escuchar, y algo aprende.

O sea que no se admiten hombres que no vengan acompañados por una mujer.

Es todo, acá te esperamos compañera, hermana.

Desde las montañas del sureste mexicano.

Por el Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena-Comandancia General del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional y a nombre de las niñas, jóvenas, adultas, ancianas, vivas y muertas, concejas, juntas, promotoras, milicianas, insurgentas y bases de apoyo zapatistas.

Comandantas Jessica, Esmeralda, Lucía, Zenaida y la niña Defensa Zapatista.

México, 29 de diciembre del 2017.

Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

Trump, Ockham’s Razor, Schrodinger’s Cat, and the Cat-Dog

Trump, Ockham’s Razor, Schrodinger’s Cat, and the Cat-Dog.

Listen here (in Spanish): (Descarga aquí)  

Listen to the English translation: (Descarga aquí)  

December 28, 2017.

Once again good morning, afternoon, evening, middle-of-the-night.

Perhaps some of you [alguna, alguno, algunoa] remember that the late SupMarcos insisted that the capitalist system cannot be understood without the concept of war. Supposing, of course, that it is a concept. He would say that war was the motor that had permitted, first, the expansion of capitalism, and then its consolidation as a world system. Capitalism also turns to war to confront its recurring and profound crises.

Oh, I know, what else could be expected from a solider? But I should note, as a way of making amends, that he didn’t limit “war” to military war. Maybe a rereading of his correspondence with Don Luis Villoro Toranzo in the year 2010, which was made public in early 2011, could help us understand this. In the first of these public missives, they analyze the apparent ineffectiveness of the so-called “War on Drugs,” initiated by the war videogame lover Felipe Calderón Hinojosa. And I say “apparent ineffectiveness” because basically, looking at the results, it was and is ineffective for combatting organized crime, but it was effective at installing soldiers as the de facto government in various regions.

I bring this up because, in contrast to that deceased guy, in my understanding, capitalism could be studied as a crime.

Addressing it as such would require of us scientific knowledge of subjects which might seem distant from what are traditionally known as the “social sciences.”

In short, you can catalog this theoretical detour however you’d like. Perhaps it is the product of an unfinished correspondence course on private detection begun in that faraway time when “mail” didn’t refer to online accounts and screennames, and when an address meant the postal code and not the IP, or internet protocol; a time when one could study, also by correspondence, anything from a course on locksmithing to one on aviation piloting, including, of course, the one on “how to have a body like Charles Atlas[i] without going to the gym and in only a few weeks,” which wasn’t necessary for me to take given my famously beautiful and toned legs (arrrrrroz con leche[ii]).

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Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

(Español) Participación de la Comisión Sexta en el día 1 del ConCiencias por la Humanidad. SupGaleano. Depende

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Escucha aquí: (Descarga aquí)  


27 de diciembre del 2017.

Buenos días, tardes, noches, madrugadas.

Queremos agradecerles a quienes asisten, sea aquí en el CIDECI, sea a la distancia en geografía y calendario, a este segundo Encuentro de ConCiencias por la Humanidad, cuyo tema central, se supone, es “las ciencias frente al muro”.

Celebramos que hayan decidido participar, sea como ponentes o como escuchas y videntes,

Mi nombre es SupGaleano y ahora no voy a hablarles de ciencia, ni de arte, ni de política, ni les voy a contar un cuento.

En cambio, quiero hablarles de un crimen y de sus posibles análisis o explicaciones.

Y no un crimen cualquiera, sino un crimen que rompe los calendarios y redefine el tiempo; que amalgama al criminal y a la víctima con la escena del crimen.

Un crimen, digo.  Pero… ¿Un crimen en curso?  ¿Uno ya perpetrado?  ¿Uno por cometerse?  ¿Y quién es la víctima?  ¿Quién el criminal?  ¿Cuál es la escena del crimen?

Tal vez alguna, alguno, algunoa, esté de acuerdo conmigo que los crímenes son ya parte de la realidad que se padece en México, y en cualquier parte del mundo.

Crímenes de género o feminicidios, de homofobia, racistas, laborales, ideológicos, religiosos, por la edad, por la apariencia, por negocios, por omisión, por el color, y así.

En resumen: un territorio anegado en sangre.  Tanta, que las víctimas ya no tienen nombre, son sólo números, índices estadísticos, notas de interiores o de relleno en los medios de comunicación.  Incluso cuando la sangre es de quienes, como ell@s, trabajan de comunicadores,

Miles de crímenes con minúsculas, que se alimentan de un crimen mayor,

La aberración es tan grande, que los deudos de las víctimas tienen que luchar ya no por la vida de sus ausentes, sino porque no mueran dos veces: una de muerte mortal y la otra de muerte de memoria.

Para no ir muy lejos, en México, ya se puede decir que alguien “murió de muerte natural” cuando es víctima de la violencia.

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Equipo de Apoyo a la Comisión Sexta

Announcing the Second Edition of “ConSciences for Humanity,” themed: “The Sciences Confront the Wall”

To the scientific community of Mexico and the world:

To the National and International Sixth:

The second edition of “ConSciences for Humanity,” themed “The Sciences Confront the Wall,” will be held December 26-30, 2017, at CIDECI-UniTierra, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

1. We have so far confirmed the participation of 51 scientists from 7 countries: Germany, Austria, Canada, the United States, France, Mexico (Baja California, Quintana Roo, Mexico City, Puebla, Jalisco, Morelos, Chiapas, Querétaro, State of Mexico), and Uruguay.

2. These scientists work in the areas of: Agroecology, Astrophysics, Astronomy, Biology, Biochemistry, Cosmology, Ecology, Soil Science, Ethnomycology, Physics, Genetics, Geophysics, Mathematics, Medicine, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Optics, Chemistry, and Vulcanology.

3. Registration for scientists and attendees will begin December 26, 2017. Activities begin on December 27 at 10am and finish on December 30.

4. To register as a listener/observer, email:

—Support Team for the Sixth Commission

EZLN - CNI - Adherentes a la Sexta

Trip Schedule for the Indigenous Governing Council in Chiapas, October 14-19, 2017


September 2017

To the National Indigenous Congress:
To the originary peoples of Chiapas and Mexico:
To the Chiapan and Mexican people:
To the free, alternative, autonomous, or whatever-you-call-them media:
To the national and international press:

Within the framework of the National Working Assembly between the Indigenous Governing Council and the peoples who make up the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) to be held at CIDECI, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, October 12, 13, and 19, 2017, we here inform you that individuals, groups, collectives, and organizations of the Sixth, Chiapan indigenous communities and organizations who belong to the National Indigenous Congress, and the Zapatista bases of support and EZLN Sixth Commission have organized a series of events to greet the Indigenous Governing Council—the voice, ear, and heart of the originary peoples of the CNI—which will be held in the Southeastern Mexican state of Chiapas according to the following schedule:

Saturday, October 14, 2017: Community of Guadalupe Tepeyac, MAREZ (Zapatista Autonomous Municipality in Rebellion) of “San Pedro de Michoacán.” Time undetermined, as it depends on how much time it takes to get from CIDECI to Guadalupe Tepeyac. The CIG delegation will spend the night there.

Sunday, October 15, 2017: Caracol of Morelia, MAREZ of “17 de Noviembre,” Tzotz Choj zone.  Time undetermined, as it depends on how much time it takes to get from Guadalupe Tepeyac to the caracol of Morelia. The CIG delegation will spend the night there.

Monday, October 16, 2017: Caracol of Garrucha, MAREZ of “Francisco Gómez,” Selva Tzeltal zone. Time undetermined, as it depends on how much time it takes to get from the caracol of Morelia to the caracol of Garrucha. The CIG delegation will spend the night there.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017: Caracol of Roberto Barrios, MAREZ of “Trabajo,” northern zone of Chiapas. Time undetermined, as it depends on how much time it takes to get from the caracol of Garrucha to the caracol of Roberto Barrios. The CIG delegation will spend the night there.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017: Bad government municipality of Palenque, Chiapas. 10:00am. Travel to CIDECI in San Cristóbal de las Casas. The CIG will spend the night at CIDECI.

Thursday, October 19, 2017. Caracol of Oventik, MAREZ of “San Andrés Sakamch’en de los Pobres,” Highlands zone of Chiapas. Return to CIDECI where the work of the assembly concludes.

Entry is free. There will be no distribution of food provisions, t-shirts, buckets, cement, cisterns, aluminum sheeting, baseball caps, sandwiches, juice boxes, or promises.

The free media and the paid media should register at CIDECI in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, on October 11, 12, and 13, in order to have access to specially constructed areas where they can carry out their work under appropriate conditions (especially video and photography).


Individuals, groups, collectives and organizations who are adherents of the Sixth in Chiapas
Indigenous communities and organizations of the National Indigenous Congress in Chiapas
Sixth Commission of the EZLN

Mexico, September 15, 2017

Updated dates and itinerary (3 Oct 2017)

Fechas y Rutas15cm

CNI | Comisión Sexta del EZLN

The Hour for Our Peoples to Flourish Has Arrived Another Step Forward

The Hour for Our Peoples to Flourish Has Arrived
Another Step Forward

Joint communique from the National Indigenous Congress and the Sixth Commission of the EZLN greeting the first members of the civil association, “The Hour for Our Peoples to Flourish Has Arrived.” This is a required legal step in order to register the candidacy of the spokesperson of the CIG [Indigenous Governing Council], the indigenous woman María de Jesús Patricio Martínez, for the presidency of the Mexican Republic 2018-2024.

August, 2017

To the People of Mexico:
To the Peoples of the World:
To the National and International Sixth:
Sisters, brothers, hermanoas,

Compañeras, compañeros, and compañeroas:

The originary barrios, tribes, nations, and peoples gathered in the National Indigenous Congress and the indigenous Zapatista communities salute this next step forward on the long road toward putting the name of our indigenous compañera María de Jesús Patricio Martínez on the electoral ballot in 2018 as candidate for the Mexican presidency.

This legal step has been possible thanks to the generous ear, respectful gaze, and friendly word of women and men who have earned, through their own history and efforts, a special place not only in Mexico and in the world but also, and above all, in the heart that is the color of the earth that we are.

The National Indigenous Congress as well as the indigenous Zapatistas express here our approval of and appreciation to:

María de Jesús de la Fuente de O’Higgins (Visual Artist and President of the Maria and Pablo O’Higgins Cultural Foundation)
Graciela Iturbide (Photographer)
María Baranda (Poet)
Paulina Fernández Christlieb (Ph.D. in Political Science)
Fernanda Navarro (Ph.D. in Philosophy)
Alicia Castellanos (Ph.D. in Anthropology)
Sylvia Marcos (Ph.D. in Sociology)
María Eugenia Sánchez Díaz de Rivera (Ph.D. In Sociology)
Ana Lidya Flores (Masters in Ibero-American Literature)
Paulette Dieterlen Struck (Ph.D. in Philosophy)
Márgara Millán (Ph.D. in Latin American Studies)
Domitila Domingo Manuel “Domi” (Graphic Artist)
Mercedes Olivera Bustamante (Ph.D. in Anthropology)
Bárbara Zamora (Attorney)
Magdalena Gómez (Attorney)
Rosa Albina Garavito (Masters in Sociology)
Elia Stavenhagen (Doctor)
Lidia Tamayo Flores (Harpist)
Carolina Coppel (Cultural Producer)
Pablo González Casanova (Ph.D. in Sociology)
Antonio Ramírez (Graphic and Literary Artist)
Eduardo Matos Moctezuma (Masters in Anthropological Sciences)
Javier Garciadiego ( Ph.D. in Mexican History)
Juan Carlos Rulfo (Filmmaker)
Juan Pablo Rulfo (Designer, Graphic Artist)
Francisco Toledo (Graphic Artist)
Paul Leduc (Filmmaker)
Mardonio Carballo (Writer, Journalist)
Luis de Tavira (Theater Director)
Juan Villoro (Writer)
Óscar Chávez (Singer-Songwriter)
Gilberto López y Rivas (Ph.D. in Anthropology)
Carlos López Beltrán (Ph.D. in Philosophy)
Néstor Quiñones (Graphic Artist)
Jorge Alonso (Ph.D. in Anthropology)
Raúl Delgado Wise (Ph.D. in Social Science )
Francisco Morfín Otero (Ph.D. in Philosophy)
Arturo Anguiano Orozco (Ph.D. in Sociology)
Carlos Aguirre Rojas (Ph.D. in Economics)
Pablo Fernández Christlieb (Ph.D. in Psychology)
Rodolfo Suárez Molinar (Ph.D. in Philosophy).
Leonel Rosales García, Monel (Musician from Panteón Rococó)
Rodrigo Joel Bonilla Pineda,Gorri (Musician from Panteón Rococó)
Marco Antonio Huerta Heredia, Tanis (Musician from Panteón Rococó)
Rolando Ortega, Roco Pachukote, (Musician)
Francisco Arturo Barrios Martínez, el Mastuerzo (Musician)
Panteón Rococó (Musicians)
Carlos González García (Attorney)

These persons, along with others who are currently being contacted, form part of the Civil Association named “The Hour for Our Peoples to Flourish Has Arrived,” a necessary body formed in order to begin the path of registration for the candidate whom, with respect and affection, we call “Marichuy,” so that for the first time in this country’s history, a woman from an originary people, and indigenous woman, contends for the presidency of the Mexican Republic.

Because of their honesty and commitment, all of these people hold our absolute trust and admiration. We thus presented their names to the first General Assembly of the Indigenous Governing Council held August 5 and 6, 2017. The Indigenous Governing Council received with joy the support of these brothers and sisters who are recognized across broad sectors in Mexico and the world due to their work in the sciences, arts, and social struggle.

In the face of the current war, our wager is for a real peace, that is, with democracy, freedom, and justice. This is one further step on our path to find those who we want to hear to and who we want to call to organize themselves.

From the most forgotten corners of originary Mexico, for the Full Reconstitution of Our Peoples: Never Again a Mexico Without Us!

National Indigenous Congress
Sixth Commission of the EZLN
August 6, 2017

Comisión Sexta del EZLN

Art, Resistance and Rebellion on the Net


Call to join the cybernetic edition of CompArte  “Against Capital and its Walls, All the Arts”

July, 2017

Compañeroas, compañeras and compañeros of the Sixth:

Artist and non-artist sisters and brothers [hermanoas, hermanas and hermanos] of Mexico and the world:

Avatars, screennames, webmasters, bloggers, moderators, gamers, hackers, pirates, buccaneers and streaming castaways, anti-social network users, reality show antipodes, or whatever-you-call each person on the network, the web, the internet, cyberspace, virtual reality, or whatever-it’s-called:

We are convoking you because there are some questions that are nagging at us:

Is another internet, that is to say another network, possible? Can one struggle there? Or is that space without precise geography already occupied, captured, coopted, tied, annulled, etceterized? Could there be resistance and rebellion there? Can one make Art on the net? What is that Art like? Can it rebel? Can Art on the net resist the tyranny of codes, passwords, spam as the default search engine, the MMORPGs [massively multiplayer online role-playing games] of the news on social networks where ignorance and stupidity win by millions of likes? Does Art on, by, and for the net trivialize and banalize the struggle, or does it potentiate it and scale it up, or it is “totally unrelated, my friend, it’s art, not a militant cell”? Can Art on the net claw at the walls of Capital and damage it with a crack, or deepen and persist in those that already exist? Can Art on, by, and for the net resist not only the logic of Capital, but also the logic of “distinguished” Art, “real art”? Is the virtual also virtual in its creations? Is the bit the raw material of its creation? Is it created by an individual? Where is the arrogant tribunal that, on the Net, dictates what is and what is not Art? Does Capital consider Art on, by, and for the net to be cyberterrorism, cyberdelincuency? Is the Net a space of domination, domestication, hegemony and homogeneity? Or is it a space in dispute, in struggle? Can we speak of a digital materialism?

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