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Internal complaints Catazajá beaches and family abuse and mistreatment by state officials

Now Catazajá internal beaches in northern Chiapas report abuse and violence against him and his family by jail officials. Similar situations have occurred since the end of 2010 to date in various jails in Chiapas.

Radio Zapatista

Journalism Workshop: José Gil and Marcela Turati (Proceso Magazine)

On 2 July 2011, in the context of the Proceso magazine tetralogy organized in San Cristóbal de Las Casas by RompeVientos TV and the Centro Cultural TierrAdentro, the journalists from Proceso magazine José Gil Olmos and Marcela Turati gave a journalism workshop to members of several free media collectives.

José Gil (50 min):(Descarga aquí)  

Marcela Turati (1 hr):(Descarga aquí)  

Open dialog (1:23 hr):(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

Denunciation by Concepción Avendaño: Harrassment by the Chiapas government

This July 2, 2011, day of the march against violence against women in San Cristóbal de Las Casas,the activist Concepción Avendaño Villafuerte received a citation to appear at the General Attorney’s office (PGR) this next July 5. The compañera fears for her freedom and asks that we remain attentive and calls for solidarity.(Descarga aquí)  

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Radio Zapatista

The Afrobolivian Struggle: a conversation with activists from the movement

Radio Zapatista

José Gil (Proceso) habla sobre el Movimiento por la paz con justicia y dignidad

Cuarta y última parte de la tetralogía PROCESO: José Gil Olmos en el Centro Cultural TierrAdentro, San Cristóbal de Las Casas.

El cuarto y último eslabón de la tetralogía corresponde al reportero José Gil Olmos, designado por PROCESO para la cobertura del Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad, y autor de los libros “Los brujos del poder1 y 2 y “La santa muerte”.

José Gil compartió anoche su experiencia y reflexión en la cobertura de las caravanas a la ciudad de México y a Ciudad Juárez, realizadas en el marco del movimiento que encabeza Javier Sicilia, habló sobre los retos y perspectivas, riesgos y debilidades, aportes y fortalezas de ese fenómeno social surgido del dolor y el clamor de justicia de las víctimas de la guerra de Calderón.

El reportero habló también sobre sus libros “Los brujos del poder: el ocultismo en la política mexicana1 y 2, que documentan los casos de importantes políticos mexicanos y de otros países que han recurrido a chamanes, hechiceros, espiritistas y brujos para alcanzar, expandir o conservar el poder, y para tomar decisiones que afectan a la sociedad en su conjunto.

Presentación y video(Descarga aquí)  

Palabras de José Gil(Descarga aquí)  

Diálogo con el público(Descarga aquí)  

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Radio Zapatista

Marcela Turati: “Cross Fire”, the voice of the victims of Calderon’s war

Third part of the tetralogy of the Proceso Magazine organized by Centro Cultural TierrAdentro and Rompeviento TV in San Cristóbal de Las Casas.

Marcela Turati, presented her book “Cross Fire”, where she gives voice to the victims of Calderon’s war. Children, elders, women, and men who are suddenly orphans, widwos, disappeared, or displaced, and sentenced by the official discourse which categorizes them as “collateral damage” or turns them into suspects of their own disgrace.

Presentation (4:25 min):(Descarga aquí)  

Brief words by Marcela Turati on her book Fuego cruzado (11:45 min):(Descarga aquí)  

Dialogue with the audience (1:25 hr):(Descarga aquí)  

Relatos Zapatistas

Water Politics in California with the Water Underground

Members of the Water Underground created the Aqualab…a series of activities, experiments, and artistic experiences in the Tenderloin National Forest in San Francisco. In this segment, “water agents”share how the Aqualab is a space to engage water beyond the faucet. Engaging with water by questioning and mapping where it comes from and where it is going (and in what condition) is part of making water in California a commons rather than just another resource to be consumed.

Radio Zapatista

Interview to Jenaro Villamil: Case of Isaín Mandujano, censorship in Chiapas, influence of Peña Nieto in Chiapas

We interviewed the journalist Jenaro Villamil, reporter for the magazine Proceso, who spoke about the harrasment suffered currently by the journalist Isaín Mandujano, the censorship and harrassment to critical journalists in Chiapas, and the influence of Enrique Peña Nieto in the state of Chiapas.(Descarga aquí)  

Read the letter sent by Isaín Mandujano (Spanish):

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Radio Zapatista

Jenaro Villamil: Peña Nieto’s “reality show” and the “presidency” of Televisa

Jenaro Villamil, journalist for the magazine Proceso, presented last night his books Si yo fuera Presidente: el “reality show” de Peña Nieto and El Sexenio de Televisa: conjuras del poder mediático. During the presentation at Centro Cultural Tierra Adentro, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Villamil spoke about Televisa’s political power and its alliances with Enrique Peña Nieto and the government of the state of Mexico, as well as his links with the state of Chiapas.

Jenaro Villamil participated in the negotiations for the reform of the federal law of radio and television in 2001 and 2002, was a promoter of the federal law of transparency and access to public information. He is currently a graduate professor of political journalism at the Carlos Septién García School and is author of several books.

Ponencia:(Descarga aquí)  

Preguntas y respuestas:(Descarga aquí)  
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Saludo de solsticio para Oventik desde Argentina

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