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Radio Zapatista

Interview to the migrant rights activist Cristóbal Sánchez, in hunger strike in Tapachula, Chiapas

Entrevistamos a Cristóbal Sánchez Sánchez, estudiante, defensor de derechos humanos y coordinador de la caravana “Paso a paso hacia la Paz”, quien se encuentra en huelga de hambre en Tapachula, Chiapas, para exigir la destitución y castigo de los policías estatales y de migración que lo agredieron, golpearon y detuvieron arbitrariamente mientras documentaba un operativo de la policía migratoria.

Cristóbal habla sobre su detención y los abusos que sufrió, sobre la situación de los migrantes en México y sobre la caravana Paso a paso hacia la Paz.

(Más información sobre la caravana aquí.)
(Descarga aquí)  

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Radio Zapatista

Limeddh: Report on the situation of the victims of the overflowing of the Grijalva river in 2007 and testimonies

Conferencia de prensa de la Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos A.C. (Limeddh), la red de alerta temprana y organizaciones solidarias. En este informe se aborda graves violaciones a los derechos económicos sociales y culturales (e irregularidades en posteriores programas de apoyo a damnificados) que se dan a partir de dicho desastre fruto del seguimiento e investigación de lo sucedido desde las inundaciones del 2007 a la fecha (2011).

Presentación – Alma (Limeddh):(Descarga aquí)  

Aurelio Morales (Limeddh – difusión):(Descarga aquí)  

Abigail Escalante (Limeddh – abogada) – Irregularidades en el proceso de los presos de Tecpatán y Frontera Comalapa:(Descarga aquí)  

Aurelio Morales – comentarios sobre el caso de los detenidos:(Descarga aquí)  

Aurelio Morales – Ciudades Rurales “Sustentables”:(Descarga aquí)  

Miguel Angel García (Maderas del Pueblo) – Ciudades Rurales:(Descarga aquí)  

Victorino González (testimonio de la comunidad de Rómulo Calzada, conocida como Herradura):(Descarga aquí)  

Testimonios de familiares de los detenidos):
(Descarga aquí)  
(Descarga aquí)  
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Comentarios de la abogada Abigail Escalante:
(Descarga aquí)  

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Radio Zapatista

The student movement in Chile: Report from the mega-march in Santiago on July 14, 2011

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

En este reportaje, salimos a la mega-marcha de estudiantes y trabajadores en Santiago de Chile el 14 de julio 2011, para escuchar las voces de los manifestantes en su lucha contra el neoliberalismo y por la democracia y la educación pública. También hablamos con un activista de Santiago sobre la historia de la privatización de la educación para entender mejor el cómo y porqué de la lucha actual en Chile.

(Descarga aquí)  
Radio Pozol

Audio on the situation of Cristóbal Sánchez, human rights activist on hunger strike in Chiapas

From Tapachula, Chiapas, human rights activists comment on the situation of Cristóbal Sánchez, who is in hunger strike since July 17.

More info here.

KeHuelga Radio

News by KeHuelga Radio

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Espacio de Noticias de la Ké Huelga Radio, en donde encontrarás, entre otros temas:

  • Avance contra el fuero militar
  • Y mientras, los militares piden impunidad
  • Sigue el terror
  • Chiapas: Sigue la ofensiva contra las comunidades en resistencia grabada
  • En defensa de Mexicana
  • Tlaxcala: Sandak se da a la huida
  • Manzanillo: huelga de hambre contra maltrato laboral
  • Cuando el destino nos alcanzó: hambruna en el Cuerno de África
Radio Zapatista

Interview to the Digna Ochoa Human Rights Center – Coast Zone of Chiapas

Yasmín Guadalupe Hernández Núñez, legal counselor of the Digna Ochoa Human Rights Center in Tonalá, Costal Zone of Chiapas, speaks of the government’s harrassment against the center’s director Nataniel Hernández and his family, the criminalization of human rights activists in the country, and the National and Internacional Campaign agaisnt Judicial Harrassment and Criminalization of Human Rights Defenders and Social Activists in México.

Radio Teocelo

Interview to the Autonomous Regional Council of the Coastal Zone on the criminalization of human rights defenders in Chiapas

Interview to members of the Autonomous Regional Council of the Coastal Zone of Chiapas, adherents to the Other Campaign, who explain the criminalization and persecution by the Mexican state to the Digna Ochoa Human Rights Center, in particular its director Nataniel Hernández Núñez. The interview is part of the weekly radio column in Radio Teocelo (Veracruz) via internet from Barcelona, Spain. This time, the interview was a connection between Barcelona, Chiapas, and Radio Teocelo, Veracruz.

(Descarga aquí)  

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Noticias de la Otra

Repression and arbitrariness at the “first sustainable rural city of the world” Nuevo Juan de Grijalva

Nuevo Juan de Grijalva is the dearest project of the Chiapas Government and promoted as the first sustainable rural city of the world and the solution to poverty. However, since it was inaugurated its residents have denounced that there are no jobs, the “sustainable” projects don’t work, electricity rates are exorbitant, the clinic doesn’t work, and, in general, they live a desperate situation. The city was built after a supposedly natural accident that destroyed homes and lands when the Grijalva river burst its bank. The Chiapas government committed to compensate the people for the damages to their lands and homes, but it never did. Now a large work is underway by the Federal Electric Commission, which will affect large extensions of land. Once again, the government committed to idemnify the residents for the destruction of their lands, but it never did. Without other alternatives, the residents of Nuevo Juan de Grijalva organized a demonstration. Instead of complying with its promises, the government’s answer was the illegal detention of of the demonstrators, with an outburst of arbitrariness and injustice typical of the authoritarian and arrogant ways of the governor Juan Sabines Guerrero. After a long struggle and the intervention of human rights organizations and even the United Nations, the prisoners were freed. In a visit with the Free Media Network of Chiapas, we spoke with some of them, who shared with us their experience.

(Descarga aquí)  
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Incriminating leaders of the Popular Front Organization Lucio Cabañas del Municipio de Las Margaritas

People outside the Popular Front Organization Lucio Cabañas take land on behalf of that organization and the State Government incriminating their leaders without these facts are true.

Disidente Radio

Interview to Roberto Gamboa from the Montaña Tlachinolan Human Rights Center

Hear the interview to Roberto Gamboa from the Montaña Tlachinolan Human Rights Center, who speaks about the situation in Guerrero.(Descarga aquí)  
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