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Radio Zapatista

(Español) Mujeres tseltales organizadas de Chiapas luchan y denuncian el despojo y la discriminación

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En Chiapas, hay  mujeres que se siguen organizando y luchando a pesar de todo. En esta cápsula, mujeres tzeltales de comunidades en Amatenango del Valle y Venustiano Carranza narran los trabajos que hacen en sus colectivos y denuncian lo que se vive en sus comunidades: el despojo de tierras,  la naturaleza mafiosa de programas como el Oportunidades y la discriminación en los servicios de salud. También nos comparten su determinación para seguir luchando.

La canción utilizada en esta cápsula es Colibrí de Rosa de Lucy Sessions.

(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

(Español) Para entender la contrareforma agraria y defender al ejido: ¿Cómo son estos cambios y qué buscan?

Asamblea de Pueblos Indígenas del Istmo

(Español) Amenazas e intimidación contra integrantes de las comunidad organizada en Juchitan que resiste al proyecto eólico en el Istmo

Radio Zapatista

The struggle against the Wind Farm Project and Radio Totopo: Feeding Resistance

Radio Zapatista

(Español) Primer día del Encuentro de Pueblos en Resistencia por la Defensa del Territorio, Istmo de Tehuantepec

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Audio de representantes de las distintas Asambleas del Istmo en contra de las eólicas

Durante el primer día compañeras en resistencia dan la bienvenida al Foro afirmando que “La Tierra, el Mar y el Viento no se venden, se defienden”.

Jamas se ha consultado a las comunidades sobre proyectos eolicos solo recibimos represión, denuncian también mujeres de Cd Hidalgo #Oaxaca.

Un abuelo de San Mateo del Mar dío su testimonio y comentó como era antes su vida en el mar y como ahora participa en la defensa de la #MadreTierra.

Radio Zapatista

From the Forum of People resisting in defense of their territory, Oaxaca

Koman Ilel y Movimiento del Pueblo de El Bosque por la Libertad de Alberto Patishtán

Documentary: Alberto Patishtán

The death of 7 policement in an ambush perpetrated by an armed group in the municipality of El Bosque in 2000 was the motive for which Alberto Patishtán Gómez was sent to jail, sentenced to 60 years for a crime he did not commit, and of which he was accused as political revenge for his struggle in support of his people and against the abuses of the local government. A social activist of the Tsotsil people.

Based on interviews and testimonies, this documentary recreates the real motives that led Alberto Patishtán to jail. We see how his people have struggled to liberate him and the injustices committed by the very institutions in charge of ensuring Justice, against him an, as a consequence, against all organized peoples in Chiapas.

Radio Zapatista

San Marcos Avilés: Report from the Civil Observation Mission


Asesinan a ejidatario de la Otra Campaña (Sexta) en Bachajón

San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas

April 25, 2013

Frayba Urgent Information Note

Ejidatario from The Other Campaign in Bachajón Chiapas is Murdered

The Centre for Human Rights condemns the assassination of Juan Vázquez Guzmán, former Secretary General of the adherents to the Other Campaign (La Sexta) in the ejido of San Sebastián Bachajón, who was noted for his active participation in the defense of Land and Territory against the government plunder of the Agua Azul Waterfalls and the imposition of the Toll Booth at the entrance.

According to information given to this Centre, on Wednesday April 24 at 23:00 pm persons unknown shot Juan Vázquez five times, killing him instantly.

Neighbors say that Juan was attacked just as he was arriving home, the attackers immediately fled in a red van, with a double cab, taking the road to the municipal headquarters of Sitalá, thus also having access to the roads to the municipalities of Ocosingo, Cancúc and Chilón.

Since 2007, Juan Vázquez had been active in the defense of the Land and Territory of San Sebastian Bachajónone, a situation for which they held an order for legal protection (amparo) which is currently being reviewed in the Third Collegiate Court, based in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, under case number 118/2013.

On April 17th the ejidatarios of San Sebastian Bachajón, adherents to the Other Campaign of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, publicly denounced two that their Territory is being threatened by the official policy of territorial dispossession which is continuing under the current  state government.

1 Video of the struggle for the defense of the Territory, available at: #!

2 See note and statement available at:

Red de Radios Comunitarias de la Sierra de Veracruz

Towards Good Life for the people: A life free from violence with a comunitarian perespective