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Pelican Bay Hunger Strike

Torturous conditions to break our resolve: July 16 Statement from Pelican Bay

Video created by Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity leading up to the start of the strike on July 1st in 2011

Greetings, solidarity, love, and respect to all our loved ones and supporters.

We want to provide a brief update on our collective struggle to end the torture of long-term solitary confinement. As expected the CDCR has responded to the resumption of our peaceful protest by retaliating against 14 of us here at Pelican Bay, subjecting us to similar escalation as in 2011.

Specifically, on July 11, 2013, we were placed in Administrative Segregation (Ad-Seg), where we are subjected to more torturous conditions than in the SHU. Despite this diabolical act on the part of the CDCR intended to break our resolve and hasten our deaths, we remain strong and united! We are 100% committed to our cause and will end our peaceful action when CDCR signs a legally binding agreement to our demands.

Please join us in our struggle to stop CDCR from trying to destroy our lives, and the lives of our families.

We can only win our demands with your support!

In Solidarity,

PBSP-SHU Short Corridor Representatives

– Todd Ashker, C-58191, PBSP-SHU, D4-121

– Arturo Castellanos, C-17275, PBSP-SHU, D1-121

– Sitawa Nantambu Jamaa (Dewberry), C-35671, PBSP-SHU,D1-117

– Antonio Guillen, P-81948, PBSP-SHU, D2-106

More info available at:


(Español) Solidaridad y acompañamiento contra la represión: Entrevista a hijxs de presos Loxichas

Nelson Maca - Coletivo Blackitude

Against the Reduction of Legal Age in Brazil

Poema y video realizado por el poeta y compañero Nelson Maca, en apoyo a la campaña “Contra la reducción de la mayoría de edad penal” en Brasil, articulada por el poeta Akins Kinté.

Mayoría de Edad – Nelson Maca

No vio el blanco del arroz ni sabe lo que es frijol
En la calle la cama es periódico y la cobija, cartón
El juguete no llegó, con el lápiz se decepcionó
Primero agua de la fuente, fuego en la piedra después
Padre y madre nunca vio, mamó en las tetas del terror
Creció en los brazos de la soledad, abrazado al desamor

Tú que nunca pisaste la espina de la negación
Piensas que el crimen se escoge, opción por la perversión
Tú que crías a tu perro en la lógica de la humanidad
Y pregonas justicia humana con clase, color y edad
Aguzas tu sadismo viendo jóvenes en el penal
Financias proyectos racistas para limpiar la ciudad

Apoyo la minoría de edad del frijol con arroz y verdura
Y la cama hecha por manos de madre con calor de ternura
Emancipación de la infancia, mayoría de edad de la educación
Por el derecho a un padre, libertad en vez de prisión
Contra el juicio racista que personifica el mal
Estoy en contra de la reducción de la mayoría de edad penal

Red Contra la Represión Chiapas

Threats against zapatistas from San Marcos Avilés

Audio about the new threats of displacement against Zapatista Bases of Support from San Marcos Avilés, by Red Contra la Represión Chiapas.
(Descarga aquí)  

X Carolina

California Prisoner Hunger Strike Begins

Note: This is not a translation from the note in Spanish, but an entry from the blog

Who: Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition
What: California Prisoners Begin 3rd Peaceful Hunger Strike and Work Actions
When: Monday, July 8, 2013, 11am
Where: Elihu Harris CA State Office Building, 1515 Clay St, Oakland, CA

Oakland—Family members, advocates, and lawyers will announce their support for the peaceful hunger strike and job actions beginning today throughout the California prisons starting on Monday July 8. Prisoners have been clear since January that they are willing to starve themselves unless the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) agrees to negotiate honestly about their demands.

On June 20, prisoners being held in solitary confinement at the notorious Pelican Bay State Prison Security Housing Unit describe their actions:

“The principal prisoner representatives from the PBSP SHU Short Corridor Collective Human Rights Movement do hereby present public notice that our nonviolent peaceful protest of our subjection to decades of indefinite state-sanctioned torture, via long term solitary confinement will resume today, consisting of a hunger strike/work stoppage of indefinite duration until CDCR signs a legally binding agreement meeting our demands, the heart of which mandates an end to long-term solitary confinement (as well as additional major reforms).

Our decision does not come lightly. For the past (2) years we’ve patiently kept an open dialogue with state officials, attempting to hold them to their promise to implement meaningful reforms, responsive to our demands. For the past seven months we have repeatedly pointed out CDCR’s failure to honor their word—and we have explained in detail the ways in which they’ve acted in bad faith and what they need to do to avoid the resumption of our protest action.

On June 19, 2013, we participated in a mediation session ordered by the Judge in our class action lawsuit, which unfortunately did not result in CDCR officials agreeing to settle the case on acceptable terms. While the mediation process will likely continue, it is clear to us that we must be prepared to renew our political non-violent protest on July 8th to stop torture in the SHUs and Ad-Segs of CDCR.

Thus we are presently out of alternative options for achieving the long overdue reform to this system and, specifically, an end to state-sanctioned torture, and now we have to put our lives on the line via indefinite hunger strike to force CDCR to do what’s right.

We are certain that we will prevail…. the only questions being: How many will die starvation-related deaths before state officials sign the agreement?

The world is watching!”

While the CDCR has claimed to have made reforms to its SHU system—how a prisoner ends up in the solitary units, for how long, and how they can go about getting released into the general population—prisoners’ rights advocates and family members point out that the CDCR has potentially broadened the use of solitary confinement, and that conditions in the SHUs continue to constitute grave human rights violations. The California prison system currently holds over 10,000 prisoners in solitary confinement units, with dozens having spent more than 20 years each in isolation. Conditions in Pelican Bay State Prison’s SHU sparked massive waves of hunger strikes in 2011 that saw the participation of 12,000 prisoners in at least a third of California’s 33 prisons.

Koman Ilel

(Español) Vídeo sobre la liberación de lxs presxs Solidarios de la Voz del Amate


(Español) Libres Presos Solidarios de la Voz del Amate

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Libres presos Solidarios del Amate. Fueron entregados por Patishtan pero él y Alejandro Díaz siguen encarcelados.

Radio Zapatista

Presenting the novel La Reina del Cine Roma

Invitación: (Descarga aquí)

Radio Zapatista

Libertad para Miguel Vázquez, uno de los tres adherentes a la Sexta de San Sebastián Bachajón que fueron torturados y encarcelados

Radio Zapatista

We want to see the candle of Justice lit in Mexico: Freedom for Alberto Patishtan