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Taller de Medios Libres

Invitation to join the campaign “Land is not for sale, men and women have it, cultivate it, and defend it”

Chol compañera Odilia López Állvaro, from the Women’s Rights Center of Chiapas, invites to join the beginning of the campaign “Land is not for sale, men and women have it, cultivate it, and defend it,” which was launched yesterday in the Chiapas Women’s Assembly of the Other Campaign.

Relatos Zapatistas

Interview about People’s Hearing on Racial Profiling and Police Violence

We interview Mike Flynn  the President of the National Lawyers Guild San Francisco Chapter about the recent People’s Hearing on Racial Profiling and Police Violence that happened this month on Feb 19th and 20th. Mike was one of many organizers who made this space possible. Mike speaks about the history of the organizing efforts and specifically what made this critical space possible, the structure of the people’s hearing, why such a strategy is necessary a midst a low intensity war happening in communities of color here in oakland, and the success of this specific space.

Complete Video and Audio of the People’s Hearing can be found at

Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas Programa De Marzo

The focus of this month’s show is war. War is everywhere, it surrounds us and permeates every aspect of society; war is strikingly apparent, captivating our eyes and ears with gunfire and explosions, but it is also silent, subtle, seemingly innocuous, difficult and at times even impossible to see. War is also everyday life under capitalism. War therefore takes many different forms simultaneously. What we want to do today is not simply report about sites of war but examine some of war’s different modes, the forms that war takes across space and time. We will look at three formations: Mexico and the narco-state, North Africa and the repressive state apparatus, and the Bay Area and the police state. Despite their differences, all of these geopolitical sites have experienced the varying but devastating effects of war and, furthermore, they all recognize that the enemy is the state in some form or another, state agents or institutions like the police or the military tied to bureaucracies of power and the reins of capital.

The full intro can be found at

Radio Zapatista

Women’s Assembly of the Other Campaign Chiapas

Women’s Assembly – Cideci/Universidad de la Tierra, Chiapas – 7 March 2011

Taller de Medios Libres

March 8 Special: Voices of women in resistance in Chiapas

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

  • Mujeres de San Sebastián Bachajón que luchan por tierra, justicia y libertad. Hablan sobre cómo resisten al despojo gubernamental y agradecen muestras de solidaridad.
  • Activistas describen la situación de los derechos de la mujer en Chiapas.
  • Las mujeres del ejido Cintalapa en huelga de hambre en el plantón frente al palacio de gobierno en Tuxtla Gutiérrez.
Taller de Medios Libres

Remembering Zapatista women in this International Women’s Day

These audios, produced by the Free Media Workshop Chiapas, celebrates zapatista women this International Women’s Day.

Words by Comandanta Esther in the Mexican Congress, 2001:(Descarga aquí)  
Words of zapatista women in the Mamá Corral encounter, 2009:(Descarga aquí)  

(Continuar leyendo…)

Radio Zapatista

Comunicado de San Sebastián Bachajón, 7 mar 2011

The adherents to the Other Campaign from the ejido of San Sebastián Bachajón began today an action for an undetermined time in the crossroads to the waterfalls of Agua Azul, on the Palenque-Ocosingo highway. This morning, they sent this communiqué to explain the reasons of the action. Please publish widely.(Descarga aquí)  

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Koman Ilel

Invitation from the Women of Abejas to the march on March 8

Invitation by the Women’s Group and the Direction of the Civil Sllciety  Las Abejas de Acteal  to join them in the Women’sMarch Abejas on March 8. We hope you would come join us in the morning of March 8 to celebrate and demand. (Continuar leyendo…)

Radio Zapatista

Feminicides in Chiapas

Although much has been said about feminicides in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, almost nothing is known about the violence against women in the state of Chiapas. However, according to data obtained by the Women’s Collective of San Cristóbal de Las Casas (Colem), Chiapas is the state with the most feminicides in Mexico. In interview with Radio Zapatista, Martha Figueroa from Colem and Alma from the Center for Women’s Rights of Chiapas speak about the situation of women in this state.

Aunque mucho se ha dicho sobre los feminicidios en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, casi nada se sabe sobre la violencia contra la mujer en el estado de Chiapas. Sin embargo, según datos obtenidos por el Colectivo de Mujeres de San Cristóbal de Las Casas (Colem), Chiapas es el estado con mayor número de feminicidios en México. En entrevista a Radio Zapatista, Martha Figueroa del Colem y la compañera Alma del Centro de Derechos de la Mujer de Chiapas hablan sobre la situación de la mujer en este estado.

Radio Zapatista

La Onda Bajita: March Program

  • Repression in Chiapas: Bachajón, Mitzitón, Coast of Chiapas
  • Political prisoners of Chiapas
  • Feminicides in Chiapas